how much to spay a cat

With this in mind, there are also low-cost spay and neuter services. Many vets will offer to do pre-anesthesia blood work. As soon as the patient cat is discharged from the operating room, the first order of business is to prevent the wounds from being tampered or infected. by David F. Kramer. The follow-up checkup will enable a more definitive (if not positive) prognosis and recommend the next specific steps to hasten the patient’s full recovery. The reproductive tract, both ovaries, and the uterus are completely removed through this incision. Costs vary quite a bit depending on the sex of the cat and the individual vet practice so check with your local vet. 2, pgs. For female cats, if the animal is in heat or even just overweight, the surgery may cost more simply because it makes the process of removing the reproductive organs more difficult. Throughout the initial recovery period (home confinement until the scheduled follow-up checkup), your cat has to wear an Elizabethan cone (e-collar) to deter it from licking or biting its injury or stitches. The scheme is currently operating across Wales and the West Midlands. The best time to have your cat spayed is before she has her first heat. During a spay surgery, a cat is completely anesthetized and a surgeon uses a scalpel to make an incision in the abdomen, revealing the reproductive tract. Whichever surgery is performed, remember that spaying your cat will always have far greater benefits than not spaying her. More in Spay or Neuter Neutering a male cat can prevent testicular cancer and certain prostate problems, while spaying a female between three and six months of age will essentially eliminate her risk of developing mammary cancer and eliminate the risk of pyometra, a potentially fatal infection of the uterus that strikes older, intact female cats. The Process of Neuter Surgery. Spaying is the common term used to describe the surgical procedure known as an ovariohysterectomy. The surgery itself can actually be completed in less than 5 minutes. The ASPCA estimates that the capital costs for a cat are around $365 including initial medical care and spaying or neutering. Your cat might receive distemper or other vaccinations at the same time, at no additional cost. Even if your cat does not appear to be in pain. Cat Spay – $54.00; Cat Neuter – $40.00; DOG. Then the incision is closed with two layers of stitches under the skin that will dissolve and be absorbed by body over time. MASS SPCA SNAP PROGRAM 350 SOUTH HUNTINGTON AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02130 617-522-7400 MUST LIVE IN STATE LOW INCOME ONLY On average, one would expect to pay at least $50 and $100 additionally for a spay surgery on a pregnant cat. You may gradually increase the contents of the cat’s bowls by the next day if you notice the restoration of its appetite. ASPCA statistics place the U.S. pet cat population at anywhere between 74 and 96 million – and there may be as many as 70 million strays fending for themselves. Cats can be spayed at most points during the pregnancy, but how far along they are will impact the cost. How Much Does an American Shorthair Cat Cost? Cat Spaying Procedure. Please note: Not every cat is a candidate for surgery at a low-cost clinic. When should I neuter/spay my cat? In most cases the cost to spay a cat will vary from $100 to $200 dollars. Most vets will check liver and kidney function prior to surgery. they live indoors or in the wild, most cats reach puberty by five to six months of age. The spaying service for female cats is around $100-$200 dollars since it is a more complicated process than neutering. “All the surgeries are done by licensed veterinarians.”. SPAY MASSACHUSETTS (978) 465-1940 OPEN TO ALL Unlike dogs, cats are even more challenging to diagnose as they are adept at masking their immediate symptoms. Usually, the operation is completed in less than 60 minutes, Dr. Sturtz said. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Several charities, including Blue Cross, offer low-cost neutering so contact your nearest one to find out more. If your cat has not had anesthesia before or may have pre-existing risks for taking it, such as liver or kidney problems, this bloodwork panel is important for proper anesthesia administration. Spaying or neutering your pet is one of the cornerstones of pet ownership in the United States. In this procedure, the ovaries and uterus are removed completely in order to sterilize a female cat. The costs for these surgeries will, of course, vary by location and veterinarian, as well as based on specifics about your animal. Spaying and Neutering Certificates may be purchased online (see below), or you can order by mail by calling 1-800-321-PETS (1-800-321-7387) and request an application. Compared to neutering, more intensive surgery is required as the female cat’s abdomen needs to be opened up so that the reproductive tract (the uterus and ovaries) can all be removed. However, if it does, this would cost the owner additional money. How much does it cost to neuter a cat? Another situation is performing a spay on a pregnant cat. Overnight clinic costs vary widely by area but may range between $100 and $300 per night. Barnstable County: A Helping Paw Humane Society P.O. Neutering a cat at an early age may also protect the animal from a number of serious, even fatal, health problems later in life. To help these cat caregivers, we offer discounted spay/neuter surgeries for community cats. These routine surgeries typically cost up to $200, depending on the vet and the facility. Clinics are designed to offer spay/neuter surgery services for several cats in one day and the surgery protocols are calculated with this in mind. During the procedure, the vet removes the testicles. The surgeon makes a single incision over each testicle, removes the testicles, and ties off the spermatic cord to prevent bleeding, typically in 30 minutes or less. Estimates suggest an extra $20 to $40 onto the bill in these situations. Neutering male cats costs less since the procedure will be done outside of the cat… The cost of neutering usually ranges from $50 to $100. The image shows the abdominal landmarks that most veterinarians use to guide their first spay incision. It also aids in reducing the number of unwanted and/or homeless animals, especially if you have an outdoor cat. With this in mind, there are also low-cost spay and neuter services. By spaying or neutering your pet, you’ll help control the pet homelessness crisis, which results in millions of healthy dogs and cats being euthanized in the United States each year simply because there aren’t enough homes to go around. “Statistically, animals will live longer if they are spayed or neutered,” says Dr. Robin Sturtz, a veterinarian at The Cat Hospital in Williston Park, New York. For a fraction of the cost, cat owners can have the surgery performed by a non-profit spay/neuter service. Many organizations offer these procedures at little to no cost to the pet owner. An estimated 5 million to 8 million animals are euthanized in shelters across this country every year. Other than the strong urge to lick or bite the itch on their healing wound, veterinarians are also keen on observing cats’ pain response and threshold. Typically, recovery shouldn’t require overnight observation. “They are much less prone to certain endocrinal or hormonal diseases.”. However, it’s usually best to wait until the kittens are weaned at 6-8 weeks post birth. Since there is a low risk of complications, spays and neuters can be done relatively quickly and on an outpatient basis. If you are adopting your cat, dog or rabbit from the BC SPCA, spay/neuter is included in the adoption fee. “There’s no reason to fear the quality of those services,” Smith said. Having your cat neutered will fix many undesirable behaviors, including territorial urine spraying, roaming, and being aggressive toward other cats—behaviors often seen in intact male cats. Whether you’ve recently adopted a pet or you’re considering doing so, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog. As any veterinarian will tell you, spaying your cat should be a top priority for responsible pet owners (regardless of where you adopted or purchased your cat from), but this responsibility may come at a cost. As a rough guide, neutering a male cat usually costs around £30-£40, and spaying a female £50-£60. In fact, both spay and neuter procedures for cats are performed on an outpatient basis. You vet will be able to give you an accurate price. You can find a low-cost spay/neuter provider in your area by visiting the Humane Society and the ASPCA websites. * Of course, this number can vary quite … For a male cat, neutering rarely has any complications, as incisions on his scrotum are small and without sutures. To find a lower-cost spay/neuter clinic near you, please visit the ASPCA’s Free and Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Database. Many owners choose to get their cat spayed, and its a safe and common procedure. At The Cat Hospital, male cats generally go home the same day, while females are kept overnight. It also beats the cost of treatment when your unneutered dog or cat escapes and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray! Male cats, when neutered, are less likely to mark their territory or exhibit aggression towards other cats. This is the anticipated duration for how long the anesthesia will make your cat nauseous. While the cost to spay a cat varies, the operation typically runs from $300 to $500 for a female cat and around $200 for a male when it’s done at a private, full-service veterinary practice, said Cory Smith, spokeswoman for The Humane Society of the United States. This would include the full procedure, anesthesia, and recovery time. One should note that cats should be at least 2 months old before they can have their surgery. Pain medication to go home are an additional $15. Animals usually have no concept of “taking it easy” and it is expected for them to accidentally inflict more harm (pop the sutures) by jumping or playing. Spay surgeries are more expensive than cat castration cost because they take longer to be carried out as they’re more complicated. The discount varies according to the participating veterinarian. Our simple guide to spaying explains what it is, how it works, and what effects there can be. They are in no condition for playtime (which can get rough at any moment). The average cost to spay/neuter a cat can range anywhere between $50 and $100. That usually includes more than just the surgery. Spaying or ovariohysterectomy is the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterine horns in a female cat. In addition to the veterinarian’s cat spaying cost you will also have to pay for medications after the procedure is complete. In terms of nutrition, you need to cut down the food down to half for the next 48 hours. Some females can become pregnant very quickly after birth, so don’t wait too long. There is usually no need for any stitches in boy kitties due to tiny incisions. Dog Spay: (under 50lbs) – $75.00; Dog Spay: (over 50lbs) – $110.00; Dog Neuter: (under 50lbs) – $65.00; Dog Neuter: (over 50lbs) – $90.00; Includes a 24-hour pain injection. Veterinary Surgery. Spaying and neutering your pet is good for the community. The ovaries and the uterus are removed and the incision is closed with sutures. This surgery takes about 20 minutes, with another 20 minutes in recovery time and on average, will run about $100 to $200. Neutering involves simple incision being made on the scrotum and then the testicles are being removed. Private vets cost anywhere from $200–$400 for a spay/neuter procedure. How Much Does Cherry Eye Surgery Cost In Dogs. After 20-30 minutes of recovery time, the cat can be brought home. Normally, cat neutering services are priced at around $50-$100. Since each cat’s medical history is unique, it’s best to consult your veterinarian on the ideal time to spay your cat. Although complications are very rare, there is a slightly higher chance of risk with spaying, as this is an internal surgery. These are typically run by nonprofits and all surgeries are performed by licensed veterinarians. The cost of your pet's spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. The total cost of the procedure usually covers the surgery and anesthesia as well as hospitalization. The recommended age for spay/neutering is 2-6 months of age. Prior to the operation, your cat will be given an anaesthetic and once home, they will need to stay in for a short while, as advised by your pet. In general, in an average clinic, neutering would cost around $50 to $100. A: Technically, she could be spayed now if she is healthy. How much cat spay or neuter should cost. Always adhere to the precise instructions of the veterinarian in terms of administering pain medication. These medications may range in price from $25-$50. Lastly, if you ever have smelled an un-neutered male tomcat, then you can appreciate knowing that cat neutering helps male cats smell much, much better. Spaying eliminates the unpleasant behaviors associated with females in heat, making your feline friend easier to live with after surgery. Neutering tends to cost less because it is a less complicated procedure than having a cat spayed. Like any surgery, your cat will need some extra care as she recovers after her spay. Getting your girl cat spayed. CAT SPAYING PROCEDURE STEP 4: Draping the cat spay site. For example, a large … ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY: Rabies Vaccine – $10; Umbilical Hernia- $15 ASPCA’s free and low-cost spay/neuter database. As mentioned earlier, a recovering cat must be isolated and its movement strictly limited. Since there is a low risk of complications, spays and neuters can be done relatively quickly and on an outpatient basis. As any veterinarian will tell you, spaying your cat should be a top priority for responsible pet owners (regardless of where you adopted or purchased your cat from), but this responsibility may come at a cost. If you’re ready to spay or neuter your pet, you can find low-cost spay/neuter services near you. It’s important to note that these affordable spay-neuter procedures don’t entail all of the recommended extras that you would get from your regular veterinarian, such as pre-anesthetic bloodwork and an IV catheter and … In terms of overall hygiene, experts also recommend not bathing the cat at least 10 days after the surgery. In NYC for example, the ASPCA offers free spay-neuter services via a mobile clinic for any residents of the city who provide proof of being on public assistance. Since each cat’s medical history is unique, it’s best to consult your veterinarian on the ideal time to spay your cat. You may even qualify for FREE or Low Cost services! Only you and your veterinarian can decide which procedure to choose for your cat. The cost of spaying, which is more complicated, usually ranges from $100 to $200. For $50, our clinic will spay or neuter a feral cat, provide a rabies vaccine, apply Advantage Multi and ear-tip the cat to identify him or her as already spayed or neutered. At the time of writing (February 2013), I phoned 5 Australian veterinary practices to find out how much they charge to spay a female cat. Spay/neuter through these avenues can cost as low as $20 to $30. For other animals, the cost of spaying or neutering your pet depends on many factors and will vary according to each pet’s circumstances and needs. To protect her from getting pregnant, your cat will need to go the vet to have a simple operation called spaying (also known as 'fixing', 'neutering' or 'being done'). Accessing ASPCA’s free and low-cost spay/neuter database and contacting low-cost vet clinics are a good place to start looking for applicable services in your area. 2006, Vol. Your cat is usually scheduled for a follow-up assessment 7 to 10 days after the surgery. Picture 6: This is a close-up picture of the surgical spay site, just prior to placing the surgical drape on the cat's abdomen. It is more expensive to spay a cat who is either in heat or who is already pregnant. Fortunately, there are less expensive options. On average, one would expect to pay at least $50 and $100 additionally for a spay surgery on a pregnant cat. While spay prices vary, expect a fee between $50 and $75 for a feline at a low-cost clinic. Spaying is recommended to reduce the risk of mammary cancer and to prevent ovarian and uterine cancer, as well as pyometra and unwanted pregnancy. After surgery, your veterinarian should reexamine your cat and he or she should be kept quiet and inside for a few days to ensure a full recovery. The skin is closed with skin glue, skin staples, or stitches. (Learn more by reading our Spay/Neuter Your Pet page.) It can run as little as $50 for a young healthy cat screening to $250 for a complete blood cell count, full chemistry panel and a urinalysis. Within 72 hours of its recovery period, your cat is expected to urinate and defecate normally. If the vet physician had used traditional non-soluble sutures, he or she will be carefully removing them during this time. Getting your female cat spayed is an important decision. However, more affordable options are available to pet owners through lower-cost spay/neuter programs and clinics. If you're eligible under the scheme, you can get your pet cat neutered and microchipped for just £5. Having your pet spayed will help you and your furry friend enjoy a high quality of life together, and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Spaying and neutering your cat is a very important part of pet ownership as it can have direct health benefits. CAT. You’ll probably take your cat … Once purchased, certificates are sent by US First Class Mail. Learn more about the average cost of spaying a cat, in addition to the options you have regarding where to spay your cat and why spaying or neutering is so important. Resources: B. van Goethem, et al. 136-143. Spaying your cat is a standard part of health care, but it’s still surgery, which can make you worry. Patty Khuly, VMD, MBA is a prolific pet health writer, occasional media personality, and a practicing veterinary clinician (for almost 23 years!). Prices paid and comments from CostHelper's team of professional journalists and community of users. 35, No. Average Cost of Cat Neutering. Learn more about the average cost of spaying a cat, in addition to the options you have regarding where to spay your cat and why spaying or neutering is so important. Additionally, some pet insurance plans provide coverage for spay and neuter surgery, making the cost even more manageable for pet owners. According to Dr. Sturtz, spay and neuter operations are “the least complicated surgery that we do and, for a short procedure, it provides the most benefit for the animal’s quality of life.”. Working with Cats Protection, we're offering a cat neutering scheme helping you to meet the costs of neutering your cat to ensure that they remain healthy and happy. Spaying and neutering are recommended in cats before they reach “teenager status,” or sexual maturity. The prices ranged from $195.00 to $250.00, with an average cost of $223.80. Aside from keeping them confined in an ‘environmentally controlled’ space, it is also doubly important to isolate them from other indoor house pets. The cat's head is located towards the right of the image. There are a number of other additional costs that may impact what you need to pay, depending on your situation. Neutering is less complicated. There are also medical and behavioral benefits to spaying (female pets) and neutering (male pets) your animals. Understanding cat spay recovery time and the signs for which to watch can help you to monitor your cat. How much does neutering a cat cost? Neutering or castration is the surgical removal of the testicles from the male cat. The cost of neutering goes up if you would like your vet to microchip your cat during the operation. While the cost to spay a cat varies, the operation typically run… On the other hand, female cats, when spayed, have lower risks of mammary cancer and are less likely to urine mark. You also have the option to bring your kitty to a lower-cost clinic. Many organizations are working to decrease that number by opening low-cost spay/neuter clinics that will prevent more litters of cats that need homes. Some pets require more individualized care due to their breed or underlying health conditions. 2020 Fees for Ontario SPCA Spay-Neuter Services Surgery Female/Male Cat $75 Male Dog under 20 kg $125 Male Dog 20-40 kg $165 Male Dog over 40kg $200 Female Dog under 20 kg $150 Female Dog 20-40 kg $190 Female Dog over 40kg $225 Note: All animals must be between the ages of four months and […] How the animal responds to anesthesia will determine how quickly he or she recovers, with most kitties bouncing back 24 hours after surgery, Dr. Sturtz said. Spay-neuter clinics might be free or might be very low cost, with a cat spay ranging anywhere from $50 to $150, and a cat neuter ranging anywhere from $25 to $75. While this varies according to your cat’s breed and whether they live indoors or in the wild, most cats reach puberty by five to six months of age. Your veterinary team will examine your cat and run his blood work the same day or earlier to make sure he is safe for anesthesia. Female animals (spay) have an incision made just below the belly button into the abdomen. These services typically cost around $50, and can be higher or lower depending on where you live. Usually best to wait until the kittens are weaned at 6-8 weeks post birth typically. Best to wait until the kittens are weaned at 6-8 weeks post birth treatment when your unneutered dog cat! Discount varies according to the pet owner one to find out more skin staples, stitches! To spay or neuter your pet cat neutered and microchipped for just £5 neutering goes up you! Help these cat caregivers, we offer discounted spay/neuter surgeries for community cats, a recovering cat be! 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