sccm boundaries and change from ad site to ip subnet

# Boundary2,IPSubnet,,Group2,cm2.its.lab # This is the format the the CSV file needs to be in. Today I read a blog article about boundaries and boundary groups that says that IP subnet or range is better and that in addition to incorrect boundaries or boundaries not being set, that AD site boundaries have been known to cause trouble in his experience. IP address range. To use this script, you need to create a CSV file. The format of the CSV has to be as follows: ( Log Out /  Active Directory Site 3. Based on the article linked above I changed my boundaries to IP ranges. Change ), Automatically Collect Drivers and Build Configuration Manager (Current Branch) Driver Packages with PowerShell. Configuration Manager does not support supernets for site boundaries. Unfortunately, communication between IT teams is not always what it should be, so I wrote this script to run as a scheduled task and keep an eye on any changes made in AD Sites and IP subnets. The caveat to that being that “Active Directory Sites and Subnets” has to be maintained. This includes supernets defined directly in the Configuration Manager console as IP subnets, and supernets defined indirectly in the Configuration Manager console as Active Directory sites that contain supernets. I assume it will take a few days? Yes, IP Subnet boundaries are in fact, still evil. This will work for IP address range, IP subnet or Active Directory site boundaries. The primary reason for the “evilness” of IP Subnet boundaries is that they do not represent or define IP Subnets at all: They actually define Subnet IDs. This is the long (very long) overdue follow up to my previous post called IP Subnet Boundaries are Evil.Since creating that post, there has been some serious FUD … IP ranges aren’t optimal due to the large amount of SQL processing that is used to evaluate the boundary members as opposed to an IP subnet. I ran the excellent overlapping boundaries tool and this confirmed both sites overlap-completly. IP address range The boundaries are useless if they are not part of logical grouping called Boundary groups. Site Assignment – Clients will get policies when assigned to a specific SCCM Site. IP ranges aren’t optimal due to the large amount of SQL processing that is used to evaluate the boundary members as opposed to an IP subnet. Assign boundaries to boundary groups before using the boundary group.   New-CMBoundaryGroup -Name $_.Group Planning of site boundaries in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 is essential for client site assignment and for determining if the client has a slow or fast connection. The default for clients to check for a new policy is 60 minutes, so theres no need to referesh machine policies. and the hierarchy can include any combination of these boundary types. You can check out one of these articles here at Windows-Noob that gets into a very detailed description of Active Directory site boundaries, and also includes a great Power Shell script for creating them. IP subnet 2. In System Center Configuration Manager, a boundary is a network location on the intranet that can contain one or more devices that you want to manage. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It will create boundaries, boundary groups, add the site systems to the boundary group. Leaving us to use either IP subnets or IP ranges. Boundaries can be based on any of the following and the hierarchy can include any combination of these boundary types: IP subnet; Active Directory site name; IPv6 Prefix; IP address range There are 4 types of Boundaries: 1. no, the actual structure of sites etc hasnt changed between sms and sccm (excluding Branch DP's), Hayes has nailed it, some additional comments. In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, a boundary is a network location on the intranet that can contain one or more devices that you want to manage. We must change boundaries to subnets and I have a few question: Our community of experts have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise and industry experience. This has nothing to do with your Active Directory structure. Update : Jason … Checks if the IP is in the specified IP range. The Active Directory site boundaries for each SCCM Site are stored in an attribute called “mSSMSRoamingBoundaries” IP Subnet. (e.g. Where boundaries based on Active Directory sites are not an option, then use IP subnet or IPv6 b… Because Active Directory sites are based on physical network segments, the easiest method of defining Configuration Manager boundaries is to base them on Active Directory sites. $snip = $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5 $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite IPv6 prefix 4. I always recommend to have AD site at every place and then add those AD site to the boundaries. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. we put together a Power Shell script that will read into a CSV file, create IP subnet boundaries, boundary groups, and will assign site servers to the associated boundary groups. You can manage only devices within these network boundaries. Boy is this annoying!! The ConfigMgr Boundaries define network locations on your intranet. There are a lot of great scripts out there for automating the creation of site boundaries in Configuration Manager, as well as some fantastic articles describing boundaries and boundary groups in great depth. If you’re unsure of which type of boundary to use you can read Jason Sandys excellent postabout why you shouldn’t use IP Subnet boundaries. Click on “ Overlapping Boundaries ” query and on the right hand side panel you can see the result. For clients on edge networks that lack either an Active Directory site or a subnet, ranged boundaries are an excellent way to extend management capabilities. Microsoft states that IP Ranges generating a more demanding query on SQL and suggest you use AD sites or IP subnets so I figured I'd use AD Sites since everything is already configured there are we are pretty good at keeping it up to date. I have set the IP address range to - and my AD site subnet is set to, I have disabled the firewall, restarted both VM's (vmware workstation 7.1.4 build 385536) and still no luck. Add-CMBoundaryToGroup -BoundaryName $​_.Name -BoundaryGroupName $_​.Group IP Subnet 2. If your query result is having only one ‘sccm site’ – AD object (“SMS-Site-567″ where “567″ is your SCCM site code) then you don’t have any overlapping boundary issue for that particular IP subnet with repect to the AD site. Now I have to do what I am/was dead set against, on the central site use subnets instead of the AD Site boundary as it is now. Boundaries and Boundary Groups in SCCM As per Microsoft, a boundary is a network location on the intranet that can contain one or more devices that you want to manage. Boundaries can be an. It is like having another employee that is extremely experienced. My setup SCCM 2012 beta 2 server. Powershell script to add or import bulk IP subnets, AD sites or IP address range Hello! IP address Due to a recent change on our network, I can no longer define the site boundaries of a primary site (RCC) by AD site name. The IP address range boundary fills a gap in the client assignment story for Configuration Manager. You can create boundaries with different types as listed below: IP subnet; Active Directory site name; IPv6 prefix; IP address range Active Directory site name. So, when I do AD discovery, that should create Boundaries? IP subnet. Before designing your strategy choose wisely on which bounday type to use. If you change the ‘CM_Tools ... (‘/’) from a IP Subnet Mask. Once discovered SCCM will create boundaries for each site and subnet. The CSV file that is created by that script can then be used to import IP Subnet Boundaries and … Boundaries can be either an IP subnet, Active Directory site name, IPv6 Prefix, or an IP address range. Windows 2008 R2 SP1 + some patch's. In the client log, it connects to to both the central site and primary site RCC. I read that back in 2007, there would be issues with supernets if you used IP Ranges or AD Sites. When designing your boundary strategy, we recommend you use boundaries that are based on Active Directory sites before using other boundary types. We've partnered with two important charities to provide clean water and computer science education to those who need it most. Connect with Certified Experts to gain insight and support on specific technology challenges including: We help IT Professionals succeed at work. Boundaries can be an. as it won't hit every client at any one time. My setup SCCM 2012 beta 2 server. I find using active directory boundaries to be the best method due to the fact that you allow the IP subnets to be managed in a central location (AD) and they are easily imported and maintained. Use boundary groups in Configuration Manager to logically organize related network locations to make it easier to manage your infrastructure. … The caveat to that being that “Active Directory Sites and Subnets” has to be maintained. IP ranges aren’t optimal due to the large amount of SQL processing that is used to evaluate the boundary members as opposed to an IP subnet. # Boundary4,IPSubnet,,Group4,cm4.its.lab What I just found out is the Networking team took the Central site subnet and combined it with the subnet of the sffected primary site in AD Sites and Services. One advantage to using Active Directory sites as Configuration Manager boundaries is that subnet changes to Active Directory sites are automatically reflected within Active Directory boundaries. IIRC, you have to ensure that the SCCM boundaries are defined as "Active Directory Sites." (Edit: We are working on a version that will do a check to see if the boundary already exists, and it will be posted when it is available.). I'll let jon take this one - he's just started on EE and in process of building up his points! IPv6 Prefix. I can use the SMS tools and Right click 'Refresh Policy, Refresh Machine Policy' on ALL Systems. Being involved with EE helped me to grow personally and professionally. If the configuration of the Active Directory site changes in Active Directory, the network locations included in this boundary also change. The following are the supported boundary types: 1. READ MORE. IP subnet. We created a set of reports to ease your SCCM boundary management. There are 4 types of Boundaries: 1. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. But this is a bit impractical (I think?) Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. In my experiences, I find this is most often not the case. Use boundary groups in Configuration Manager to logically organize related network locations to make it easier to manage your infrastructure. Active Directory Forest Discovery This method can discover Active Directory sites and subnets. New-CMBoundary -Name $​_.Name -Type $_​.Type -Value $_.Value Microsoft recommends the following : 1. Technet also states that we can use a user-defined account to discover resources for each forest. # Boundary1,IPSubnet,,Group1,cm1.its.lab Yes, when you setup AD Discovery there is an option to automatically create Boundaries based on AD sites and subnets. 2. This allows Configuration Manager administrators to split up or combine IP subnet boundaries based on logical, not physical, criteria. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / / Site Settings / Boundaries. The caveat to that being that “Active Directory Sites and Subnets” has to be maintained. Windows 2008 R2 SP1 + some patch's. Jason Adams – When not to use IP Address Ranges as Boundaries in Configuration Manager – Full Post here (posted on 1st Mar 2013). Now I have to do what I am/was dead set against, on the central site use subnets instead of the AD Site boundary as it is now. # Boundary3,IPSubnet,,Group3,cm3.its.lab To verify that the script completed with no errors, we can monitor SMSProv.log to see the boundaries, and boundary groups get created, as well as site server assignments. !Today, I have come with Powershell script to add or import bulk IP subnets, AD sites or IP address ranges to the site boundaries of SCCM servers. and the hierarchy can include any combination of these boundary types. IPv6 Prefix. It's not boundary which is used for MP,DP,SMP or SUP (new feature) but boundary groups. NOTE! This allows Configuration Manager administrators to split up or combine IP subnet boundaries based on logical, not physical, criteria. ( Log Out /  Checks if the IP is in the specified IP range. You may then need to create Boundary Groups manually and then assign each boundary group a site … Set-CMDistributionPoint -sitecode ITS -SiteSystemServerName $​_.Server -AddBoundaryGroupName $_​.Group Configuration Manager does not support supernets for site boundaries. In my opinion, IP Range boundary is not bad because: We don't need to create IP ranges manually, instead Active Directory Network Discovery will create all those for us based on IP Subnet. In this post, I am going to cover automating the creation of IP subnet site boundaries and boundary groups. There should be one of this object per SCCM Site defined and is typically named “SMS-Site-{SiteCode}” where {SiteCode} is the SCCM Site Code. (Unlock this solution with a 7-day Free Trial), Assign boundaries to boundary groups before using the boundary group. With the help of a coworker of mine, (The one who actually made the script work, and who you can find here on Twitter @cweberits.) Based on the article linked above I changed my boundaries to IP ranges. Content Location – Clients will get the content from distribution point, hence proper boundaries should be defined so that they can get the content from appropriate source. Content Location – Clients will get the content from distribution point, hence proper boundaries should be defined so that they can get the content from appropriate source. By default, Configuration Manager creates a default site boundary group at each site. – Boundary1,IPSubnet,,Group1,cm1.its.lab), #Import the ConfigMgr PowerShell module & witch to ConfigMgr Gain unlimited access to on-demand training courses with an Experts Exchange subscription. IP subnet 2. IP Subnet Boundaries in Configuration Manager Are Still Evil. I have set the IP address range to - and my AD site subnet is set to, I have disabled the firewall, restarted both VM's (vmware workstation 7.1.4 build 385536) and still no luck. Enter the desired values in the example CSV file that i Site Assignment â Clients will get policies when assigned to a specific SCCM Site. # Boundary5,IPSubnet,,Group5,cm5.its.lab. When you specify an Active Directory site for a boundary, the boundary includes each IP subnet that's a member of that Active Directory site. The boundary a device is on is equivalent to the Active Directory site, or network IP address that is identified by the Configuration Manager client that is installed on the device. Damn!! The issue was that when enabling discovery methods namely the “Active Directory Forest Discovery“.As I’m sure you are aware there is a useful tick box that can be marked to “Automatically create IP address range boundaries for IP subnets when they are discovered“. IP address range. In the client log, it connects to to both the central site and primary site RCC. And when something is changed in Sites or Subnets, you need to be made aware of it so you can reflect the change in your SCCM boundaries and boundary groups. Active Directory site name 3. This is the long (very long) overdue follow up to my previous post called IP Subnet Boundaries are Evil.Since creating that post, there has been some serious FUD … Leaving us to use either IP subnets or IP ranges. (we work together). Gets the CIDR (‘/’) from a IP Subnet Mask. Click New Boundary. 7. Import-CSV $CSVFile -Header Name,Type,Value,Group,Server | Foreach-Object { And when something is changed in Sites or Subnets, you need to be made aware of it so you can reflect the change in your SCCM boundaries and boundary groups. ( Log Out /  Click New Boundary. Unfortunately, communication between IT teams is not always what it should be, so I wrote this script to run as a scheduled task and keep an eye on any changes made in AD Sites and IP subnets. Configuration Manager boundaries are locations on your network that contain devices that you want to manage. Create the ufn_IsIPInRange function. Devices by Boundary and Network Information in SCCM. To use a boundary, you must add the boundary to one or more boundary groups. Even then, I have heard tales of SCCM not respecting supernets*, and that each individual (classically defined) subnet would have to be added. I came across an issue the other day when setting up a primary site for a customers Regional Office. Import-Module “$modPath\ConfigurationManager.psd1” $modPath = $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$snip) SCCM boundaries and boundary groups - Powershell Script This script works with SCCM 1802 cmdlets and later. If you’re used to SCCM boundary and their definitions, you can skip the article and jump to the SCCM Boundary Report section. About how long would it take for about 2000 clients to pick up the new boundries? In my experiences, I find this is most often not the case. Jason Sandys – IP Subnet Boundaries are Evil – Full Post here (posted on 2nd June 2012). BoundaryName,BoundaryType,IPSubnet,BoundaryGroupName,SiteServerName Active Directory … I ran the excellent overlapping boundaries tool and this confirmed both sites overlap-completly. Damn!! ( Log Out /  In my experiences, I find this is most often not the case. This includes supernets defined directly in the Configuration Manager console as IP subnets, and supernets defined indirectly in the Configuration Manager console as Active Directory sites that contain supernets. The CSV file that is created by that script can then be used to import IP Subnet Boundaries and … In these cases, it may be advisable to include IP ranges (excluding internal spaces, of course). Import IP Boundaries and Boundary Groups PowerShell SCCM ConfigMgr This script is designed to work in harmony with the Export Sites and Subnets to CSV script I blogged about recently. Site Assignment – Clients will get policies when assigned to a specific SCCM Site. Active Directory site name. ConfigMgr boundary groups are logical groups of boundaries that you configure. However a machine policy refresh will not force the client to discover the new boundaries. Types of Boundaries. IP Subnet 2. Import IP Boundaries and Boundary Groups PowerShell SCCM ConfigMgr This script is designed to work in harmony with the Export Sites and Subnets to CSV script I blogged about recently. Active Directory Forest Discovery – As the name suggests it discovers Active Directory sites and subnets, and then creates Configuration Manager boundaries for each site and subnet from the forests which have been configured for discovery. By default, Configuration Manager creates a default site boundary group at each site. This is my long planned post on the evils of IP Subnet boundaries in ConfigMgr – this includes both 2007 and 2012 because nothing has changed between the two versions as far as boundary implementation goes. Yes, IP Subnet boundaries are in fact, still evil. IP address When asked, what has been your best career decision? Experts Exchange always has the answer, or at the least points me in the correct direction! IP Subnet Boundaries in Configuration Manager Are Still Evil. If you work with SCCM and you use AD Forest Discovery to automatically create boundaries from AD Sites or Subnets, you know how important it is for AD to stay up to date with the current information. } To do so start the console and browse to the Administration workplace, select Hierarchy Configuration and then select Boundaries, the three Active Directory subnets detected by the discovery method are created as IP address range boundaries because you selected to automatically create IP address range boundaries for IP subnets when they are discovered in Active Directory Forest Discovery. All site systems are associated with boundary groups, not boundaries. Leaving us to use either IP subnets or IP ranges. Active Directory Forest Discovery – As the name suggests it discovers Active Directory sites and subnets, and then creates Configuration Manager boundaries for each site and subnet from the forests which have been configured for discovery. Set-Location “$($SiteCode.Name):\”, #Import the CSV file and create content Today I read a blog article about boundaries and boundary groups that says that IP subnet or range is better and that in addition to incorrect boundaries or boundaries not being set, that AD site boundaries have been known to cause trouble in his experience. In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, a boundary is a network location on the intranet that can contain one or more devices that you want to manage. Types of Boundaries. Back in 2007, there would be issues with supernets if you used IP ranges ( excluding internal,. Partnered with two important charities to provide clean water and computer science education to those need., of course ) the central site and Subnet SCCM boundaries are as... Follows: BoundaryName, BoundaryType, IPSubnet, BoundaryGroupName, SiteServerName ( e.g what. Subnet site boundaries ( e.g impractical ( I think? boundary group at each site it succeed... 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