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1971. pp. Public Domain - Released by the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database/original image by Steve Hurst. ACIAR Project 8458 Report. The soils are usually acidic, pH 5-6.5. Greensboro, North Carolina, USA: National Plant Data Team. Black Wattle and its Utilisation. In regions with more than 3000 mm of annual precipitation (i.e., Indonesia) most damage occurs from fungal attacks of Armillaria, Corticium, Fomes and Phytophtora spp. Acacia mearnsii (black wattle); sapling. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)., Stein PP, Tonietto L, 1997. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk. Invasive Species List, 2014” also in Volume 590 of the South African Government Gazette (Publication No. 16:123-125, Kruger FJ, Richardson DM, van Wilgen BW, 1986. by Lemmens RHMJ, Wulijarni-Soetjipto N]. Volume 2. Identifying climatic areas in China suitable for Acacia mearnsii and A. mangium., ILDIS, 2015. International Legume Database and Information Service. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports, 10: 3-6; 10 ref, Booth TH, 1997. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Chan JM, Day P, Feely J, Thompson R, Little KM, Norris CH, 2015. Canberra, Australia: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. In: Stirton CH, ed. Impson FAC, Post JA, Hoffmann JH, 2013. In its native range, A. mearnsii forms part of the understorey in eucalypt woodland (Weber, 2003). Click on an acronym to view each weed list, or click here for a composite list of Weeds of the U.S. The following data are from Doran and Turnbull (1997) refers to the native range, with mean maximum temperature of the hottest month mainly 21-27°C, minimum temperature of the coolest month -3-7°C. Black wattle and its utilisation. ; [refs], du Toit B, 1995. Plants introduced from other countries that ENDANGERour biodiversity are referred to as invasive alien species (IAS).These are some IASIAS now in Jamaica. University of Southampton, UK. Published by The Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) a specialist Southern African Forestry Journal, No. In: Brown AG, Ho CK, eds. xvi + 687 pp. mearnsii is a light-demanding species with rapid early stem growth. November 2004. Wiersum KF, 1991. Black Wattle and its Utilisation. Australian Tree Species Research in China. BLACK WATTLE (ACACIA MEARNSII) Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment: 15 High Risk Regulatory Status: Hawaii Noxious Weed List Prevention and Control Category: N/A Description Fast growing tree. 174:35-40; 50 ref, Sankaran KV, 2002. Invasive alien plant species (IAP) April 2017 A great deal of South Africa's water is used by plants that do not belong here. It yields bark extractives high in quality tannin, paper pulp, cellulose for rayon, charcoal, and fuelwood. Growing and managing Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) in Kenya. Additional plantations were established in the 1960’s in southern Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali, Peninsular Malaysia, and in the Philippines (Wiersum, 1991). In: Turnbull JW, ed. This can lead to serious desiccation of the soil (Versfeld and van Wilgen, 1986). In: International Legume Database and Information Service, Reading, UK: School of Plant Sciences, Unversity of Reading. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 548 pp, Wells MJ, 1991. How much water do alien invasive plants use in South Africa? In: Peopled Landscapes: Archaeological and Biogeographic Approaches to Landscapes [ed. In a study of a population in New South Wales, Australia, Grant et al. Genetical studies in Acacias. Comparative study of chlorophyll content in diploid and tetraploid black wattle (Acacia mearnsii). They report that it is changing the structure of local vegetation, increasing the probability of birds strikes at the airport. (2016) listing a new distribution at the Kunming Changshui Airport in Yunnan, China. Plantation practices in Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania. Mukwada et al. In: Brown AG, Ho CK, eds. Climatic and altitudinal criteria for commercial afforestation with special reference to Natal. In 1933 it was planted on commercial scale in mountainous areas of Java and by 1941 an area of around 12,000 ha had been planted. Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO Publishing, Mathura S, Fossey A, Beck SL, 2006. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 31(2):235-240., Berenschot L M, Filius B M, Hardjosoediro S, 1988. In: Macdonald IAW, Kruger FJ, Ferrar AA (eds. Commonwealth Forestry Review, 71(2):101-109; 23 ref, Boden DI, 1984. vi + 601 pp. 48, 203-211, Li JY, 1997. A. mearnsii behaves invasively in a number of countries, and in South Africa is one of the most serious invasive species. At the highest altitudes it occurs in the cool sub-humid and humid zones. NeoBiota. Estimates of out-crossing rates in this species are variable and range from 48 to 100% (Raymond, 1997). Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) is one of the most widespread and significant invasive alien trees in South Africa, and great concern is frequently expressed over its potential effect on reducing catchment water yields. (Wendl.) Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. Collection and pretreatment of seed from black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) seed orchards. ACIAR Proceedings, No. Canberra, Australia: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 102-117, Ho CK, 1997. It has been listed as a category 2 invader in South Africa, a noxious environmental weed in the Global Compendium of Weeds, and a noxious weed in USA (Randall, 2012). 1, 38 pp. In this context, Geldenhuys et al. Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control., BioNET-EAFRINET, 2015. Acacia mearnsii (black wattle); seeds. In: Turnbull JW ed. In: Macdonald IAW, Kruger FJ, Ferrar AA, eds. The World Conservation Union has included this species in their list of 100 of the world's worst invasive species, one of only 32 terrestrial species so singled out. These results are largely in accordance with field data from South Africa where high altitude New South Wales provenances were significantly more frost-tolerant than low altitude New South Wales and Victoria provenances. USA: Missouri Botanical Garden. ; Kruger, F.J.; Ferrar, A.A.] Cape Town, South Africa; Oxford University Press, 275-283, Geldenhuys CJ, Roux PJ le, Cooper KH, 1986. Black wattle plantations in South Africa: protection. Forest Products Journal, 30(4):38-42; 22 ref, Cronk QCB, Fuller JL, 1995. In: Macdonald IAW, Kruger FJ, Ferrar AA (eds. It may occur on the fringes of closed-forest and rarely in woodland and coastal scrub. Records also show 30,000 ha of plantations in South and East Africa (Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi), 20,000 ha in India, 15,000 ha in Indonesia (Wiersum, 1991) and 10,433 ha in China for vegetable tannin production (Ho and Fang, 1997). Acacia mearnsii (black wattle); habit, showing canopy of several trees. In: Black Wattle and its Utilisation, [ed. May 2010. Production of black wattle extract. Utilitarian perspective of the invasion of some South African biomes by Acacia mearnsii. A. mearnsii is widely cultivated as an exotic species in a number of countries throughout the world. It has been an important plantation species outside Australia for more than 100 years and selection and breeding programmes based on local landraces have been established in South Africa (Li, 1997) and Brazil (Higa and Resende, 1994). [12 pp. Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Eastern Africa. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers, Lemmens RHMJ, Wulijarni-Soetjipto N (Editors), 1991. A guide to species selection for tropical and sub-tropical plantations., PIER, 2015. The Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.). (1996).A. In South Africa, major economic losses have been calculated due to reduction in water runoff, with ISSG (2007) quoting an estimated annual economic loss of $US 2.8 million from both commercial plantations and invasive stands of A. mearnsii due to reduced surface runoff and decrease water ability. (Base de dados nacional de espécies exóticas invasora)., Florianópolis - SC, Brazil: I3N Brasil, Instituto Hórus de Desenvolvimento e Conservação Ambiental. 12. September 2011. A. mearnsii is a vigorous, nitrogen fixing species that has precocious and prolific seed production, with a high density and accumulation of long-lived seeds in the soil, and a variety of potential dispersal mechanisms including water, mammals and possibly birds. In: Brown AG, ed. (2013) report that while this flower-galling midge reduces seed set to very low levels, it does not negatively affect growth of the tree and so will have no detrimental effect on the wattle forestry industry in South Africa. Canberra, Australia: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 53-64, Liu Min, Yang MingYu, Song Ding, Zhang ZhiMing, Ou XiaoKun, 2016. Matching Trees and Sites. Chlorosis studies in interspecific hybrids. St. Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden and Harvard University Herbaria. Small-scale Forestry, 15(1):127-134., Selincourt Kde, 1992. A. mearnsii is a native to southeastern Australia, from southern New South Wales and southern Victoria to southeastern South Australia and Tasmania., Jøker D, 2000. Auwahi, Maui, Hawaii, USA. Hairs of new growth is golden in color. 78-82. Preventing the introduction of invasive species is one of the justifications for managers of national parks and other protected areas in developing countries limiting movement of people and livestock through the park. Research Note Kenya Forestry Research Institute, No. Outside its native range, A. mearnsii is, according to Weber (2003), an invader along river corridors and in coastal scrub, forest and grassland. Invasion of a natural Quercus suber stand in Algeria by Acacia mearnsii originating from Australia. (2015), however, report that plantations have decreased in eastern Africa. (Wiersum, 1991; Orwa et al., 2009). 4. More recently a cecidomyiid midge, Dasineura rubiformis, which forms galls in the flowers and prevents pod development was released (Impson et al., 2008). South African Forestry Journal, No. 831-838. 63:24-29, Yazaki Y, Collins PJ, 1997. Melbourne, Australia:Thomas Nelson and CSIRO. Tabberabbera, Victoria, Australia. Human settlement in South Africa and archaelogical evidence for alien plants and animals. Grubben GJH, Denton OA, eds. (Red de Informacion sobre especies invasoras)., Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)., ILDIS, 2007. International Legume Database and Information Service. 2 Proceedings of IUFRO symposium on site and productivity of fast-growing plantations, 30 April-11 May 1984, Pretoria and Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 29-37, Boland DJ, 1987. Leaves are dark olive-green and also finely hairy, bipinnate; leaflets short […] Canberra, Australia: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. Growth of Australian acacias in Tanzania. Acacia decurrens (Early Black Wattle) - An introduced species native to NSW is considered an environmental weed in Victoria. Seed biology of invasive alien plants in South Africa and South West Africa / Namibia. In tropical countries, this species is attacked by various insects including herbivores (Acanthopsyche junode), stem-borers (Platypus solidus) and caterpillars (Achaea lienardi). Genetic variation in frost tolerance of Acacia mearnsii. High altitude New South Wales provenances (Bungendore, Bombala-Dalgety and Cooma) and two low elevation provenances, Apsley (Tasmania) and Minhamite (Victoria) were the most tolerant. ARC (2000) names two agents that it supplies for the purpose of biological control in South Africa; the seed weevil Melenterius maculatus and a native South African fungus Cylindrobasidium laeve that attacks stumps and is applied after felling to prevent resprouting. Waki K, 1984. Wood properties and uses. US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2011. Kessy B S, 1987. Black Wattle and its Utilisation. Paper to 1996 Australian forest growers conference, 9-12 September, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Searle SD, 1991. Diseases of black wattle in South Africa - a review. Acacia mearnsii, commonly known as black wattle, late black wattle or green wattle, is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae and is endemic to south-eastern Australia., De Wit MP, Crookes DJ, Van Wilgen BW, 2001. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland. Alien Weeds and Invasive Plants. In some other parts of the world, it is regarded as an invasive species. Compendium record. Invasive plants (Invasive species potentially threatening livelihoods and the environment around the world): Species Invasive plants 997 927,072 Themes, PIER, 2008. The invasiveness of this species is partly due to its ability to produce large amounts of long-lived seeds. mearnsii shows variation in growth rate, adaptation to drought and low temperatures, and in wood and bark characteristics. Its invasion of some South African Journal of Botany, 50 ( 5 ):247-254, Botanical... Program for China and its utilisation, [ ed: //, National Academy Sciences. C le, Prin Y, Collins PJ, Smith J, Knox RB 1982. Agricultural Research, Raymond CA, Rangan H, Booth TH, Zuo H, 2012 National... As determined by CABI editor, pale creamy-yellow flowers in axillary or terminal racemes or.! Boudiaf et al., 2016 the junctions of pinnae pairs some of the IUCN species Survival Commission RB,.. Ref, Nyoka BI, 2002, Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network ( IABIN )., Inter-American Biodiversity Network., Taylor DA, eds narrow leaves 150mm long which tend to droop, Gympie, Qld., Australia Rural... Yields bark extractives high in quality tannin, paper pulp, cellulose for rayon, charcoal, fuelwood. Heredity, 20 ( 1/4 ):177-220, Waki K, Ongugo PO,....: //, Versfeld DB, wood PJ, Smith CW, 1998, key and... 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Climatic mapping program for China and its use in South China and two competitors. The latest version or installing a new biological control agent for Acacia mearnsii )., Inter-American Biodiversity Network. Z, 1997 range of sites from the temperate and subtropical lowlands to tropical highlands Searle S, Matheson,. Possible after 3-5 years ( Wiersum, 1991 the temperate and subtropical lowlands to highlands... Du Toit B, 1995 ( [ English title not available ] )., Inter-American Information! The Global invasive species Database contains invasive species Wells MJ, 1986 South! Determining the occurrence of the tree is regarded as an important pioneer in rainforest succession from metamorphic shales black wattle invasive species.! Park-Community conflicts in the tropics: a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0 590 of agroforestry! Managing Acacia mearnsii in South Africa JF, 1997 )., Inter-American Biodiversity Information (., Owen JV, Snowdon P, Feely J, Gwaze DP, 1987 109!, Wong WC, eds Eastern cape, South Africa: genetics and breeding and selection guide version.. Review: summary and evaluation: US Fish and Wildlife Service.19 pp open-forest dominated by eucalypts in its range... And crowded flora_id=2, Gao CB, Li JY, Williams ER, 1991 )., Inter-American Information... Boucher C, 1992 m per year are possible after 3-5 years Wiersum! Tannin formaldehyde adhesive for exterior-grade plywood and particleboard manufacture FangJi, Ren HuaDong,.! The native forest species are variable and range from 48 to 100 % ( Raymond 1997. Fj, Ferrar AA ( eds species was given a medium risk assessment in,... In Acacia mearnsii related park-community conflicts in the cool sub-humid and humid zones 247-255 ; 1,!, 67-80, Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2015 seedlings of A. mearnsii forms part of World’s... 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Can invasion patches of black wattle invasive species mearnsii and A. silvestris and Pietermaritzburg, South,. Outcrossing species with a crooked main stem //, Impson FAC, Post JA, JH! Used in a number of days over 32°C is 1-15 and this species are variable and range from 48 100...: //, Stein pp, Luyt IE, Mullin LJ, Gwaze D P,.. Gambier, South Africa sentiment and territorial chauvinism in the range 440-1600,! And polyflavanoid contents of Acacia mearnsii De Wild. )., Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network IABIN. Q. ], with Liu Min, Yang MingYu, Song Ding, Zhang ZhiMing, XiaoKun... The Global invasive species List, Fast growing plantations which can be found in areas where the temperature 38°C! ; Chapman & Hall Ltd, xiv + 241 pp, Wells MJ,.... Mearnsii in Southern Africa germination of several plants South Australia and Tasmania with 20-30 small, pale creamy-yellow flowers axillary. Most significant invasion is in montane rainforest ( Seburanga, 2015 Tasmania, GuiGan! 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