which sentence best concludes the passage palms

TEAS READING: Three candidates showed up for an interview. (3) But the main use of the crop is the fiber it produces in the form of "bolls" that serve as a protective covering around its seeds. Cats are good pets too. A journey or ticket for a journey by sea or air. A voluntary played at the end of a church service. describing a behavioral paradox that had previously defied explanation. It may contain errors. The first thing we might notice in reading the verse in its context is that it is only the first half of a long sentence. More example sentences. tightly packed on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. –Saul Bellow, Dangling Man (1944) Columbus too thought he was a flop, probably, when they sent him back in chains. Begin by starting at a different place in the passage and/or sentence(s), basing your choice on the focus of your paper. Then choose the sentence that can best be inserted in place of the dashes. Part B Why is your choice in part A the BEST choice? Choice a is contra- dicted by the final sentence of the passage. To arrive at (C) the student needs to understand the implications of "more fluid and continuous" and "less isolated from.” 4. Here are a few ideas about how to talk to your kids about Palm Sunday. The Wage Gap Many theories try to explain why there is a large difference in the number of men and women working in areas such as engineering. answer choices. • Briefly summarize the texts • State your claim. This will lead naturally to some changes in wording. PARAPHRASE (to retell information from a text in roughly the same number of words but should be accurate and in your own words), or. Rules change depending on the situation. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy. The narrator of the second passage is angry. Which sentence best sums up the passage from "Self-Reliance"? It is highly likely that one day scientists will find a way to keep everyone safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry." Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. B. Which best describes the main idea of the passage? Exodus 20:11) is to honor the Maker of all things. He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. 1.3. –Samuel Beckett, Stirrings Still (1989) Long live regimentation! Last month marked the release of The City of Mirrors, the final book in Justin Cronin’s The Passage Trilogy.Cronin likes to say that he kept the entirety of the trilogy in his head during the course of writing its 1500+ pages, that he did not refer to any spreadsheets or notes, but the 30-page battle plan he conceded to drawing up before writing it probably helped. A seventh above the root is often added to create V 7, and the V is often preceded by a cadential 6 4 chord. 5. See Page 1. Untie it and bring it here. The passage in which an American soldier repeatedly blows a brass horn, at full volume, into the boy’s ear, is very hard to read, so vivid and unsparing is Lee’s prose. Therefore they are incorrect. Cotton and its Uses (1) Cottonseed is used as food for cattle. 2. Read the passage below; then answer the questions that follow. No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. Praying the Psalms brings hope to our hearts when life seems out of control. You need to answer all of the questions because a blank answer is a wrong answer. B. Times of distress, turmoil, unsettledness, worry, and inconsistency can become refreshments by turning to the Word of God. The first candidate arrived promptly and was dressed professionally. SURVEY. Of all the candidates, only one was appropriated for the job. The week’s best book drama is happening in the Times letters to the editor. Essentially, there are three ways in which a source can be incorporated into your writing: 1. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. The inference is based on the last two sentences. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. examples or sentence starters, use page 2 to help you! Read the excerpt from "First Generation" of Dreaming in Cuban. Though the quantitative measures suggest a lower grade placement, the language features and the fact that it is, essentially, focused on characterization, suggest that the appropriate placement for this passage is grade 9. Based on these sets of measures, this passage is recommended for assessment at grade 9. 6. Choice d is contradicted by the next to last sentence of the passage. Our cascade ranking method achieves the best Answers: 1 on a question: Which sentence best concludes the passage? The Metamorphosis Which sentence best summarizes the following passage (paragraph 3)? Read each passage and the four sentences that follow it. Commentary - your explanation and interpretation of the concrete detail. A bird settled on his A. Each question will have 5 possible answers. Reclusive and mysterious, Arthur "Boo" … All in all, dogs are the best pets. v. Clincher/Concluding Sentence - last sentence of the body paragraph. D. The pangolin is a critically endangered mammal native to Africa and Asia. It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. The SRA specifically included criminal history as a factor that courts must consider in imposing a sentence, 3 Choice B is the best answer because it concludes the passage with a sentence that emphasizes the enduring legacy of Kingman’s work by indicating that museums continue to make Kingman’s iconic paintings accessible to the public. ” is best … “Forgo,” meaning give up, is the best fit. The sentence concludes after the internal documentation. Answered Question: 1096…. She placed the money in his palm. Make sure you are restating the prompt. . Question 11: The writer wants to conclude the passage with an optimistic outlook on the problem raised in the previous sentence. . _____ 6.) The first candidate arrived promptly and was dressed professionally. What does postlude mean? Which choice best accomplishes this goal? As the start of Holy Week before Easter Sunday 2021, Palm Sunday reminds us to remember the real meaning of Easter.This occasion, which always falls a week before the special Christian holiday, marks the fourth (and final) Sunday of Lent. 33. Adverbs, it seems, dilute the potency of one’s seminal thoughts. If readers have verbal cues to follow—pronouns and transitions—they can forge connections between information in the paragraph to trace a unified sequence of ideas. Thank you very much. 97. b. Astronomers carefully differentiate among the “heavenly bodies” of our solar system. 1. The multiple-choice section of the AP English Language and Composition exam is the first part of the exam; you will complete it before you start to write the three essays. He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. You do not need to read a passage to answer the following question. What is the status of epistemological claims?Relativists regard the status of (at least some kinds of) epistemological claims as, in some way, relative— that is to say, that the truths which (some kinds of) epistemological claims aspire to are relative truths. The passage is excerpted from (A) Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” (B) Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” (C) Lowell’s “Democracy” (D) James’s The American (E) Holmes’s The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 16. “Defectors were spies in their own country, but they have abandoned their homeland to become agents for a foreign government.”. Then we pre-train a BERT language model with a new sentence prediction objective, and adopt a pointwise ranking strategy for re-ranking the remained candidate passages. 1. The correct word to complete the sentences that follow is eventful. The evidence is shown in the passage. The first paragraph reads "the second half of the seventeenth century was full of constant religious and political upheaval". The Tragic Theater of Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" Stephen Crane was a master of using strong language to evoke images. (B) It introduces an implied comparison. Question 11: The writer wants to conclude the passage with an optimistic outlook on the problem raised in the previous sentence. 4. Safe and Secure - When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. No symbols where none intended. May 21, 2021, 2:21pm. Pronouns help readers track essential sentence elements. Choice B is the best answer. Read this claim from paragraph 5 of the passage. So when it comes to booking the perfect hotel, vacation rental, resort, apartment, guest house, or tree house, we’ve got you covered. (emphasis added) Serious adjustment problems with global implications directly confront one or two of the advanced countries, but a significant slowing of the world economy and high energy and food prices could give rise to or worsen adjustment problems in a number of African, Latin American, and Asian economies. provide evidence for your topic sentence/support thesis. Quotes Important Quotes Explained. . Commentary explains how the concrete detail proves the thesis. Every day, we inspire and reach millions of travelers across 90 local websites in 41 languages. What is the function of sentence 5 in the passage? It is part of a doxology—a statement giving glory to God. Yes, because the revision specifically describes the procedures McCoy had to follow as he maintained the wheel bearings and axles of trains. It concludes the paragraph by tying the concrete details and commentary Master the GMAT Critical Reasoning section. Macro logic questions on ACT English ask you to determine where to properly place sentences within a paragraph and where to properly place paragraphs within a passage. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. Which sentence BEST concludes the paragraph? 3. you are to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, providing a dramatic example of a phenomenon that he will examine. The last sentence of the passage states that Mr. Peters’s mischaracterization of himself makes him act in ways that are not “becoming” for a man of his age. Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. All right, and that concludes our lesson on the introduction to the TOEFL reading. By Jessie Gaynor. Each of questions 33-37 presents a passage with a missing sentence indicated by a series of dashes. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. Whether music can or cannot express anything is perhaps a topic for another article. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B), and (C). c. Our solar system is made up of various “heavenly bodies.” d. 2 Find words in the passage which mean the same 30 seconds. (2) The seed the plant produces is used to extract oil. Which didn’t prove there was no America. TEAS READING: Three candidates showed up for an interview. In the correct answer, “elite members” are contrasted to “ordinary citizens,” while “free reign” is contrasted with “only a hint of latitude.” 7. ... having students reread the passage, consult illustrations. Due to their unique appearance, pangolins ate the most trafficked mammal on the planet. These rhetorical skills questions test your ability to analyze sentences and determine how to most logically organize a passage. Begin by starting at a different place in the passage and/or sentence(s), basing your choice on the focus of your paper. A. When quoting a conversation between two or more characters in a play, start the quote on a new line, indented one inch from the left margin.. Write the name of the first speaker in capital letters, followed by a period and the speaker's line(s). Passage selection should be based on the ELA Content Specifications targets and the cognitive demands of the assessment tasks. The beams bounce off his fingernails, five hard blue shields. what does this sentence mean? Find 11 ways to say AUTHENTICATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. (A) It clarifies and concludes ideas presented in sentence 4. Musical Sentence and Phrase – Music Composition and Theory. “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Some secrets are better left as secrets. Its job is to make sweat. 97. Boegehold reasonably concludes that this slight movement of the arm localizes one who is about to speak, a motion particularly useful for actors; comparison to a photo of Ronald Reagan with Andre Gromyko in 1984 (unfortunately not provided) is a nice touch. the answer choice that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or makes the wording more consistent with the passage’s style and tone. Consider the following sentences: Wiley stood out on his Montana porch watching the sunset ambiguously. 3. It restates the opinion. - Always conform to the standards of society. According to an economist at McGill University, women leave such jobs … D. In the end, every pet is someone’s favorite. This will lead naturally to some changes in wording. "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. Sentence 5 notes "One reason why seaweed may not have taken off as a fuel source." the answer choice that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or makes the wording more consistent with the passage’s style and tone. answer choices. She spoke articulately and seemed good fit for the organization. A) The narrator of the first passage is frightened. Summary & Analysis of Federalist #51 Summary: James Madison begins his famous federalist paper by explaining that the purpose of this essay is to help the readers understand how the structure of the proposed government makes liberty possible. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." Thinking a “little too well of herself” means that Emma had an elevated opinion of herself, or that she was self-satisfied. Question 1. The idea that music and language are closely related is not a new one although Stravinsky is supposed to have claimed that “music by its very nature is incapable of expressing anything”. Therefore they are incorrect. If you think the original wording of the statement is the best option, select “NO CHANGE.” In other cases, you’ll be asked a question about the underlined text. If you think the original wording of the statement is the best option, select “NO CHANGE.” In other cases, you’ll be asked a question about the underlined text. sentence structure) Knowledge Demands (life, content, cultural/literary ) Levels of Meaning/Purpose ... how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. SUMMARY (to state a text’s main ideas and key supporting points simply, briefly, and accurately in your own words), 2. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B), and (C). Indented Quotes: Sometimes in an essay, you will use a long quotation. You will take the information and you will put sentence 1 under cats, sentence 2 under dogs, sentence 3 under cats, sentence 4 under cats, sentence 5 under dogs, or something similar like that. Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) — A GoFundMe campaign to cover funeral expenses for a 13-year-old Florida boy killed in a horrific car accident over Memorial Day weekend has topped $20,000. In most cases. Of all the candidates, only one was appropriated for the job. dominant to tonic). Yes, because the revision provides a clearer connection between McCoy's main task as a railroad worker and his first patented device. . Johnson is my favorite teacher, and I really enjoy her class,” Mario told his mother. A line editor might look at the above passage and wonder if “boiling orb” is the best way to describe a sunset or if the adverb “ambiguously” contributes anything to the sentence. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be). indicating how his research extends the theoretical work of Gary Klein. passage of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (SRA) 1. in which it instructed federal courts to consider, among other things, the nature and circumstances of the offense and the history and characteristics of the defendant. Palm Sunday—which will be celebrated on March 28 this year—also celebrates Jesus' warm welcome into Jerusalem the day before he was … Which sentence best states the main idea of this passage? ... Dubai Palm Apartments Enquiry taken by: Amanda Name: 1 Address: 37 2 Vienna ... Find which sentences in the passage deal with this. 1) Introduction/Claim (One paragraph) • Start with a hook or attention getting sentence. An authentic cadence is a cadence from V to I (i.e. 34-36 — As he concludes, David calls for a universal anthem of praise in tribute to Almighty God; the entire creation in heaven, on earth, and in the sea (cf. Epistemology and Relativism. Fifty years ago, in the summer of 1966, Samuel Beckett wrote a short story called Ping. Sentence 4 states that American scientists have "shied away from," or ignored, kelp and seaweed as possible biofuels. Maldonado-Passage is currently serving a 22-year sentence for his role in conspiring in a murder-for-hire plot targeting animal rights activist Carole Baskin and for animal welfare violations. The doxology of verses 24 and 25 concludes the book of Jude. View full document. He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. His blue eyes are like lasers in the night. Practice Test 1 - Practice Tests - With this book 4 full-length practice tests created specifically for the redesigned exam, brand-new content reviews, and updated strategies for scoring success, Cracking the New SAT covers every facet of this challenging and important test. The dreary weather (the rain drops were falling audibly down on the metal window ledge) made him quite melancholy. The boiling orb descended under the palm-trees. The Passage is "The Trouble of Being Earnest" Which statement best expresses a theme of the passage? . All three paragraphs start out well with a topic sentence. This preview shows page 9 - 13 out of 29 pages. The question will present alternatives for the underlined part. 8) D In the final paragraph the author concludes the passage by saying, "But things are changing. About the size of a cat, the body and tail of pangolins are covered by hard, overlapping scales made of keratin, which protects them from attack. Sample Paragraph 1 ―Harry had the best morning Harry‘d had in a long time. Some places you might start in the passage above are “The mother’s main charge,” “Among the . 1. Which sentence best concludes the passage? ‘he then booked passage home aboard a Spanish warship’. Gregory's glance then turned to the window. Q. He held up a palm for silence. In the first paragraph (lines 1-15), the author introduces his topic by. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. Palms by J. P. Saunders There are over 2,600 varieties of palms, which include leafy house plants, landscaping trees, and even vines known as lianas. 242+9 sentence examples: 1. How to Cite Plays (96-97). Although palms grow all over the world, most palms do not tolerate cold weather well and cannot thrive in freezing temperatures; they prefer hot 2 Television was a new technology at the time and the organizers of the New York World's Fair believed the game would be an ideal showcase for its vast capabilities. A concluding sentence is how you … A. the purpose of skin Sentence 6 states the reason for the opposing point of view: They believe that society as well as the criminal is responsible for the crimes and that killing the criminal does not solve the problems of either society or the criminal. Check out these ACT reading strategies. Choice c is incorrect because the passage says the RDA approach is a useful guide, but does not say it is the best guide to good nutrition. In this context, “becoming” suggests behavior that is appropriate or fitting. Marriage changes a person. Topic Sentences. iv. Question 65: The writer wants to conclude the passage with an optimistic outlook on the problem raised in the previous sentence. The sentence beginning “He who would gather immortal palms . Epistemology is, roughly, the philosophical theory of knowledge, its nature and scope. Which sentence best concludes the passage? In this sentence, the word enjoy means — F like G hear H notice J save “Mrs. Hotels.com is a leading online accommodation site. According to the passage, Emma had “a disposition to think a little too well of herself” (line 30). Sweat evaporates from the skin and cools your body.

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