haskell tail recursion modulo cons

The speculative transformations could be thrown away if it is not possible to eliminate all the allocation of the reified continuations. Also note that the associative property allows you to regroup the operations in other useful ways, such as divide-and-conquer: Or automatic parallelism, where each thread reduces a subrange to a value that is then combined with the others. As far as I know, this technique was first described in 1974, in Daniel Friedman and David Wise’s paper, “Folding Stylized Recursions into Iterations”, although they assumed a few more properties than it turns out they needed to. recursion-schemes-5.2.1: Representing common recursion patterns as higher-order functions. Description private void quicksort(int low, int high) { int i = low, j = high; int pivot = Tail recursion modulo cons inconsistency. 1 Haskell λ CS 381 • Haskell 1 Change vs. 1 ... Browse other questions tagged optimization haskell tail-recursion combinators fold or ask your own question. So which one gets to be <> for a Double? tail recursion modulo cons. This is perfectly fine, but there's an even better answer: we can build up the list from front to back instead of back to front. I’m going to beat around the bush for a while, but there is a point. More precisely, we are allowed to cons a known value (that is, a value that is independent of the recursive call) onto the result of the recursive call. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. (If you already know all this, you can skip to the next section.). The list of elements the algorithm applies <> to. Popular subjects. When Doug told me about this, he couldn't remember the details, but we had fun figuring it out for ourselves. The property of cons that seems key here is that it can "process" its first argument without access to the final value of the second argument, which we can slot into place later. Clearly gcc has some missed optimizations here, e.g. Jump to navigation Jump to search. If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence. Input: 3 `mod` 12 Output: 3 Example 2. This is your regular tail recursion modulo cons right there, especially that Haskell is lazy and the result is consumed on demand – head first, tail later – triggering the actual recursive call in truly a tail position, after the lazy cons (:) data constructor has been consumed / destructed / traversed over. GCC (but not Clang) is able to optimize this example of "tail recursion modulo multiplication," but it's unclear what mechanism allows it to discover this or how it makes its transformations. Is there any text to speech program that will run on an 8- or 16-bit CPU? As the name suggests, it applies when the only operation left to perform … Haha! Another way to express it that is: you iterate over the values to be multiplied, keeping the running product in an accumulator, and on each iteration, you multiply the accumulator by the next value. In theory, it has enough information at compile time to figure out it should do so here: [x] is a singleton, so [x]<>xs is the same as cons x xs. In other words, the last thing that the function does is to call itself. So you would need to use another structure, such as a pair of lists or binary tree, to represent an algorithm that could apply x on the right of <> as well as to the left. The same expansion now gives us 2+2+2+2 instead of 2*2*2*2. this is transformed into a tail call to the function which is also passed a pointer to where its result should be written. If your algorithm ever reaches a base case and terminates, the list will be non-empty. No particular cleverness is needed for this. cons) to an application of a non-primitive function. ; Healthcare & Medicine Get vital skills and training in everything from Parkinson’s disease to nutrition, with our online healthcare courses. (3) I don't think that the first version of addone should lead to less efficient code. Right. not if your compiler performs tail recursion modulo cons optimization. That is, it expands [Product 2,Product 2,Product 2,Product 2] to 2<>(2<>(2<>(2))). Define tail recursion modulo cons by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. How do you apply a binary reduction operation to every element of a list in order? In Haskell, arrays are called lists. For example consider the recursive definition of factorial: f(0)=1 f(x)=x*f(x-1) In Haskell we would write: ... (Cons x y) = x tail (Cons x y) = y head returns the first element, while tail returns the same list but without the first element. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 4 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word tail recursion modulo cons: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "tail recursion modulo cons… Tail Recursion. This is why we needed the operation to be associative: we just changed the grouping of the parentheses! But I gave one other example of a Haskell monoid: lists, whose operation is concatenation. One such example (also described on the wiki page linked above) is "tail recursion modulo cons," which allows post-processing the result of the recursive call with a call to cons. Should I avoid tail recursion in Prolog and in general? Difference between Tail-Recursion and structural recursion. Do Magic Tattoos exist in past editions of D&D? Modern compilers optimize certain kinds of recursive calls to eliminate this overhead. We started with two numbers, so it’s a binary operation, and got one, so we reduced the count of numbers we had by one, making this a reduction operation. All that remains is a little initial bookkeeping to set up the recursive behavior. I don't know what logic GCC uses.” My answer, similarly, was showing that the transformation is theoretically justified, not saying that it’s the implementation method any given compiler uses. It only takes a minute to sign up. This can only be done if the code is compiled outside GHCi. If you feel already confident with using lists you can skip to this part. So you can substitute [x] for x, get a list of elements to reduce by <>, and then either right-fold or left-fold the list: The version with foldr1 actually exists in the standard library, as sconcat for Semigroup and mconcat for Monoid. So, the real numbers under multiplication are a semigroup. The key is to use cons (: in haskell, | in erlang) instead of list concatenation operator (++ in haskell and erlang.) What property of cons allows elimination of tail recursion modulo cons? – Will Ness Oct 24 '12 at 19:04. If x, y and z are some natural numbers (or integers, or rational numbers, or real numbers, or complex numbers, or N×N matrices, or any of a whole bunch more things), then x×y is the same kind of number as both x and y. So you might repeatedly add patches to a file to get an updated file, or starting with an initial value of 1.0, divide by integers to accumulate a floating-point result. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Safe Haskell: Safe: Language: Haskell2010: Data.Functor.Base. Can any recursion implementation be written as tail-recursion? applyPow(k, acc) then becomes just k*acc which we can inline back into pow2 and simplify producing: A tail-recursive, accumulator-passing style version of the original pow. The tail recursive version eliminated the need to store all these computational intermediaries. What functions other than cons can wrap a recursive tail call without destroying our ability to rewrite it iteratively? Safe Haskell: Safe: Language: Haskell2010: Data.Functor.Base. f.) / scanl/ until/ iterate/ unfoldr/ etc. For recursive functions this means we have to minimise the number of function calls that have to be stored on the stack. And Haskell's guarded recursion is just like tail recursion modulo cons. Let's study the evaluation of an example expression: We ca… I don't know what logic GCC uses. A set with an operation that has these properties is a semigroup. cons) to an application of a non-primitive function. This pull request introduces tail-recursion modulo constructor, which allows to write a version List.map that is both tail-recursive and natural. Because we used only semigroup operations that lists have too, the resulting list will be isomorphic to the original computation. So, the fold calculates (4<>2)<>2, then immediately calculates8<>2, then 16. And Haskell's guarded recursion is just like tail recursion modulo cons. One answer is to transform the code using the typical tail recursive trick, introducing an accumulator argument that we cons onto in each recursive call and then reverse in the base case. Also, this example happened to use mempty for one of the cases, but if we hadn’t needed that, we could have done it with the more general typeclass Semigroup. It was described (though not named) by Daniel P. Friedman and David S. Wise in 1974 as a LISP compilation technique. What functions other than cons can wrap a recursive tail call without destroying our ability to rewrite it iteratively? In general, we can talk about a tail call: any function that ends by returning another function call by itself. Tail recursion modulo cons. Why does US Code not allow a 15A single receptacle on a 20A circuit? division of integers, which has all three problems! @Davislor While related to CPS, SSA does not affect the control flow of a procedure nor does it reify the stack (or otherwise introduce data structures that would need to be dynamically allocated). Is it always smaller? My point is simply having done this reasoning once, it's relatively easy to recognize the pattern and immediately translate the original source code into this final form. That means instead of passing k around as a list which is essentially some incomplete "syntax" that we'll "interpret" at the end, we can "interpret" it as we go. GCC (but not Clang) is able to optimize this example of "tail recursion modulo multiplication," but it's unclear what mechanism allows it to discover this or how it makes its transformations. This pattern of CPS transforming and defunctionalizing is a quite powerful tool for understanding, and is used to good effect in a series of papers I list here. Here, though, we’re reducing a sequence of operations to a simple value, so a strict left fold is what we want. I was responding to, “I'm not saying GCC does all this reasoning at compile-time. prolog - notes - tail recursion haskell example . Use MathJax to format equations. Do they emit light of the same energy? As the name suggests, the only operation needed after the recursive call is a "cons", which adds a new element to the front of the list that was returned. And with the right import, [a] <> [b] is an alias for [a] ++ [b], which is [a,b]. It does a lazy right fold on the list. Recursion works and we can match a cons pattern (first and rest of a list). That's why foldr (with a strict combining function) expresses recursion, and foldl' (with strict comb. Examples using Haskell Let’s use Haskell to demonstrate a program that sums a list of integers. In particular, if the function directly returns the result of the recursive call, the current stack frame can be reused. Tail Recursion in Haskell (2) There are two issues here. Tail recursion modulo cons This is a compiler optimization that effectively makes functions like the following tail recursive: map(F, [H|T]) -> [F(H)|map(F, T)]; map(_, []) -> []. A tail call is where the last statement of a function is a function call. Corecursion is everywhere. The two arguments of the binary operation don’t have to be the same type, so long as the initial value is the same type as your result. But if you were building a strict-spined list in a language environment with a very limited call stack size and no support for tail recursion modulo cons, this could be a reasonable thing to do. These are called tail recursive functions: the very last thing that happens in the function (the tail) is a function call. Tail recursion modulo cons is a generalization of tail recursion optimization introduced by David H. D. Warren in the context of compilation of Prolog, seen as an explicitly set once language. Notes for 'Thinking with Types: Type-level Programming in Haskell', Chapters 1–5. Previously, I said that there is another instance of Monoid called Sum, whose <> operation is +. In code, we first define a helper function that implements this recursive behavior, side-effecting the cdr of the accumulator with the new cons cell. Which list? And since the original operation was associative, we can equally well evaluate the elements from back to front or from front to back. The upshot is that we can replace Nil with the unit of the monoid, 1 in this case, and Cons with the operation of the monoid, *, and now k represents the "running product". What's the difference between 「お昼前」 and 「午前」? This leads to some more simplification of the code: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Typically, a fold deals with two things: a combining function, and a data structure, typically a list of elements. It applies when the last thing a function does is to apply a constructor functions (e.g. It applies when the last thing a function does is to apply a constructor functions (e.g. Base Functors for standard types not already expressed as a fixed point. Haskell will eliminate tail calls if compiler optimization is turned on. Tail recursion modulo cons Richard Carlsson richardc@REDACTED Thu Nov 21 09:52:51 CET 2002. But since * is associative and generally forms a monoid with unit 1, we can reassociate this into ((x*x)*x)*acc, and, for simplicity, tack a 1 on to start, producing (((1*x)*x)*x)*acc. Tail recursion has come up in a few conversations this week. tail recursion modulo cons. The basic idea is that you do "most" of the cons before making the recursive call. MathJax reference. Or prepend elements to the empty list to get a list. cons) to an application of a non-primitive function. The pattern to apply this technique to are ones which involve a tail recursion and a cons step. haskell - examples - tail recursion modulo cons . Here's a random paper from the '70s that might be related (I haven't finished it yet). By simply replacing x with [x], you convert the generic algorithm that uses recursion modulo a semigroup into one that creates a list. It turns out that functions of this form can be optimized to use constant stack space, just like tail recursive functions. Can you identify this restaurant at this address in 2011? Using TRMC Getting the benefits of TRMC is opt-in. That’s pretty abstract, but multiplication is a good example. Accumulating parameters is merely a means to turn an almost tail recursive implementation into a tail recursive implementation. That’s enough information to translate your algorithm into a Haskell function using monoids: Importantly, note that this is tail recursion modulo semigroup: every case is either a value, a tail-recursive call, or the semigroup product of both. I also understand that, as a special case, the function can still be rewritten if the recursive call is wrapped in a call to cons. :) Then it works just like guarded recursion with a strict data constructor. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The version with foldl1' is a strictly-evaluated left fold. Notice the difference between foldl and foldr's order of function combination so their high order function injected is slightly different. (Although, as you know, many compilers do transform a program into CPS during optimization. This is not efficient in this case because you can’t do anything with the individual terms until you generate all of them. This post explores a generalization of tail call optimization that I wasn't aware of until Doug described it to me. (Exercise: show that the non-tail call factorial definition is a tail call modulo cons and that it can be transformed into the first definition.) It means that something is defined in a self-referential way. I'll use pow to illustrate since you're foo is so vaguely defined. ), We can do an experiment to test that associativity is the key to GCC's ability to do this optimization: a. Well, either one! adding any of those kinds of numbers instead of multiplying, taking the union or the intersection of sets, multiplication over the negative numbers, because -1 × -1 is not a negative number. Description. It can sometimes be made just as efficient. Recursion Hello recursion! While GCC likely uses ad-hoc rules, you can derive them in the following way. Haskell have built in type for list recursion, and we can inject some high-order function into the foldl and foldr to get the ideal list we want. Essentially, you can have each field of the struct foo returns represented by single-assignment variables that are then passed to foo as additional arguments. Lisp compilation technique probably familiar with tail recursion modulo cons optimization fold deals with different. Accumulator argument and add each element to that as we recurse Wars still Fought with Mostly Non-Magical?! 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