are otters nocturnal uk

These are the things that systematic surveys can uncover - things changing in the environment which we need to look at.'. Habitat: Otters can be found beside rivers, streams and lakes, mostly in north and west England and Wales. Known for their playfulness, otters are found all over the world including the UK. It's not just in Essex and Dorset that wildlife groups are surveying otters in urban areas. The largest otter is the giant otter… At either end of shortcut paths 'But by 1760 there were 161 weirs along the Don. Among these signs, tracks, anal jelly and scat, otherwise known as spraint are the most frequently encountered and thus of the most use. Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Otter Project. She says, 'You are more likely to see evidence of otters than otters themselves. Only enter the water if it’s safe to do so 'The local community have shown such a real interest in the project: over 400 people came when we held an event to present the results. And otters are settling into city living. Darren from Essex Wildlife Trust says, 'In 2007 we might get four otters collected off Essex roads. So far as otters are concerned organisations such as the Environment Agency, particularly its branch that was previously known as the National Rivers Authority and the Vincent Wildlife Trust Otter Haven Project have made good progress. ', Salmon of Steel by Jason Heppenstall celebrates the return of salmon to the River Don after over 200 years © Tim Dennell (CC BY-NC 2.0) via Flickr. Cubs will stay with and remain dependent upon their parents for over a year. Privacy notice. The Eurasian otter is one of Britain’s most elusive mammals, but is actually present in every county in the UK. 'Â, Otter spraint is a clear sign that the carnivore is in the area. While we might think of the otter as a British species, Eurasian otters live across Europe and Asia, as well as parts of Africa and as far as South Korea! The otter is a UK Priority Species. Reports now state that otters inhabit every county in the UK – great news for the otter! They are friendly and playful which is why they’re one of the well-loved animals in the world. Otters are very social creatures. It's testament to the work people have done over the years and it shows that the entire ecosystem is returning to something that's functioning.'. This can also be black, but varies in colour. These environments may not always be ideal, but any city or town with a river will have fish for otters to eat. Shy and mainly nocturnal, though coastal otters can be seen during the day. – but our river systems still require extensive habitat management to restore them to a healthy level that can sustain fish stocks and wildlife. © Jeremy Halls (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Flickr. They will start to leave at 14 to 15 months old, and begin breeding at between 17 and 20 months old. People tell us they 'still get shivers walking through the front door', and thank us for inspiring the next generation of scientists. Around ponds and lakes They like to slide off embankments into the water, wrestle, chase their tails and participate in other fun games. A group of otters is called a raft, according to the San Diego Zoo. Paul Richards, Ecological Monitoring Officer at Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust, recalls his astonishment at discovering that otters are thriving at heavily industrialised sites along the River Don. There is only one species of otter in Britain, the Eurasian otter, a freshwater otter. 'The reason Sheffield is here is because its many waterways, rivers and trees for charcoal were the perfect environment for making steel. Otters . These are 2 – 7cm long, will contain fish bones and scales, be tarry and black but turn grey when old, and naturally, will smell very strongly of fish! They will often travel a long way overland, from one river system to another, in search of food. In fact, ecologists rely on animal signs to help them understand the numbers, behaviours and movements of … 'People are waking up to the benefits of more green space in cities: for wellbeing, cleaner air, cleaner water, reduced flood risk and for wildlife. They are incredibly elusive and difficult to watch but are so graceful and charming that it is worth the effort. Identification. This can include rivers, canals, lakes and wetland areas. Now we're wondering if you can help us. Â, Every year, more people are reading our articles to learn about the challenges facing the natural world. River otters may be either diurnal or nocturnal; most are generally more active at night. Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Otter Project uses camera traps to search for otters on the River Severn, and the Canal & River Trust is seeking volunteers to help survey otters on the waterways of Birmingham. He explains, 'As otters have become more successful, they have naturally moved into urban habitats. You can stand on one bank and watch otters 30 feet [nine metres] away. Otter habitat improvement is also vital to the successful conservation of any species. 3. Shy and mainly nocturnal, though coastal otters can be seen during the day. River otters are nocturnal and they come out in at night in the summer and spring seasons. There are steelworks, factories, trains going past, and yet we were getting footage of otters. Clawless otters are mainly nocturnal, though some individuals may be active during the day in remote areas that are free of human disturbance. Tracks/footprints: Otter prints can be found at the edge of river banks, in gravel, sand, and mud, and on tarmac if they have just left the river. In marshes or reed beds The iconic mammals are becoming a more common sight in many towns and cities. When it comes to large mammals living in the heart of UK cities, you might think the red fox is in a league of its own. However, the majority of the UK's otters are now found on our wilder coasts. Otters are often elusive, with large ranges and nocturnal behaviour making spotting them a rare and wonderful experience. One of the interesting river otter facts is that these creatures are generally nocturnal. European otter coats are waterproof and 200 times denser than human hair, so they are well insulated from the cold. While we might think of the otter as a British species, Eurasian otters live across Europe and Asia, as well as parts of Africa and as far as South Korea! Most live on shorelines of freshwater rivers and lakes, but a few hunt along seaside coasts. Find out what makes Britain's towns and cities so appealing to red foxes and if they deserve the bad rap they receive. 'Good cities can support a huge amount of biodiversity, including a surprising number of mammals at the top of the food chain. There's now a nature reserve called Salmon Pastures right in the city centre, and in the last two years we've recorded salmon again in the heart of Sheffield. A male otter needs a stretch of territory about 13 kilometres long, although it depends on the width of the waterway and the abundance of food available. 'On the other side of town there are wilder places with more sightings near a large barrier that separates the fresh and salt water. 'We know that salmon were abundant in the Don until the eighteenth century because apprentices working near the river had a clause in their contracts that stated they couldn't be fed salmon more than three times a week! The return of otters to the UK. If you've got roads crossing rivers, then there's potential for otters to get hit by cars. Museum scientists are working hard to understand and fight against the threats facing British wildlife.Â. The average otter is 1–1.3 metres in length, and weighs up to 9kg. It hasn't been plain sailing for otters in the UK in the last few decades. They do live in large family groups. The animals and plants that make our island unique are facing a fight to survive. Hedgehog habitats are disappearing, porpoises are choking on plastic and ancient woodlands are being paved over.Â. Otters have an acute sense of smell, hearing and eyesight. ‘Holts’ are used for shelter and breeding and may take the form of a burrow, natural hole, cave or other structure (including man-made ones). Anal jelly: This is a clear jelly-like substance that smells the same as spraint. It is the only wild otter species found in the UK. There are 13 species of otters, in seven genera, according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Eurasian otters are indigenous to the UK and can be found in either fresh or salt water, although it’s usually known as the river otter for the obvious reason. Daily Life: otters are mainly nocturnal and hunt in open, marshy places, rivers, lakes, seashores and estuaries. Nowadays, these charismatic animals can be seen in every county in the UK. If otters fascinate you, below are some interesting otter facts. We are open! Book your free ticket in advance. The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), also known as the European otter, Eurasian river otter, common otter, and Old World otter, is a semiaquatic mammal native to Eurasia.The most widely distributed member of the otter subfamily (Lutrinae) of the weasel family (Mustelidae), it is found in the waterways and coasts of Europe, many parts of Asia, and parts of northern Africa. To reverse the damage we've done and protect the future, we need the knowledge that comes from scientific discovery. But there's another top predator back in town: the Eurasian otter. And you can help. Â, We are a charity and we rely on your support. Habitat: Otters can be found beside rivers, streams and lakes, mostly in north and west England and Wales. But this isn't by chance: often the features that gave rise to some of Britain's industrial metropolises also make excellent habitats. Youngsters will open their eyes within 5 weeks. The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is a large member of the weasel family that can reach nearly a metre in length and weigh up to 12 kilograms. Darren says that the releases, while small, played their part in the recovery of otters in east England. Also found along the west coast of Scotland. The droppings contain remnants of an otter's meals - scales, shell and bones. 'Dr Deborah Dawson at the University of Sheffield worked on DNA samples from the spraints to identify individuals and sex them,' continues Paul. 'In the last three years, people have regularly reported otters fishing and swimming in the River Colne right in Colchester town centre, especially at Castle Park - a popular public area with a heavily managed section of river. Otters are aquatic, nocturnal animals about the size of a cat. He says, 'It appears more otters are moving into urban areas of Dorset to take advantage of benefits such as warmer temperatures and better-stocked rivers. Signs of the animals are being recorded elsewhere, including in central Sheffield. This is the smallest otter species being only about 11 lbs. You must be over the age of 13. We use them to help improve our content, personalise it for you and tailor our digital advertising on third-party platforms. They have, on occasion, even made their way into central London. From as little as £2, you can help us to find new ways to protect nature. These were very small numbers: perhaps 200 individuals UK-wide in the first ten years of the Otter Trust.  Otters are generally nocturnal, and the best time to see them is at dawn or dusk. The Wildlife Trust teamed up with the University of Sheffield on the project. 'We've proved that otters are using the river. They also love to play. He says, 'I worked on a project called Nature Counts in Sheffield in 2016. In the UK, otters almost became extinct in the fifties and sixties because of rivers contaminated with chemical residues. The otter’s droppings are known as spraint and otters use them to mark their territories How to recognise In the UK otters can only really be confused with the introduced American mink, but otters are much larger (95-130cm in length, including tail), with a distinctive white throat. We must act on scientific evidence, we must act together, and we must act now. They are also nocturnal and hunt at night. As such physical signs of otters are often used to indicate their presence in an area as opposed to visual sightings. On gravel banks or sand and muddy areas ', An otter recorded by a camera trap in central Sheffield © Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust. Get email updates about our news, science, exhibitions, events, products, services and fundraising activities. – but our river systems still require extensive habitat management to restore them to a healthy level that can sustain fish stocks and wildlife. Attempts have been made to reintroduce otters to their former haunts by reintroducing captive bred and rehabilitated animals, with some attempts proving very successful. Current threats to British otters. Again, not a particularly great river for otters you might think - it's canalised with steep-sided artificial banks - and yet they are spotted swimming there frequently.'. 1167746 'They're being seen more frequently in Essex towns. No fish, no otters. But if we don't look after nature, nature can't look after us. Darren says, 'We are starting to find small pieces of plastic in spraints which is worrying. But although they are now widespread once more, otters' nocturnal habits and riverine habitat make them difficult to glimpse, let alone observe, in England. Otters are generally nocturnal, and the best time to see them is at dawn or dusk. The best places to find otters and their signs are: Under and near bridges Otters are often elusive, with large ranges and nocturnal behaviour making spotting them a rare and wonderful experience. Otters are carnivorous mammals with thick fur and webbed feet. YouTube clip courtesy of the National Trust. Anal discharge: You may find anal discharges on rocks and boulders. Otters are part of the “mustelid” family, which also includes stoats, weasels and badgers. David says, 'We've been seeing more otters run down on roads across the country, which is an unfortunate result of their expansion. Giant otters are strictly diurnal. Under UK law the otter is protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 under which it is an offence to kill, injure or knowingly disturb an otter, damage or obstruct an otter holt. The Wildlife Countryside Act (1981) banned their persecution, efforts were made to improve the water quality of rivers and a programme of otter releases built numbers back up. They are not known to migrate each year. No matter the size, every gift to the Museum is critical to our 300 scientists' work in understanding and protecting the natural world. Â. Prior to the 1950s, these fish-devouring mammals were abundant in England. We had volunteers scouring the riverbanks and we recorded over 120 signs of otters - spraints, footprints, slide marks and half-eaten fish. Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Otter Project uses camera traps to search for otters on the River Severn, and the Canal & River Trust is seeking volunteers to help survey otters on the waterways of Birmingham. Twenty-five years ago, The English otter population was on the brink of extinction after half a century of agricultural chemicals leaching into the rivers and polluting the food chain. River Otters May Be Marine Animals but They Are Also Night Owls. On old tree stumps or logs But you can bank on the fact that there is an otter somewhere in a river near you if you live in Britain - a remarkable success story for a species driven to extinction in many parts of the country just decades ago. We use cookies to make your online experience sweeter. There is evidence that in certain parts of the UK the otter is extending its range and may be increasing locally. They will often travel a long way overland, from one river system to another, in search of food. The otter story has been a massive success for raising the profile of conservation.’. On banksides Baby otters for sale is 1 of 5 different otter species that is native to Asia. Otters are aquatic, nocturnal animals about the size of a cat. The elusive otter is one of our top predators, feeding mainly on fish (particularly eels and salmonids), waterbirds, amphibians and crustaceans. However, in They live in holes in river banks called holts; a holt will have a few different entrances to protect against flooding, with at least one entrance being above water level. They are incredibly elusive and difficult to watch but are so graceful and charming that it is worth the effort. Getting close. Housing for an Asian small-clawed otter is not for everyone. The sea otter is only found in salt water, where it prefers to eat invertebrates such as shellfish. They leave distinctive spraint (otter droppings) on prominent rocks by riverbanks, as well as other tell-tale signs such as footprints and marks where they slide into the water.'. River Otters May Be Marine Animals but They Are Also Night Owls. ', As otters move to urban environments they are being killed on roads in greater numbers. Otters are not nocturnal animals, although they usually were when populations were very low. Otters are nocturnal and have a territory of up to 40km (25 miles). Ken Hutchinson, Otter Co-ordinator for Dorset Mammal Group, estimates that around three quarters of otters in Dorset access a town or village as part of their territory. They communicate via whistles, twittering noises and spitting sounds, which can be heard at night when it is quiet and still. For many, the Museum is a place that inspires learning, gives purpose and provides hope. Otters are aquatic (water-based) relatives of badgers and weasels. 3. Thankfully, following the ban of these chemicals in the early 1990s, water quality increased and the slow-road to recovery began. Populations are usually estimated by monitoring droppings and footprints. ', This trend is also recorded in Essex. Avoid rivers in full flood or fast-flowing sections During these seasons, river otters tend to be most active during crepuscular hours and at night. Contact Paul Wilkinson at Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Otter Project. However, otter populations in England are very fragmented and the animals breed slowly. As populations have steadily recovered, otters have been reported in more urban locations across Britain, from smaller cities such as Andover, Inverness and Exeter, to huge urban centres like Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham and London. No one had ever filmed otters in Sheffield before. The fact that there are now salmon, brown trout and grayling is a fantastic news story in itself. Despite the challenges that come with the territory, growing otter populations in cities are a good sign for ecosystems and human inhabitants alike. River otter often play games and they chase one another in a game. This enables them to breed all year round, as is shown with the surprising set of wild otter cubs arriving at Slimbridge in December 2018. They are not known to migrate each year. Nowadays 15 in a year is standard. However, it often leaves tell tale signs behind. Volunteers can help monitor otter populations for wildlife charities. © FLPA/ Alamy Stock Photo. Populations suffered catastrophic declines in the 1950s and 1960s, a trend that was also seen across continental Europe. 'From this research we knew we had at least three otters in our patch and possibly up to seven, with at least one male and one female. The situation was particularly serious in southern and central England, with otters vanishing from these areas completely, becoming locally extinct. A Eurasian otter feeding on a common roach caught in a river in Thetford. An otter (Lutra lutra) at a river in Thetford town centre, Norfolk, UK. Eurasian otters will generally live anywhere that has a source of unpolluted fresh water with a sufficient food supply. 'The presence of otters is a sign of a restored abundance of fish. I even had a contact who reported otters taking carp from his garden pond! David from PTES says that this picture is representative of urban conservation across the whole country. Although most of their hunting behaviour happens between dusk and dawn, they can be seen foraging in the daytime and seem less worried about humans. Copyright © 2019 Uk Wild Otter Trust | Designed by Kinlake, Otter factfile: What they’re like, threats, and how to find them, What to do if you find a live otter or cub. In certain parts of the country road deaths are considerably high – this is something we at the UK Wild Otter Trust want to address by helping with under-road tunnels to help reduce the number of road casualties. Surveying otters in any environment is a challenge but doing so in urban areas comes with a unique set of difficulties, as locations are often inaccessible. They will often travel a long way overland, from one river system to another, in search of food. The Eurasian otter: 1. has the widest geographical range of all otter species 2. is the only otter that is native to the UK 3. can be found in both freshwaters and coastal habitats 4. is solitary, elusive and predominantly nocturnal 5. feeds predominantly on fish, but takes a wide diversity of other prey eg crayfish, anurans (frogs and toads), birds, invertebrates and small mammals 6. has litters of 1-3 cubs, born at any time of year. They are also very curious and like to investigate new things.Otters spend a good part of their day grooming themselves. Daily Life: otters are mainly nocturnal and hunt in open, marshy places, rivers, lakes, seashores and estuaries. They are strong, agile swimmers and catch fish by chasing them underwater. An otters diet mainly consists of fish, however, it can also include birds, insects, frogs, crustaceans and small mammals. Its eyes are placed at the top of the head, so it can remain alert whilst the rest of the body is underwater. 'We were in one of the most urban areas you can imagine. During these seasons, river otters tend to be most active during crepuscular hours and at night. Many areas but are so graceful and charming that it ’ s conservation... Making steel health of rivers contaminated with chemical residues black, but they are also night Owls when developments other... The next generation of scientists, particularly those that inhabit riverine ecosystems, are largely nocturnal thus! Is turning for otters, particularly those that inhabit riverine are otters nocturnal uk, are largely nocturnal and hunt open... Hair, so it can remain alert whilst the rest of the is... 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