the marsten house book

Hank snatched it away. He felt a morbid chill at the thought and its nearly incantatory quality. It's . 'Anyway, I hope you'll have the best of luck, and tell Mr Barlow when you see him that I'm gonna try and get around.' . 'September's grippe weather. Ben Mears has returned to his hometown to write a book about the supposedly haunted Marsten House. I don't expect him back until at least the tenth of October.' At the house, they will leave the keys to all five locks on the basement table. OUT  - 'Do you suppose they'll make a go of it?' Something about the place put his back up. everything was dark. They clambered into the cab of the U-Haul and Hank started it up and put it in gear. In his research, especially talking to Hubie's sister-in-law, Ben learned that Hubie Marsten was really a contract killer. My boy got TB?' And you both must know that this town can't support a fancy furniture and antique place.' In the original novel, Straker was Kurt Barlow 's "familiar" or human thrall. 'Quarter past eight, I think. . Signed. Can you check on some fellas for me?' Parkins could not place it; he turned his attention back to Straker. 2 . He was breathing in small, whistling gasps like a hurt dog. It sat up on its plump haunches and almost seemed to grin. 'I'll check the casserole.' No more than ankle-deep. 'Either of you guys Lawrence Crewcut?' . Christ, they stamped cargo ninety ways for Sunday. Two spotlights had been installed up out of sight, and they cast soft, highlighting glows on the three objects that bad been arranged in the window: a clock, a spinning wheel, and an old-fashioned cherrywood cabinet. 'Nothin' like that. 'There's somebody,' Hank Peters said. 'It draws you, doesn't it?' 'Your movers will lock the shop's back door when they leave. Marsten's evil brought Barlow to the town and gave him a place to stay. Come to pick up some boxes.' The book was published by Doubleday in October 17, 1975. If you should see anything . 'Heroin,' Royal said judiciously. . ' . But Larry didn't push them. What is it, kidnap note?' 'The book is about the Marsten House,' he said slowly. and he paid with an old twenty, Mabel, one of the big ones. Larry Crockett was getting ready to shut up shop and go home when there was a perfunctory tap on the door and Hank Peters stepped back in. . The preliminary diag?nosis was severe and delayed emotional shock. Clyde Corliss broke wind. The place was otherwise empty, and the collection looked a little portentous as a result. 'Is that so?' There was no reference point to it. . He backed down the stairs one at a time, and as the box tilted up against his chest, he felt its dreadful weight settle against him like a slab of stone. 10 Yet tasteful. 'God knows.' Snapshots and photos were everywhere - tacked, stapled, or taped to every available surface. She got up. In 2004, TNT premiered a miniseries version of 'Salem's Lot starring Rob Lowe, which received a primetime Emmy nomination. Honestly, he couldn't. 'They probably do 'em in that ink that only shows up under a special black light.' I doubt like hell that it's a signed confession to anything, anyway.' 'Do you suspect these people in the Glick case?' What time did you leave?' 'The old guy said there was rats.' There's some that laughs, but I ain't had the grippe since St.-L?, France, in 1944.' Follow all directions ex?plicitly. Clyde asked no one in particular. There were, however, pictures. Constable at Jerusalem's Lot township. Hank Peters woke up in the early hours of the next morning from a dream of huge rats crawling out of an open grave, a grave which held the green and rotting body of Hubie Marsten, with a frayed length of manila hemp around his neck. That, and the thought of rats. 'First one is Benjaman Mears. He pulled the invoice out and looked at it. Crockett himself had changed very little, even after playing 'Let's Make a Deal' with the unsettling Mr Straker. Parkins looked back, startled. It was two minutes of seven when the big orange-and-white truck with 'Henry's U-Haul' printed on the sides and back pulled up to the corrugated-steel shack at the end of Custom House Wharf at the Portland docks. He was . Henry suggested that he start from his end of the path with a high-powered flashlight and Mr Glick start from his. 'Sure,' Ben said. A shirt and maybe some dungarees. . In 1973, he and his wife Miranda were in a … 'Oh? I been watchin'.' or Fit for a Squire! If there was ever a haunted house, that's it. 'Town and people,' Ben nodded. He exhaled smoke. 14 writer at Eva's. She stepped toward him and thought, He had to go to the bathroom and it was too much for him, that's all. In Castle Rock as in the books, Hubie Marsten is a mobster who killed himself and his wife in the home amid rumors that they were involved with the occult. The duo's arrival coincides with the disappearance of a young boy, Ralphie Glick, and the death of his brother Danny, who becomes the town's first vampire, infecting such locals as Mike Ryerson, Randy McDougall, Jack Griffen, and Danny's own mother, Marjorie Glick. . . 'Good,' the night watchman said. It does.' . He used to live in 'Salem's Lot when he was a child, and he is going back there now to write a book based on the town. 'Danny? 'I can tell. 'Am I a suspect, Constable?' ' 'Yes. 'Very good,' Straker said. 'That's good,' Parkins said. Parkins Gillespie smiled. 4. 'This is Parkins Gillespie. And I guess that pretty well covers it.' He always beats Nolly. On the day R. T. Straker had walked into his office, Crockett had been worth nearly two million dollars. And then she felt the cold flesh of his wrist and the lack of movement in the light blue tracery of veins beneath her fingers, and she ran for the nurses' station to report a death on the ward. The sun was going down red and inflamed. He had been thinking about his business career in 'salem's Lot, about that small, twink?ling car in the Marsten House driveway, and about deals with the devil. The novel's prologue, which is set shortly after the end of the story proper, describes the men's flight across the country to a seaside town in Mexico, where they stop to recover from their ordeal. Susan covered the casserole, put it in the oven, and they went out on the back porch to wait for it. 'Yeah, I guess that's best.' 'I won't drip on your rug anymore, Mr Mears. 'Sure is a funny fella,' Clyde mused. 's whose name you couldn't even fit in your mouth might blow your head off with a Russian rifle, fear that you might draw a Crazy Jake on patrol that might want you to blow up everyone in a village where the Cong had been a week before. They bolted, Hank first and Royal Snow right behind him. 'How good of you to drop by!' . Had five of these.' The town has a sense, not of history, but of time, and the telephone poles seem to know this. I got to.' Kurt Barlow was a Type-One Vampire who terrorized the town of Jerusalem's Lot, Maine. 11 She looked like a woman in the grip of a deep migraine headache. All those stories about Hubie Marsten that they had laughed about as kids began to recur, and the chant they had chased the girls with: Watch out, watch out, watch out! . Kurt Barlow. The night watchman stood in the doorway of the shack, watching him, 'Look out,' Royal said to Peters. He picked it up. This one is inspired from Stephen King's Salem's Lot. A general murmur, sigh almost, of agreement. It was heavy, he would think later, but not that heavy. Parkins blew out smoke and went to the door. He bought one-?acre plots for each in the Bend, where land was cheap, had set them on cheap foundations, and had gone to work selling them. Old weathered cleat marks show on their surfaces where linemen have climbed to fix some?thing in 1946 or 1952 or 1969. They unloaded the boxes as quickly as they could, putting each one down carefully. . 'Maybe somebody crept up behind the older brother, coshed him with a sock full of sand or something, and abducted the kid.' 'I don't know. 'It needs a great deal of work,' Straker said. He was no longer smiling. 'Have them put it down cellar. 'Nope. A $500 down payment was usually enough to do business on. French ticklers, my ass. Loretta Starcher says she never saw a fella who knew so many . The audiobook of 'Salem's Lot is read by Ron McLarty, a prominent audiobook reader. Royal caught it, slapped it on his forearm, and exposed it. It wasn't precisely a cop; it was a night watchman. 'Danny?' 'Yowwens?' 'I figured I ought to come and ask a question or two, now that you mention it. The Marsten House was essentially a character in its own right in Stephen King's novel, Salem's Lot. 'But you did - ' . 'I'll get the front door and the shed.' Bundled up like an old rag. . 'By.' 4 . But - ' They were tremendously satisfactory. 'What's on your mind?' 'What are you writin' about?' Some were new Polaroid prints, others were colored Kodak shots taken a few years back, still more were curled and yellow?ing black-and-whites, some going back fifteen years. Its cellar is almost as scary as some of the monsters. The Marsten House Much like the vampires, the Marsten House is a symbol of evil. 'That fella give you some funny money?' Just curious.' But it's my job to kind of ask round about these things.' . In particular, of the Marsten house, which seems to loom over everything, the perennial gothic house on the hill, where bad things happen and bad men have lived. 'Back up right over there. Ben returns to Jerusalem's Lot to try to recover from his wife's death and write a book about the Marsten House. . ' . ' Mrs Glick handed the phone to her husband, feeling the lightness of fear in her belly. He consulted his copy of the invoice and then counted boxes. It was possible, he supposed, to outsmart yourself. We've got us a missin' boy up here.' He shook his head. Address: RFD #I, Brock Road, Jerusalem's Lot, Maine 04270 B-A-R-L-O-W. As Royal had said, it was damn peculiar. 'Man ', I don't dig this at all,' Hank said. 'None of your damn business,' Ben said, and his voice had gone tight. . - it was just misting gently, and Milt and Pat Middler were having a desultory conversation about whether Freddy Overlock's girl Judy run off in 1957 or '58. 'Why,' Larry interrupted, smiling, 'you could be sitting right here and telling me something, and I wouldn't re?member a thing about it tomorrow morning. A shirt . 'What's that for?' 'I've never seen a rat that wouldn't run from one of these,' Royal said, and swung his work-booted foot in an arc. Larry, what if - ' 'Ayuh,' Vinnie said, and paused. He was dazed and slow-spoken, responding to questions ploddingly and not always sensibly. All save one go to the shop. He had done so in three months, overcoming some initial resistance from people who were dubious about living in a home that resembled a Pullman car, and his profit had been close to ten thousand dollars. 'The Marsten House you could have for eight and a half grand, the shop for sixteen. 'Mr Crockett,' the familiar, accentless voice said. I researched Hubie Marsten, you know. Royal asked. Things like you and that waitress out to Dell's . 'Yeah, miserable things. Ain't that a pitiful way to be?' You are familiar with the brand Yale?' 'Not familiar to me, it ain't.' 'Salem's Lot first appeared in King's 1975 novel 'Salem's Lot, and has reappeared as late as his 2019 novel The Institute (see list below). . (United States). They looked into each other's eyes and saw that fear had been changed to near terror by some secret alchemy. Pat held it up to the light, examined it, then turned it over. But this fear was childlike, dreamy. 'That was a thirty-nine, though. They looked at each other in the wan dash lights, the fear heavy on both of them. He got in behind the wheel and they drove up Jointner Avenue onto the Brooks Road. 'Okay.' Poised perilously on top of a stack of ledgers was a glass fish bowl filled with matches, and a sign on the front said, 'For Our Matchless Friends.' Ben meets Susan Norton and they fall in love. 'Good afternoon, gentlemen,' he said. He shone his light in at them. Do you think that would be possible, Constable Gillespie?' The Glick boy was gone . In the book, protagonist Ben Mears returns to the town of Jerusalem's Lot to research and write about the Marsten House, because it haunted him when he was a kid. 'The night Ralphie Glick disappeared?' Maybe they were just . No conclusive proof yet, but I think so.' Straker was looking at him intently. Royal tried the lightswitch just inside with no result. ' . Danny didn't know. No, the little brook was very shallow at this time of year, especially after the fine weather. Except for three fireproof steel filing cabinets and the secretary's desk in a small enclosure, the office was barren. 'No children.' No reac?tion.' It was much bigger than an ordinary bill. 'What's Mr Barlow's first name, by the way?' . 'Do you think he's dead?' 'No,' Ben said. Sec?ondary anemia is unlikely; no history of ulcers, hemorrhoids, bleeding piles, et al. No, he didn't remember failing over anything. G. M. Gorby He went around to the driver's side, got in, and drove off up Jointner Avenue. Intent on writing a book on the notorious Marsten House, an old, rumour-filled property atop an alleged haunted hilltop, the successful novelist, Ben Mears, returns to his peaceful hometown of Salem's Lot, Maine, after years of absence. . No fag decorator came to redo his office. . In 1965 Larry Crockett became the silent partner of a contractor named Romeo Poulin, who was building a supermarket plaza in Auburn. 'Must be one of the ones got that store,' Joe Crane said. 'You're pretty sharp,' Parkins said. After dark. . ' But eventually Ben and Susan finish with the sex, and he tells her the book is about the Marsten House. 'Maybe it didn't start out to be, not wholly. All kinds of junk in em. 'You know,' Parkins said, 'if I was one of those New York detectives like on TV, I might think you had somethin' to hide, the way you polka around my questions.' 'No, no shit. Crockett might know, but he won't tell. . Good.' Larry kept smiling. 'What did you see?' . M-E-A-R-S. Milt passed it across the counter and they all stared at it. Do it as you see it.' 'Yeah, they're all here.' He's keep?ing shut about it. Ben Mears and Mark Petrie succeed in destroying the master vampire Barlow, but are lucky to escape with their lives and are forced to leave the town to the now leaderless vampires. 'Lay your coat on the bed. You couldn't grab a box without getting blue ink up to your elbows.' ' . He smoked the same cheap cigars and still dropped by Dell's on Saturday night to have a few beers and shoot some bumper pool with the boys. 'These are wharf rats, sonny,' the watchman said dryly. Was the first car he ever owned. I . 'Has he had a TB skin patch during the last year?' Ben went to the window and watched until he saw the constable come out and cross the street, walking carefully around puddles in his black galoshes. Susan is captured by Barlow before Mark has a chance to rescue her. got to work itself out.' 'But we have time.' .' 'That's a series E twenty, ain't it, Milt?' They walked over to the box, and Royal took out his pocket knife. Inside, Straker watched him up the street through the show window. Primary anemia combined with mental shock likely. 'It is, a trifle,' Parkins said, stepping in. Then something bad had happened. When it was even with the truck body, they climbed up and walked it inside. 'No.' 'Yeah. Also recommend daily dosage of vitamin B12 (see attached sheet). At one o'clock in the morning, September 24, t nurse stepped into Danny Glick's hospital room to give him his medication. They got out of the cab, feeling the cool evening breeze strike the sweat on their foreheads. She did not want to say it while he was looking . ' . The shutters were closed; they would open up later on. Bald guys are good; white-eyed dogs are bad. He took a pen from the desk, opened the book to the flyleaf ('A raw slice of life!' Ralphie said he could see a face. Yet we both love old things, fine things, and we hope to make a reputation in the area . 'Hey Hank said. I'm sorry if I snapped at you. 5 Hank Peters choked out, and his voice was almost a sob. Danny had collapsed in the upstairs hallway, apparently on his way to the bathroom. 'Me either.' Straker's smile reappeared, razor-thin. The wires hum. You take care.' Now, this sideboard - ' If you lay your hand against one, you can feel the vibration from the wires deep in the wood, as if souls had been imprisoned in there and were struggling to get out. . And hum. What did they do then? 02.07: BURNING HOUSE (EXT) Location: Was on north-eastern corner plot on 38th Street/Bay Avenue, Little Neck, NY 11363 Datum Point: 40.770944, -73.754832 (approx. 'They never did when I was on the docks. 'Yeah.' Ten-Rm. Jerusalem's Lot, Maine (often shortened to 'Salem's Lot or just the Lot) is a fictional town and a part of writer Stephen King's fictional Maine topography. . . ' 'Good. 'That's the only signed book I got.' Ben looked at her to see if she wanted an honest answer or merely a hopeful one. 'That's good,' Larry said, smiling. It was out. There was grass in his cuffs and a few autumn leaves in his hair. 'Inspector!' 13 Your movers will know it by its size. Mears intends to write a book about the Marsten House, an old, ominous property on a hilltop which has a reputation for being haunted. Bloody-nose or bloody stool or even an abnormal number of scrapes and bruises?' He still looked scared. Gordy smiled and nodded. . . He took off his coat, unbuckled his galoshes, sat down at his desk, looked up a telephone number in the Portland book, and dialed. I always wear in' galoshes. Catchin' speeders out by Dell's or chasin' kids outta the park before they turn randy is more my line. You're the stranger in town until you been here twenty years.' 'Don't suppose you seen any yow'uns up around there.' A thing like this is outside my tour, you might say. The rat jumped down and trotted off toward the elbow?-bend further up. I need a service, please.' 'Chow?' Differential cell count neg. By the way, do you still have that recipe for . Something behind it that might have been blue jeans. Two t's on the end of Throckett, and Straker like it sounds. Ben Mears was born in approximately 1948. She doesn't know what it says, but she says it's in Latin, possibly referencing the book's title. Modest. Callahan disappears forever from "the Lot". Hank asked. They set it down with a thump and stepped away. They just opened a little shop here in town. When it was at waist level, Hank let go of the lever and they gripped it. Royal Snow followed the night watchman into the office where a coffee maker was burbling. He gestured to Peters, who was behind the wheel. He didn't believe in ghosts. Larry, however, had not needed to know these things. When they had come back from the Marsten House, both looking like somebody had given their nuts a healthy tweak, he had given them each an extra ten dollars and two six-packs of Black Label and had allowed as how maybe it would be best if none of them said too much about the evening's outing. 'Oh, nothing at all, I guess. 'I think the kid is dead. 'Come on. . And in the bad old barracuda-financing days of the sixties, the fact that the other $9,500 was financed at 24 per cent rarely struck these house-hungry people as a pitfall. The job had to be done. 'No; but look.' 'Well, let's get with it,' Royal said. Unless you've got a search warrant, of course.' 'Needs a good airing out.' . To Romeo Poulin he described this process as going into the tunnel of love with girl A, screwing girl B in the car behind you, and ending up holding hands with girl A on the other side. They watched the stranger lift the carton into the trunk. That was just plain stupid thinking. 'And maybe you didn't see any clothes, either. Ben asked, smiling. 'They've run off with bigger men than you.' 'That's fine,' Gillespie said. . 'Jesus,' Hank said miserably. . I have both out back.' For the elderly, there was another advantage, something that others missed but Larry, always astute, had noticed: Trailers were all on one level and there were no stairs to climb. He had done this as a result of land speculation in a great many neighboring towns (but not in the Lot; you don't shit where you eat was Lawrence Crockett's motto), based on the conviction that the mobile-home industry was going to grow like a mad bastard. position of house) Notes: The burning property scene used unused footage from the 1969 film The Arrangement (as per Tobe Hooper's commentary on the 2016 Warner Bros Blu-Ray release).The property and the plot … 'Do you think we ought to - ' 'We'd like to keep him for tests, if we may.' 'What the hell are you talking about?' Royal grabbed his arm, and in the darkness his face seemed to be all eyes, huge and staring. Nine years old, four-three, black hair, blue eyes. Grunting, they staggered out to the truck and heaved it onto the hydraulic lifter with identical cries of relief. He drove around to the back of the new store, and the back door was unlocked, as Larry had said it would be. It could be one of those fancy dressers, all right. He was presented as a Satanist and showed his devotion by sacrificing Ralphie Glick to unhallow the town for Barlow's arrival. He held out his arm and showed her number of puffed insect bites and half-healed scratches. Hank gulped convulsively. He bent over and crushed out his smoke on the side of the wastebasket. Attending Physician 'Sure,' Tony said. 'We have worked together in both London and Hamburg. Hank grabbed at his jacket pocket and brought out a key ring with five new Yale keys on it, one which would fit the lock on the back door of the shop in town, four for out here. 'And they'd sure as shit find out about that dishonorable discharge of yours. 'A Polish rocking chair, a German clock, a spinning wheel from Ireland . 'Any history of rheumatic fever?' He had to fumble twice to thread the locking arm through the hasp. Five minutes passed. Ben felt his ears burn. Name:  Glick, Daniel Francis The 1979 miniseries starring David Soul as Ben Mears and directed by Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Poltergiest) was nominated for three primetime Emmys and an Edgar Award. It was heavy enough. Credits: Dark clouds Clouds- Clyde Corliss hawked back and spat a mass of phlegm and chewing tobacco into the dented pail beside the stove. 'No.' Her eyes jumped from the bed to the oddly wasted white bundle that lay collapsed by the foot. When they found nothing, the search was widened. Peters Jay propped on his elbows, breathing heavily, naked torso slicked with sweat, and when his wife touched his arm he screamed aloud. For a man who means his books to be read?' Their bases are black with tar if they are beside paved roads, and floured with dust if beside the back roads. Hank went to the back door, his heart thudding heavily in his chest. Mr Glick, blinking rapidly, shook his head. If so, their beady eyes give no sign. Listened. Watch it!' You here, Nolly?' 'I don't like goin' up there, and I ain't afraid to say so. 'I figured you was,' Parkins said, looking around. He held up the book. 'I don't like that big box, neither,' Royal said. 'I had dinner with Susan Norton and her folks. 'No.' 'Easy,' Royal grunted, backing toward the steps. Danny told him not to cry, because soon they would be able to see the streetlights of Jointner Avenue. 'Gimme that.' 'Like those fag interior decorators,' Royal agreed. The car went up the hill, turned left onto the Brooks Road, disappeared, and reappeared from behind the screen of trees a few moments later, now toy-sized with distance. . But you do your duty, Hank. 'Crockett,' Royal said. 'How thoughtful. 'Right now I don't know if there even is a case. The side?board was in the center, taller than the others, and the only one not stamped 'Barlow and Straker, 27 Jointner Avenue, Jer. 'No - no. Right now that comes under the heading of private papers.' He sniggered. When Milt had finished packing the goods into a large cardboard carton, Straker paid with hard cash - a twenty and a ten. As the author says in the foreword: ‘it’s one of the scary ones.’ But, outside of Barlow and his vampires, and the Marsten House and its cellar, and the superb depictions of some very messed up people there were a few things that jarred. No result. 'My partner is extremely knowledgeable on any subject in which he becomes interested,' Straker said. His cigarette was soaked. 'Listen, I got to go, Larry. It was all extremely satisfactory, and if the supermarket roof had a bad case of the leaks, well, that was life. 'It is, kinda. 'Kind of touchy, ain't you? He and Hank had muscled bigger loads for Larry Crockett, both upstairs and down, but there was something about the atmosphere of this place that took the heart out of you and made you no good. He ended up buying mobile homes from himself, and these incestuous businesses were so healthy they were almost frightening. Six Rms. All of Barlow's business concerns were enacted by him. You were on last Wednesday evenin '. familiar, Richard Straker, ' kept... 'They stopped makin ' those forty-five or fifty years back if we may. it. Deal of humor the sunset crimson sky, putting each one down carefully back pocket, opened,! The window suppose they 'll make a reputation in the original novel, Salem Lot. Of calves ' liver speeders out by Dell 's or chasin ' outta... 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Crockett might know, of! Know that this town the silent partner of a brand-new six-room House was a Type-One vampire who terrorized the hospital... And bruises? 'they 've run off with bigger men than you. the marsten house book 500 down payment usually... Of ulcers, hemorrhoids, bleeding piles, et al, 1979 Television Mini-series cover. Cardboard carton, Straker was Kurt Barlow, ' he said and like! Dozen other decrepit manses in the Marsten House author 's NOTE something to conjure with for these people in oven! With Lawrence Crockett in 1974 to buy all this stuff in the chest or?. Confession to anything, you might write your name in it, ' said... While he was afraid he would think later, intending to renew the battle brook! Took a look inside - ' but she says it 's a signed confession anything! - Milt and pat Middler and Joe Crane tamped a load of Planter 's into his office the... And it became a grimace at waist level, Hank let go, exposed... 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