association mapping in rice

Thus, association mapping is a more practical approach for cultivar development as the markers linked to major QTL are evaluated in a set of populations within a breeding program. The Rice Diversity Panel 1 (RDP1) is a rice panel representing the broad range of rice … A custom-designed array based on 6,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in as many stress-responsive genes, distributed at an average physical interval of <100 kb on 12 rice chromosomes, was used to genotype 220 rice accessions using Infinium high-throughput assay. Association mapping (AM)• Association mapping, also known as "linkage disequilibrium mapping", is a method of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that takes advantage of linkage disequilibrium to link phenotypes to genotypes.• Uses the diverse lines from the natural populations or germplasm collections.• Genome wide association studies (GWAS) carried out using 187,000 SNPs and 130 SNPs significantly associated for grain yield (GY), days to 50% anthesis (AD), days to 50% silking (SD), anthesis-silking interval (ASI), … Association mapping identifies QTLs by examining the marker-trait associations, and enables researchers to use modern genetic technologies … To address the demand, plant breeders seek new sources of genetic variation to enhance the productivity, sustainability and resilience of crop varieties. Rice. Front. Two of these alleles were tested in 13 genotypes to clarify their biomass responses during vegetative growth under elevated CO2 in Japan. An estimated two billion people, particularly children and pregnant and lactating women, suffer micronutrient malnutrition. The pairwise … Full size image. Wide Association Mapping in a tropical japonica × tropical japonica Rice Biparental Mapping Population Georgia C. Eizenga,* Melissa H. Jia, Aaron K. Jackson, Debbie L. Boykin, M. Liakat Ali, Ehsan Shakiba, Nhien T. Tran, Susan R. McCouch, and Jeremy D. Edwards AbstrAct The Rice Diversity Panel 1 (RDP1) was developed for genome-wide association (GWA) studies to explore five rice … The Manhattan plots for GP shows –log Collard a,e,f Int J Appl Agric Sci. Association mapping (AM) was performed through linkage disequilibrium approaches to assess marker- trait associations to help utilize natural dissimilarities and identify new genes for multiplex traits coupled to SNP analyses. Teressa Sta. Known genes identified within 100 kb near association peaks are indicated in red. Citation: Spindel J, Begum H, Akdemir D, Virk P, Collard B, Redoña E, et al. (2015) Genomic Selection and Association Mapping in Rice ( Oryza sativa ): Effect of Trait Genetic Architecture, Training Population Composition, Marker Number and Statistical Model on Accuracy of Rice Genomic Selection in Elite, Tropical Rice Breeding Lines. Plant Sci. Status and prospects of association mapping in plants. Development of a research platform for dissecting phenotype-genotype associations in rice. In this study, we used low planting density as an alternative phenotyping method for detecting the rice plasticity expressed under resource-rich conditions, as a proxy for the CO 2 enrichment associated with future climates. Micronutrient deficiencies and their associated health risks have become a major global health burden. AM broadly employs an array of crop types, most … Tung CW, Zhao K, Wright MH, Ali ML, Jung J, Kimball J, et al. To address the demand, plant breeders seek new sources of genetic variation to enhance the productivity, sustainability and resilience of crop varieties. Accurate phenotyping is essential for mapping, especially when the target trait is controlled by multiple genes or QTLs such as ShB resistance. 7:1415. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01415 Association Mapping for Aluminum Tolerance in a Core Collection of Rice Landraces Peng Zhang 1,2, Kaizhen Zhong 1, Hanhua Tong 1, Muhammad Qasim Shahid 2 and Jinquan Li 2,3 * 1 Google Scholar 16. Giovanni Melandri, Ankush Prashar, Susan R McCouch, Gerard van der Linden, Hamlyn G Jones, Niteen Kadam, Krishna Jagadish, Harro Bouwmeester, Carolien Ruyter-Spira, Association mapping and genetic dissection of drought-induced canopy temperature differences in rice, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 71, Issue 4, 7 February 2020, Pages 1614–1627, … Describing the genetic diversity in the gene pool of crops will provide breeders with novel resources for varietal improvement. 2008;1:5–20. Association mapping in rice: basic concepts and perspectives for molecular breeding Holden Verdeprado a, Tobias Kretzschmar a,b, Hasina Beguma,c,d, Chitra Raghavan , Priya Joycee, Prakash Lakshmanane, Joshua N. Cobb a and Bertrand C.Y. A total of 231 diverse accessions from Rice Diversity Panel 1 (RDP1) were inoculated with a highly virulent Taiwanese Fusarium fujikuroi isolate and assessed for resistance using two parameters: (1) disease severity index based on visual rating and (2) colonization rate determined by reisolation of F. fujikuroi from the basal stems of infected rice … LD analysis. More recently, employing candidate gene-based association mapping approach, 11 SNPs mined in five known cloned salt-tolerance genes through EcoTILLING have been shown to be associated with salinity tolerance (Na + /K + ratio equilibrium) in rice. Identified significant loci are shown in red dots. Genome-Wide Association Mapping in a Rice MAGIC Plus Population Detects QTLs and Genes Useful for Biofortification Gwen Iris L. Descalsota1,2,B. Association mapping in rice: basic concepts and perspectives for molecular breeding. An association mapping panel, consisting of 662 doubled haploid (DH) lines, was evaluated for yield contributing traits under normal and natural heat stress conditions. Cell Mol Life Sci. For the first time we are using association mapping strategy, germplasm collection with diversified genetic variability and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to identify DNA markers for marker-assisted selection in hybrid-rice breeding programs. Various agencies have made significant efforts on a glob… 2015;72(4):673–89. Central to effective GWA mapping is the population that is used. A total of 389 rice accessions from the RDP1 (Zhao et al. 2011; McCouch et al. 2016) consisting of 57 aus (AUS), 78 indica (IND), 100 temperate japonica (TEJ), 96 tropical japonica (TRJ) and 14 aromatic (ARO) as well as 44 admixtures were used in this study (Supplementary Table S1 ). Al-Shugeairy Z, Price AH, Robinson D. Genome wide association mapping for drought recovery trait in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Here, we describe a set of 1879 rice NAM lines created through the selfing and single-seed descent of F1 … Genome-wide-association studies validate three Environmental Responsiveness (ER) candidate alleles (qER1-3) that were associated with relative response of panicle weight to low density. Higher output genotyping techniques and related statistical approaches have been developed Zhu et al., 2008). Recently, the United Nations (UN) declared that tackling micronutrient deficiencies is one of the sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2035. The HDRA represents the most densely populated 2015;1(1):11–8. All major alleles segregating in those genomes can then be considered when attempting to identify significant marker–phenotype associations [ 25 ]. 2010;3:205–17. July 2018; Plant Production Science 21(1):1-18; DOI: … association mapping in rice [41,47,49]. Genome wide association mapping of GP in the freshly-harvested seeds of rice populations using LMM method. Low temperature affects seed germination and male sterility of Waxy (glutinous) rice is widely used in traditional foods, and understanding the genetic bases of its diverse physicochemical properties will contribute to breeding of new waxy rice with unique qualities. Rice Revealed by Association Mapping XU Fei-fei#, TANG Fu-fu#, SHAO Ya-fang, CHEN Ya-ling, TONG Chuan, BAO Jin-song (1Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Huajiachi Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; #These authors contributed equally to this work) Abstract: Agronomic traits are important determinants to rice yield, … Article Google Scholar 16. Fang Y, Xiong L. General mechanisms of drought response and their application in drought resistance improvement in plants. Author information: (1)Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University, 3-18-8 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate, 020-8550, Japan. The genome of rice, a model monocot plant, has been well characterized (Goff et al., 2002; Matsumoto et al., 2005); thus, rice is appropriate for such mapping exercises. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted to identify genes/loci conferring bakanae resistance in rice. Plant Genome. Kikuchi S(1), Bheemanahalli R(2)(3), Jagadish KSV(2)(3), Kumagai E(4), Masuya Y(1), Kuroda E(1), Raghavan C(2), Dingkuhn M(2)(5), Abe A(6), Shimono H(1). Association mapping for Al tolerance traits [i.e., relative root elongation (RRE)] was performed by using a core collection of 150 accessions of rice landraces (i.e., Ting's rice core collection). Our objective was to identify ShB QTLs via association mapping in rice using 217 sub-core entries from the USDA rice core collection, which were phenotyped with a micro-chamber screening method and genotyped with 155 genome-wide markers. An association mapping for 12 agronomic traits was carried out using a core collection of rice consisting of 150 landraces (Panel 1) with 274 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, and the mapping results were further verified using a Chinese national rice micro-core collection (Panel 2) and a collection from a global molecular breeding program (Panel 3). Several major QTLs are often employed in breeding programs by means of MAS. Here, we report the development of an association mapping panel consisting of 1,568 diverse inbred rice varieties and a genotyping data set generated using a high-density rice array (HDRA) comprised of 700,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). 4. Association mapping (AM)• Association mapping, also known as "linkage disequilibrium mapping", is a method of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that takes advantage of linkage disequilibrium to link phenotypes to genotypes.• Uses the diverse lines from the natural populations or germplasm collections.• Here we launch a high-resolution, open-access research platform to facilitate genome-wide association mapping in rice, a staple food crop. Genome-wide association mapping for grain manganese in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using a multi-experiment approach Panthita Ruang-areerate * (Corresponding Author), Anthony Travis , Shannon R. M. Pinson, Lee Tarpley, Georgia C. Eizenga, Mary Lou Guerinot, David E Salt, Alex Douglas , Adam H. Price , Gareth J Norton Distribution of pairwise relative kinship coefficients. In the present study, 96 rice accessions from southern Bangladesh were subjected to a genetic diversity and association mapping study using SSR and STS markers. Protein concentration was determined in replicated trials conducted in two southern U.S. locations, and association mapping was performed by using 157 genomewide DNA markers. Recent advances in genomic technology, impetus to exploit natural diversity, and development of … Association Mapping of Yield and Yield-related Traits Under Reproductive Stage Drought Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) B. P. Mallikarjuna Swamy1, Noraziyah Abd Aziz Shamsudin1,2, Site Noorzuraini Abd Rahman1,3, Ramil Mauleon1, Wickneswari Ratnam2, Ma. Association Mapping in Plants Chengsong Zhu, Michael Gore, Edward S. Buckler, and Jianming Yu* Abstract There is tremendous interest in using association mapping to identify genes responsible for quantitative variation of complex traits with agricultural and evolutionary importance. Although MAS can potentially reduce resources and time needed for breeding nitrogen use efficiency, only statistically significant QTLs with large effects are selected and ultimately employed in improving rice … Association mapping studies in RiceAssociation mapping studies in Rice Population Sample Size Markers used Trait Reference Germplasm 523 5291 SNPs 12 agronomic traits (Qing et al., 2015) Diverse accessions 203 154 SSRs Trait of Harvest Index (Li et al., 2012) Diverse rice accessions 383 44,000 SNPs Aluminum Tolerance (Famoso et al., 2011) Diverse accessions 413 44K SNPs … Genome-wide association mapping for phenotypic plasticity in rice. Association analysis for protein concentration in brown rice was performed using a “mini‐core” collection, which represents the germplasm diversity found in the USDA rice world collection.

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