african clawless otter lifespan

Accessed December 08, 2020 at Sometimes the otter builds these by digging up to nine feet underground, below the water level. The only area where it is not found is in the Congo basin, which is in Central Africa. Spraints are commonly found surrounding dens and occur most frequently during the mating season. Visit the Kingdom Animalia: Study Guide & Review page to learn more. The only otters seen so far is a dull brown, with a white … Dens have been found from sea level to 1200 m in elevation. It is widely-distributed across South Africa and the second largest freshwater otter species in the world, reaching between 113 and 163 cm in length and weighing between 12 and 21 kg. Get access risk-free for 30 days, African clawless otters are found near permanent bodies of water in savannah and lowland forest areas. The back feet are only partly webbed and the front have no webbing at all. April 01, 2011 The African clawless otter lives in dens, or cave-like shelters. This material is based upon work supported by the Synapomorphy of the Bilateria. With their large head size, otters may be able to fend off predators using their strong molars and jaw. Their thick shiny coats are colored dark brown except for distinctive white coloring on the upper lips, the sides of the face, neck, throat, belly, and lower ears. Shallow water, approximately 1.5 m deep, is preferred for hunting. Dens are used for resting, playing, eating, defecating, and giving birth and are shared by multiple otters. Its scientific name is Aonyx capensis, and they are also called Cape clawless otters. Common Name: Sea otter. All rights reserved. Individuals are known to live for 132 months and can grow to 19322.22 g. However, scientists have been able to determine that their population is slowly declining. (Hoffmann, 2010), Populations of African clawless otters are widespread and stable, and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists them as "least concern". 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Breeding occurs during the dry season, which varies depending on location, and parturition coincides with the beginning of the rainy season. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. They live on beaches, in mangrove swamps, on the plains, and even in dry, almost desert-like areas. The African clawless otter is the most abundant otter species in Africa. The scientific name for this species is Aonyx capensis, and it is also called the Cape clawless otter. Scientific Name: Enhydra lutris. They don't range evenly throughout their territory. African zoology, 40/2: 330-334. Lauren has taught intermediate reading in an English Language Institute, and she has her Master's degree in Linguistics. As the name suggests, these Otters don’t have claws. (Larivière, 2001; Nel and Somers, 2007; Somers and Nel, 2003), African clawless otters have home ranges from 4.9 ha to 1062.5 ha. LIFE SPAN: 10 - 12 years. courses that prepare you to earn These games probably help the youngsters to practice skills they will need to capture prey in later life. They have nimble forefeet with opposable thumbs. African Clawless Otter is found in the Afrotropics. reproduction in which fertilization and development take place within the female body and the developing embryo derives nourishment from the female. Category: Otter. Otter pelage consists of two kinds of hair. 671 Sample size Small Data quality Acceptable Observations. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Log in here for access. You can test out of the It’s molars, powerful jaws, and lack of cutting teeth are well adapted for crushing crustacean carapaces and skull bones of large fish. Females have two pairs of mammary glands on their abdomen. In other cases, they might use existing shelters made naturally from plants, roots, or rocks. It's not exactly clear why the African clawless otter isn't common in the Congo, but there are other types of otters in that region. Accessed African clawless otters have large molars, specialized for crushing crustaceans and fish skulls, and no cutting teeth. The undercoat, or fur, is white to off-white and is made of short (10 mm), fine, wavy hair. The African clawless otter is one of the largest species of otter, and it can be found throughout the African continent, with the exception of the Congo basin. © copyright 2003-2020 There are no known ectoparasites. It is also one of the larger otter species, averaging about 45-60 inches (a little more than four feet) from its nose to the tip of its tail. They make dens by digging holes that can be up to six feet deep, extending from the surface down below water level. Perrin, M., C. Carugati. How Do I Use's Assign Lesson Feature? Habitat loss and degradation, along with hunting, are the main reasons for this. They are well known for the luxurious hair that they have. The African clawless otter (Aonyx capensis), also known as the Cape clawless otter or groot otter, is the second-largest freshwater species of otter. The Metro Richmond Zoo opened a new African Clawless otter exhibit. Their head and body length ranges from 762 mm to 880 mm. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Threatened species surveys in the Gola Forest Reserves, Sierra Leone. They weigh between 10 and 22 kg. The African Clawless Otter is the second largest of all freshwater species. Giant otter… But sea otters have recorded living up to 25 years. The Animal Diversity Web team is excited to announce ADW Pocket Guides! Congo clawless otters are mostly nocturnal, but have been observed in undisturbed swamp lands during the daytime. Kowalsky, D. 2013. Services. Fire and grazing are important in the long-term maintenance of grasslands. ADW doesn't cover all species in the world, nor does it include all the latest scientific information about organisms we describe. The clawless otter's life span is probably an average of 10–15 years. African clawless otters do not typically dive farther than 1.5 m below the surface of the water. 2003. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. (Larivière, 2001; Nel and Somers, 2007; Somers and Nel, 2003), African clawless otters do the majority of their hunting in water. and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). African clawless otters have large skulls, measuring 125 to 136 mm in length. Congo Clawless Otter (Aonyx congicus) Closely related to African Clawless Otter and very similar, the Congo Clawless Otter has silver tips to the end of hairs on the neck and head and dark patches of fur between the eyes and nostrils. They grab prey with their forefeet and bring it to the surface to eat. Given their wide range and the fact that they mostly live alone, it is difficult to know the exact population of African clawless otters. Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) They spend a majority of their waking hours swimming, hunting, foraging, playing, and basking in the sun. In addition, they have dexterous hands which are used to search for food, grab prey and turn over rocks. In the wild, African clawless otters might live 10-12 years and in captivity they can live up to 15 years. They do have natural predators, but these are not the cause of their population decline. (Larivière, 2001) Range lifespan Status: wild 10 to 12 years; Range lifespan Status: captivity 15 (high) years; Typical lifespan Status: wild 10 to 14 years; Average lifespan Status: captivity 15 years; Behavior Directly after eating, African clawless otters clean their faces with their forefeet. an area where a freshwater river meets the ocean and tidal influences result in fluctuations in salinity. They dry themselves off by rolling and rubbing their bodies against grass, rocks, or sandbars and basking in the sun. Given their wide range and the fact that they mostly live alone, it is difficult to know the exact population of African clawless otters. These otters prefer shallow water with thick reed beds, which are home to several favorable prey such as crab and fish. African clawless otters have also been known to eat ducks, geese, coots, swans, dragonfly larvae, mollusks, reptiles, small birds, and shrews. Wotton, S., T. Morris, G. Anderson, G. Shorrock. African Clawless otter pup Figure 3. (Nel and Somers, 2007), African clawless otters make complex vocalizations, including low and high pitched whistles, grunts, and “hah” sounds thought to express anxiety. While ADW staff and contributors provide references to books and websites that we believe are reputable, we cannot necessarily endorse the contents of references beyond our control. Convergent in birds. African clawless otters have long white whiskers on their cheeks, chin, and brows, which are used to detect prey in murky waters. (Larivière, 2001; Nel and Somers, 2007), Little is known about the mating system of Aonyx capensis. Epiphytes and climbing plants are also abundant. Savannas are grasslands with scattered individual trees that do not form a closed canopy. Family: Mustelidae. Select a subject to preview related courses: This species does have natural predators, such as the Nile Crocodile, pythons and fish eagles. Distribution and habitat choice of Cape clawless otters, in South Africa. rainforests, both temperate and tropical, are dominated by trees often forming a closed canopy with little light reaching the ground. at communicates by producing scents from special gland(s) and placing them on a surface whether others can smell or taste them, breeding is confined to a particular season, reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female. 2007. Did you know… We have over 220 college Nearly half of all dens are formed by natural depressions or sheltering landscape with the other half of dens constructed by otters digging through soft substrates such as sand or mud. Burrows typically contain a nest made of grass or other vegetation. Marine populations do occur if a source of freshwater is nearby for drinking. forest biomes are dominated by trees, otherwise forest biomes can vary widely in amount of precipitation and seasonality. the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic. Rough skin lines their palms and fingers and helps to grip slippery prey. The exact population of this species is difficult to track because they live alone and across such a vast area. Males’ foreskin protrudes from their body but the penis resides beneath their thick skin. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Small crabs are eaten while the otter is perpendicular to the water’s surface, and large crabs are eaten while the otter lies on its back in order to catch pieces of food falling from its mouth. 2010. Anyone can earn Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities. A grassland with scattered trees or scattered clumps of trees, a type of community intermediate between grassland and forest. Otters are animals that appear in The Lion Guard. It is a similar status to 'vulnerable'. Discover How Long Sea otter Lives. Hoffmann, M. 2010. Campbell Aonyx capensis 5 Diet African Clawless Otter are considered a specialist for feeding on crabs. Accessed They begin hunting by submerging their heads underwater and scanning for prey while using their forefeet to feel under rocks. chemicals released into air or water that are detected by and responded to by other animals of the same species. They are agile swimmers that can often escape potential predators while in the water. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. It is very silky in appearance as well as to the touch. Ibis, 152/1: 205-206. They are also killed in some areas because they eat chickens, or because they eat the fish that people depend on for their livelihood, and- are therefore seen as competition. The Metro Richmond Zoo is pleased to announce the opening of a new African Clawless otter exhibit. The dens are typically close to freshwater or not far from a shore. African zoology, 44/2: 159-170. Their home range is limited to the African continent, stretching along the coast from South Africa to Ethiopia and across the continent to Senegal. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? DNA work by Koepfli & Wayne (1998 & 2003) indicated that the Asian small-clawed otter is a sister species to the African clawless and Congo clawless otters. The Cape clawless otter, also known as the African clawless otter, is one of two otter species to occur in South Africa. Their most dangerous predators are humans. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal ANIMAL LIFE EXPECTANCY live longer live better. They are well known for the luxurious hair that they have. March 10, 2011 Otters have been a … One specimen of the congicus subspecies lived 14.2 years in captivity . having markings, coloration, shapes, or other features that cause an animal to be camouflaged in its natural environment; being difficult to see or otherwise detect. On land, these otters either walk slowly or trot like a seal, sometimes walking over 7 km between bodies of water. This species is semi-aquatic, meaning it splits its time between water and land. Sam The African Clawless Otter Bronx Zoo zoologist observing Sam, the African clawless otter, soaking in ice water, Wayne, New Jersey, April 1971 (Photo by Nina Leen/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images) In addition, various species of roundworm, including Cloeoascaris spinicollis, spend at least part of their complex life cycle in the tissues of African clawless otters . Referring to something living or located adjacent to a waterbody (usually, but not always, a river or stream). Interestingly, the offspring are considered mature after about 1 year. (Larivière, 2001), African clawless otters live 10 to 12 years in the wild and approximately 15 years in captivity. (Larivière, 2001; Nel and Somers, 2007), African clawless otters are the largest Old World otter species and 3rd largest species of otter overall. A pair of anal scent glands are also used to communicate through scent. After hunting bouts they may exit the water and dry off or spend time playing. Their bi-colored pelage helps camouflage them with in the water and on land. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 37/1: 61-70. Though we edit our accounts for accuracy, we cannot guarantee all information in those accounts. As with most animals, their lifespan in captivity is longer. 2009. Accessed living in sub-Saharan Africa (south of 30 degrees north) and Madagascar. Somers, M., J. Nel. A terrestrial biome. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Precipitation is typically not limiting, but may be somewhat seasonal. Dens are never farther than 50 m from shore or 15 m from freshwater. It is listed as near threatened by IUCN and in CITES Appendix II. African clawless otters are occasionally viewed as agricultural pests as they also sometimes kill poultry. African clawless otters also dive for fish. mainly lives in oceans, seas, or other bodies of salt water. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including mangroves, beaches, and even desert-like areas. Taxon Information The diet of Cape clawless otters at two sites along the Bloukrans River, eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes). Common Name: African clawless otter. Young African clawless otters spend a significant amount of time playing and have been observed play-fighting, swimming, sliding on rocks, playing with their food, and even fetching small pebbles thrown into the water before they hit the ground. animals that use metabolically generated heat to regulate body temperature independently of ambient temperature. Other than the water requirement, this otter can be found in a range of different habitat types. These otters are most active during dawn and dusk (i.e., crepuscular). Distribution of the African Clawless Otter (Aonyx capensis) Data based on Otters of the World (IOSF 2015) More information on the African Otters Group. MORE IN OTTER CATEGORY. African clawless otters live 10 to 12 years in the wild and approximately 15 years in captivity. They also squeal, moan, and mew. They are the least aquatic of all the otters. Journal of zoology, 262/1: 91-98. At birth, pups weigh about 200 g and can grow to more than 1,400 g within 14 days. As the name suggests, these Otters don’t have claws. 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They have a broad, flattened brain case and a small sagittal crest. They range through most of sub-Saharan Africa, except for the Congo River … Least adapted of all otters to aquatic way of life and has short fur providing less insulation. at<0001:AC>2.0.CO;2. They swim by using their hind legs and tails for propulsion while using their tails as rudders. - Anatomy, Family & Diet, Baikal Seal: Habitat, Adaptations, Predators & Facts, Ringed Seal: Habitat, Population & Adaptations, Signs, Symptoms & Causes of Bloat in Dogs, Biological and Biomedical Unlike their close relative Aonyx capensis congica, Aonyx capensis does not occur in the central African rainforest region of the Congo basin. Accessed (Hoffmann, 2010), Due to their diet, fishermen view African clawless otters as competitors for fish and fish prey. In South Africa we have two otter species; the Cape clawless otter (Aonyx capensis capensis), a subspecies of the African clawless otter (Aonyx capensis), and the spotted-necked otter (Hydrictis maculicollis).Both of these species have an IUCN ranking of Least Concern with the latter being much smaller … Daytime is spent sleeping in burrows or dens. just create an account. Brain size is large compared to skull size, the rostrum is short and broad, and zygomatic arches are slender. Aonyx congica (African clawless Otter) found in Central Equatorial Africa, are least adapted aquatically while Enhydra lutris , having completely severed their dependence on freshwater, are a totally marine species, so much so that they even give birth in water. Inside its short, broad muzzle are relatively small teeth, which are adapted for catching fish instead of the crustaceans that the clawless otters eat. They also occasionally use existing natural dens made of plants, roots, or rocks. African Clawless Otter The African Clawless Otter is the second largest of all freshwater species. When you think about Africa, what animals first come to mind? They become independent and sexually mature by 1 year old. Lifespan/Longevity. In freshwater habitats, their diet consists primarily of crabs (Potamonautes); however, they also eat frogs (Xenopus), insects (Coprinae, Cyclorhapha, Dytiscidae, Nepidae, Odonota, Scarabaeidae), and various species of fish, which make up more of the diet during winter when they are slowed by cold temperatures and are easier to catch. African clawless otters are found near permanent bodies of water in savannah and lowland forest areas. Scientific Name: Aonyx capensis. In addition, otters are still hunted, though some of them live in protected areas. After washing up on East London's West Bank injured and undernourished, a five-month-old African clawless otter has been given a new lease on life. It is a solitary omnivore. (Larivière, 2001; Nel and Somers, 2007; Somers and Nel, 2003), African clawless otters are occasionally eaten by Nile crocodiles and fish-eagles. Topics Search in feature Pups reach independence by the end of their 1st year. However, they usually stay within a much smaller section of this. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. Life stages of the African Clawless Otter . African clawless otter can survive 10 to 12 years in the wild and 15 years the captivity. 2004. However, scientists have been able to determine that their population is slowly declining. Mammalian Species: 1-6. Classification, To cite this page: The otter is brown with smooth and thick fur, but light-colored fur may be prominent on their face, neck, belly and ears. Habitat loss and degradation (when habitat quality is damaged, such as by pollution), are serious concerns. In marine habitats, the diet of African clawless otters is mainly composed of fish. Males are slightly heavier and longer than females. Otters are ammals that appear in the Jungle Emperor Universe 1 Appearance 2 Information 3 In the Universe 4 See also African Clawless Otters are the great swimmer they have brown and white fur, log whiskers, and they eat fish,crabs, crayfish andfrogs. They range through most of sub-Saharan Africa, except for the Congo Riverbasin and arid areas. areas with salty water, usually in coastal marshes and estuaries. Their tail measures 465 mm to 515 mm long and is typically stout and tapered. African clawless otters can be found anywhere from open … In 29 of the 35 countries where these otters are present, their populations are stable. at offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) For more information about this small creature, read or watch the lesson titled African Clawless Otter: Habitat, Population & Lifespan. Vegetation is made up mostly of grasses, the height and species diversity of which depend largely on the amount of moisture available. ... NOW PLAYING: News Metro Richmond zoo has new otter exhibit WTVR Richmond, VA. UP NEXT. They are semi-aquatic, and always have a source of freshwater in their environment, even the ones that live in saltwater areas, such as along the coast. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? Otter litters may range from 1-5 pups. It does have small claws on its back feet, which are webbed and used to groom itself. Least adapted of all otters to aquatic way of life and has short fur providing less insulation. A terrestrial biome found in temperate latitudes (>23.5° N or S latitude). Additional support has come from the Marisla Foundation, UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Museum of Zoology, and Information and Technology Services. Including geographic range, its population, is white to off-white and is made up of. Coastal marshes and estuaries reasons for this to reproduction ) are partially webbed they. Observed along the rivers of Cameroon ( Kingdon, 1982 ) use Assign. 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