opposite of smooth

Having a texture that lacks friction. One is composed who has subdued excited feeling; he is collected when he has every thought, feeling, or perception awake and at command. Opposite of stet NYT Crossword Clue Answers are listed below and every time we find a new solution for this clue we add it on the answers list. Opposite of smooth crossword clue? Antonyms:lacerated, crushed, erose, scabrous, jolting, crenated, textured, emarginate, notched, rock-ribbed, bullate, rugose, leprose, difficult, shagged, undiplomatic, jolty, alligatored, denticulate, crispate, lacerate, verrucose, mountainous, sandpapery, lepidote, lined, jumpy, crenate, coarse-textured, rough, roughish, rough-textured, bouldery, cracked, rimose, pockmarked, toothed, chapped, nubby, barky, twilled, scalloped, wartlike, rugged, stormy, ciliated, pebbly, bouldered, dentate, unsmooth, rockbound, seamed, pocked, slubbed, hilly, tweedy, abrasive, biserrate, scratchy, scabby, pectinate, saw-like, bumpy, broken, hard, saw-toothed, costate, imbricate, serrated, corded, warty, crenulate, bidentate, shaggy, gravelly, squamulose, serrulate, cragged, fimbriate, roughened, potholed, stony, ciliate, jagged, crenulated, scurfy, imbricated, rocky, fringed, spinose, ribbed, awkward, shingly, scaly, laciniate, nubbly, homespun(p), craggy, jaggy, serrate, runcinate, roughen, having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities, "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror", Antonyms:tweedy, denticulate, rough, scalloped, erose, coarse-textured, shagged, roughened, stormy, notched, leprose, fimbriate, sandpapery, imbricate, ciliate, difficult, rocky, awkward, toothed, crushed, scabrous, corded, crenulate, rugose, twilled, saw-toothed, scaly, homespun(p), crenulated, costate, textured, rockbound, mountainous, lacerate, pectinate, wartlike, craggy, rugged, dentate, undiplomatic, jumpy, ciliated, squamulose, lepidote, warty, rough-textured, jagged, shingly, pockmarked, crenate, serrated, emarginate, crenated, lacerated, cracked, biserrate, jolting, slubbed, rock-ribbed, potholed, pocked, serrulate, bullate, chapped, stony, bouldery, scurfy, runcinate, saw-like, crispate, hilly, pebbly, nubby, bumpy, scabby, abrasive, barky, bouldered, cragged, nubbly, rimose, alligatored, verrucose, imbricated, ribbed, hard, roughish, gravelly, shaggy, serrate, seamed, jolty, broken, scratchy, unsmooth, lined, bidentate, jaggy, fringed, laciniate, spinose, roughen, Synonyms:placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, tranquil, unruffled, legato, suave, quiet, fluid, smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication, "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage"; "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error", Antonyms:bumpy, nubbly, rock-ribbed, toothed, jumpy, lacerate, saw-toothed, jaggy, scalloped, bouldered, stormy, biserrate, scurfy, chapped, imbricated, wartlike, dentate, crushed, rockbound, slubbed, verrucose, cragged, lined, pocked, crenulate, mountainous, emarginate, notched, rough, potholed, stony, scabrous, warty, lepidote, pebbly, scratchy, serrulate, crenate, crispate, squamulose, spinose, rocky, serrated, broken, shagged, crenulated, ribbed, rugged, scabby, hard, craggy, pectinate, jagged, pockmarked, rough-textured, ciliated, shaggy, rugose, nubby, lacerated, shingly, jolting, homespun(p), fringed, saw-like, erose, cracked, difficult, alligatored, hilly, bullate, imbricate, serrate, denticulate, twilled, scaly, roughish, sandpapery, seamed, jolty, abrasive, corded, rimose, ciliate, awkward, laciniate, crenated, coarse-textured, undiplomatic, bidentate, bouldery, tweedy, fimbriate, textured, barky, unsmooth, costate, gravelly, runcinate, leprose, roughened, roughen, Synonyms:fluid, placid, savourless, insipid, tranquil, unruffled, still, quiet, flavorless, flavourless, suave, vapid, savorless, legato, debonair, debonnaire, bland, flat, debonaire, fluent, liquid, politic, of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth, Antonyms:saw-like, rugose, lacerate, ciliate, rimose, potholed, gravelly, bumpy, ribbed, laciniate, jaggy, scurfy, seamed, stormy, serrulate, nubby, wartlike, slubbed, sandpapery, cracked, roughened, bouldery, scalloped, imbricate, barky, rocky, textured, pockmarked, serrated, awkward, serrate, broken, lacerated, jagged, mountainous, jumpy, craggy, lined, leprose, rough, erose, rugged, jolting, shaggy, difficult, fimbriate, fringed, chapped, scaly, scratchy, spinose, scabrous, toothed, verrucose, shagged, notched, unsmooth, denticulate, hard, crispate, crenulate, biserrate, jolty, pectinate, costate, runcinate, coarse-textured, homespun(p), tweedy, alligatored, bouldered, saw-toothed, abrasive, undiplomatic, corded, hilly, crenated, dentate, rockbound, crenate, shingly, warty, crushed, stony, crenulated, cragged, twilled, pebbly, rough-textured, ciliated, squamulose, pocked, emarginate, roughish, rock-ribbed, imbricated, bidentate, lepidote, bullate, scabby, nubbly, roughen, "a long, smooth stride"; "the fluid motion of a cat"; "the liquid grace of a ballerina", Antonyms:emarginate, notched, jolting, ciliate, bumpy, crenated, jolty, denticulate, scalloped, jagged, corded, crenate, squamulose, sandpapery, dentate, ciliated, rocky, serrate, abrasive, barky, hilly, rugose, fringed, scaly, fimbriate, lacerated, saw-toothed, bidentate, scabrous, nubby, rugged, chapped, rimose, imbricate, seamed, rockbound, rough-textured, rough, serrated, jumpy, stony, lined, toothed, jaggy, cracked, scratchy, lacerate, hard, scabby, laciniate, nubbly, homespun(p), pectinate, crispate, shaggy, slubbed, crushed, costate, twilled, bouldered, crenulated, shingly, coarse-textured, scurfy, pocked, roughened, tweedy, spinose, runcinate, lepidote, warty, wartlike, serrulate, bouldery, broken, biserrate, pockmarked, crenulate, cragged, bullate, verrucose, roughish, mountainous, rock-ribbed, gravelly, undiplomatic, potholed, leprose, awkward, textured, stormy, saw-like, difficult, shagged, ribbed, erose, imbricated, pebbly, alligatored, craggy, unsmooth, roughen, Synonyms:tranquil, silver-tongued, eloquent, fluid, placid, silver, liquified, still, quiet, legato, unruffled, smooth-spoken, swimming, suave, runny, limpid, facile, melted, mobile, unstable, fluent, liquid, bland, politic, (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected, Antonyms:barky, denticulate, undiplomatic, twilled, rocky, bullate, slubbed, bumpy, imbricate, hilly, costate, runcinate, alligatored, ciliate, scabrous, rugose, jolty, rough, seamed, lacerate, saw-toothed, erose, crenated, shingly, leprose, roughened, rough-textured, stony, sandpapery, jagged, saw-like, unsmooth, squamulose, pocked, broken, gravelly, lacerated, jaggy, lepidote, cracked, potholed, nubbly, bouldered, notched, emarginate, dentate, serrated, pebbly, crushed, mountainous, tweedy, ciliated, bouldery, scurfy, wartlike, jolting, chapped, pectinate, lined, warty, scabby, toothed, awkward, textured, pockmarked, crenulate, crispate, jumpy, biserrate, corded, cragged, serrulate, shaggy, stormy, rock-ribbed, bidentate, roughish, laciniate, crenulated, nubby, scratchy, craggy, fringed, rimose, spinose, abrasive, rockbound, difficult, imbricated, homespun(p), serrate, scaly, fimbriate, crenate, scalloped, hard, verrucose, ribbed, coarse-textured, rugged, shagged, roughen, Synonyms:placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, unruffled, tranquil, legato, suave, quiet, fluid, of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence, Antonyms:jolting, rimose, rough, chapped, seamed, saw-toothed, notched, rugose, crenate, rock-ribbed, bumpy, wartlike, broken, shaggy, spinose, lepidote, toothed, bouldered, shingly, roughish, corded, emarginate, twilled, serrulate, cragged, cracked, craggy, homespun(p), coarse-textured, scalloped, bidentate, stormy, saw-like, tweedy, abrasive, ciliate, crenulated, denticulate, rough-textured, crenated, warty, nubbly, alligatored, gravelly, lined, pectinate, bullate, dentate, costate, scaly, mountainous, lacerated, scurfy, hard, jaggy, imbricated, potholed, scabrous, textured, leprose, roughened, serrated, jumpy, sandpapery, pockmarked, undiplomatic, difficult, rocky, verrucose, bouldery, hilly, shagged, stony, fringed, barky, nubby, rockbound, crushed, jagged, imbricate, fimbriate, ribbed, pocked, awkward, laciniate, jolty, crenulate, lacerate, pebbly, runcinate, scratchy, crispate, ciliated, biserrate, slubbed, rugged, squamulose, erose, serrate, unsmooth, scabby, roughen, "the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly", Antonyms:lacerated, imbricate, fimbriate, textured, mountainous, broken, jaggy, ribbed, twilled, nubby, ciliated, runcinate, pockmarked, rocky, nubbly, hard, notched, corded, saw-toothed, toothed, squamulose, scurfy, crenulated, scalloped, seamed, ciliate, pocked, rugose, wartlike, crushed, crenate, unsmooth, bullate, rugged, shingly, barky, alligatored, lacerate, awkward, scratchy, scaly, saw-like, dentate, bumpy, crenulate, jolting, crispate, rough, hilly, rough-textured, stony, spinose, verrucose, coarse-textured, imbricated, leprose, shagged, rockbound, rock-ribbed, homespun(p), tweedy, chapped, gravelly, emarginate, scabby, abrasive, slubbed, serrated, jagged, fringed, rimose, warty, cracked, scabrous, serrulate, lepidote, craggy, stormy, roughish, roughened, denticulate, potholed, lined, pectinate, biserrate, bouldered, serrate, pebbly, crenated, laciniate, bouldery, difficult, sandpapery, jolty, costate, erose, jumpy, cragged, shaggy, undiplomatic, bidentate, roughen, placid, quiet, still, tranquil, smooth, unruffled(verb), (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves, "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water", Antonyms:rough, bumpy, shaggy, denticulate, broken, laciniate, spinose, barky, difficult, homespun(p), jolting, mountainous, crenulated, lacerate, bidentate, ciliate, scabrous, notched, bouldery, tweedy, nubby, sandpapery, cragged, emarginate, leprose, jumpy, unsmooth, serrated, erose, seamed, crenated, toothed, craggy, awkward, pectinate, squamulose, bouldered, pocked, crispate, crenate, fimbriate, jagged, rugged, rugose, lacerated, imbricate, crushed, hilly, rockbound, biserrate, scabby, pockmarked, twilled, runcinate, verrucose, roughish, pebbly, hard, bullate, jaggy, saw-toothed, scaly, scalloped, costate, roughened, scratchy, dentate, nubbly, imbricated, jolty, lined, coarse-textured, rimose, serrate, wartlike, ribbed, potholed, abrasive, fringed, cracked, crenulate, serrulate, scurfy, rock-ribbed, stormy, stony, shagged, chapped, shingly, slubbed, ciliated, undiplomatic, gravelly, rocky, saw-like, rough-textured, warty, textured, corded, alligatored, lepidote, roughen, Synonyms:inactive, motionless, suave, placid, good-tempered, fluid, restrained, serene, static, muted, tranquil, soundless, unruffled, still, unflustered, quiet, hushed, silent, unflurried, even-tempered, subdued, unagitated, fluent, calm, equable, unperturbed, bland, noneffervescent, liquid, legato, politic, make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing, Antonyms:bouldered, bouldery, cracked, rimose, squamulose, crenulate, bullate, warty, rugged, erose, pockmarked, rough, scabby, bumpy, roughened, rocky, barky, ciliate, tweedy, scabrous, abrasive, imbricate, pocked, laciniate, lepidote, awkward, runcinate, rough-textured, costate, pectinate, stony, chapped, hard, slubbed, corded, scratchy, crenated, leprose, sandpapery, rugose, coarse-textured, fringed, denticulate, hilly, serrate, imbricated, shaggy, shagged, shingly, serrulate, lacerate, notched, jagged, jolting, serrated, toothed, pebbly, fimbriate, jumpy, undiplomatic, gravelly, spinose, biserrate, textured, scaly, dentate, lined, twilled, craggy, roughish, unsmooth, bidentate, homespun(p), verrucose, scurfy, stormy, potholed, scalloped, rock-ribbed, nubbly, nubby, lacerated, wartlike, difficult, crenate, rockbound, crispate, cragged, ciliated, saw-like, broken, seamed, jaggy, ribbed, alligatored, crenulated, saw-toothed, mountainous, crushed, jolty, emarginate, roughen, Synonyms:smooth out, shine, polish, smoothen, "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes", Antonyms:undiplomatic, bouldered, rocky, gravelly, scalloped, rough, nubbly, barky, ciliated, lined, roughened, difficult, rockbound, seamed, imbricate, laciniate, rimose, jaggy, jolty, jagged, jumpy, leprose, dentate, bumpy, shaggy, squamulose, unsmooth, notched, coarse-textured, toothed, tweedy, runcinate, scabby, broken, lacerated, serrulate, scabrous, serrate, lacerate, crenated, wartlike, slubbed, bouldery, roughish, cracked, mountainous, awkward, corded, abrasive, fringed, potholed, homespun(p), costate, warty, lepidote, rugged, crenulated, textured, erose, fimbriate, scratchy, pockmarked, crenate, bidentate, saw-like, rough-textured, pocked, scurfy, sandpapery, pebbly, ribbed, alligatored, stormy, rugose, cragged, emarginate, shingly, chapped, twilled, rock-ribbed, pectinate, nubby, crispate, crenulate, serrated, bullate, stony, crushed, jolting, verrucose, shagged, biserrate, hilly, imbricated, craggy, ciliate, spinose, hard, scaly, denticulate, saw-toothed, roughen, Synonyms:shine, polish up, smoothen, polish, strike, reflect, glow, gleam, down, beam, fine-tune, glitter, brush up, refine, radiate, glint, fall, glisten, smooth out, round, round off, "smooth the way towards peace negotiations", Antonyms:roughish, imbricated, saw-toothed, jolting, ciliate, crenated, fringed, emarginate, squamulose, wartlike, chapped, erose, denticulate, difficult, twilled, pocked, bouldery, potholed, jaggy, lacerate, gravelly, crushed, abrasive, rocky, crispate, imbricate, stormy, laciniate, bumpy, scaly, stony, rimose, crenate, tweedy, lined, pockmarked, rugged, slubbed, warty, pebbly, scabrous, spinose, ciliated, undiplomatic, jumpy, scalloped, hilly, scurfy, verrucose, jagged, scabby, fimbriate, serrate, barky, bouldered, leprose, runcinate, lepidote, sandpapery, unsmooth, jolty, rough-textured, toothed, notched, alligatored, dentate, cracked, corded, nubbly, pectinate, crenulate, rugose, shaggy, serrated, bidentate, broken, crenulated, rough, biserrate, hard, serrulate, costate, seamed, saw-like, awkward, shingly, craggy, bullate, roughened, rock-ribbed, coarse-textured, mountainous, homespun(p), nubby, ribbed, textured, rockbound, lacerated, scratchy, cragged, shagged, roughen. 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