deep reinforcement learning: pong from pixels

The parameters we will use are: 1. batch_size: how many rounds we play before updating the weights of our network. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. This repo trains a Reinforcement Learning Neural Network so that it's able to play Pong from raw pixel input. If you need a refresher on … In the ATARI 2600 version we’ll use you play as one of the paddles (the other is controlled by a decent AI) and you have to bounce the ball past the other player (I don’t really have to explain Pong, right?). About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks. The game might respond that we get 0 reward this time step and gives us another 100,800 numbers for the next frame. 07/23/2018 ∙ by Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, et al. Don’t Start With Machine Learning. The premise of deep reinforcement learning is to “derive efficient representations of the environment from high-dimensional sensory inputs, and use these to generalize past experience to new situations” (Mnih et al., 2015). What would you like to do? For example suppose we won 12 games and lost 88. I’ll also compare my approach and experience to the blog post Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels by Andrej Karpathy, which I didn't read until after I'd written my DQN implementation. You can see hints of this already happening in our Pong agent: it develops a strategy where it waits for the ball and then rapidly dashes to catch it just at the edge, which launches it quickly and with high vertical velocity. We can backprop through the blue arrows just fine, but the red arrow represents a dependency that we cannot backprop through. We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies di-rectly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. AlphaGo uses policy gradients with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) - these are also standard components. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. 3. There is also a line of work that tries to make the search process less hopeless by adding additional supervision. If you need a refresher on how the prediction-only version of OgmaNeo2 works (upon which the following is based), see this slideshow presentation. # compute hidden layer neuron activations, # sigmoid function (gives probability of going up), Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People, Gradient Estimation Using Stochastic Computation Graphs. This repo trains a Reinforcement Learning Neural Network so that it's able to play Pong from raw pixel input. less than 1 minute read. This article ought to be self contained even if you haven’t read the other blog already. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). Follow. Training a Neural Network ATARI Pong agent with Policy Gradients from raw pixels - The general case is that when we have an expression of the form \(E_{x \sim p(x \mid \theta)} [f(x)] \) - i.e. You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels! For instance, in this particular example we will be using the pong environment from openAI. The input ‘X’ however, is no different. Another related approach is to scale up robotics, as we’re starting to see with Google’s robot arm farm, or perhaps even Tesla’s Model S + Autopilot. However, if you’re used to Theano or TensorFlow you might be a little perplexed because the code is oranized around specifying a loss function and the backprop is fully automatic and hard to tinker with. Also like a human, our agents construct and learn their own knowledge directly from raw inputs, such as vision, without any hand-engineered features or domain heuristics. In many practical cases, for instance, one can obtain expert trajectories from a human. Within a few years, Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) will completely transform robotics – an industry with the potential to automate 64% of global manufacturing. Notice that several neurons are tuned to particular traces of bouncing ball, encoded with alternating black and white along the line. For now there is nothing anywhere close to this, and trying to get there is an active area of research. 1. Within a few years, Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) will completely transform robotics – an industry with the potential to automate 64% of global manufacturing. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels. The algorithm does not scale naively to settings where huge amounts of exploration are difficult to obtain. by trajectory optimization in a known dynamics model (such as \(F=ma\) in a physical simulator), or in cases where one learns an approximate local dynamics model (as seen in very promising framework of Guided Policy Search). Here is the Policy Gradients solution (again refer to diagram below). ∙ NYU college ∙ 10 ∙ share . If we then did a parameter update then, yay, our network would now be slightly more likely to predict UP when it sees a very similar image in the future. So the only problem now is to find W1 and W2 that lead to expert play of Pong! For example in Pong we could wait until the end of the game, then take the reward we get (either +1 if we won or -1 if we lost), and enter that scalar as the gradient for the action we have taken (DOWN in this case). Therefore, during training we will produce several samples (indicated by the branches below), and then we’ll encourage samples that eventually led to good outcomes (in this case for example measured by the loss at the end). Increase their probability. and to make things concrete here is how you might implement this policy network in Python/numpy. With our abstract model, humans can figure out what is likely to give rewards without ever actually experiencing the rewarding or unrewarding transition. A more in-depth exploration can be found here. After every single choice the game simulator executes the action and gives us a reward: Either a +1 reward if the ball went past the opponent, a -1 reward if we missed the ball, or 0 otherwise. The game of Pong is an excellent example of a simple RL task. 4. Follow. F 10/16: Community Engagement Day - No classes . From Deep learning, from novice to expert, self-paced course3 min read. We can now take every row of W1, stretch them out to 80x80 and visualize. ), they are beating world champions at Go, simulated quadrupeds are learning to run and leap, and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming. Cartoon diagram of 4 games. Similarly, if we took the frames and permuted the pixels randomly then humans would likely fail, but our Policy Gradient solution could not even tell the difference (if it’s using a fully connected network as done here). The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. If you think through this process you’ll start to find a few funny properties. There are many ATARI games where Deep Q Learning destroys human baseline performance in this fashion - e.g. However, with Policy Gradients and in cases where a lot of data/compute is available we can in principle dream big - for instance we can design neural networks that learn to interact with large, non-differentiable modules such as Latex compilers (e.g. And of course, our goal is to move the paddle so that we get lots of reward. Nov 14, 2015 Short Story on AI: A Cognitive Discontinuity. Conversely, we would also take the two games we lost and slightly discourage every single action we made in that episode. Andrej Karpathy blog. Hard-to-engineer behaviors will become a piece of cake for robots, so long as there are enough Deep RL practitioners to implement them. We’ll think about the part of the network that does the sampling as a small stochastic policy embedded in the wider network. And… that’s it. A human brings in a huge amount of prior knowledge, such as intuitive physics (the ball bounces, it’s unlikely to teleport, it’s unlikely to suddenly stop, it maintains a constant velocity, etc. Yes, you are absolutely right. One related line of work intended to mitigate this problem is deterministic policy gradients - instead of requiring samples from a stochastic policy and encouraging the ones that get higher scores, the approach uses a deterministic policy and gets the gradient information directly from a second network (called a critic) that models the score function. win every single game). suppose we finally get a +1. It’s notoriously difficult to teach/explain the rules & strategies to the computer. This is due to delayed rewards. In the specific case of Pong we know that we get a +1 if the ball makes it past the opponent. I also became interested in RL myself over the last ~year: I worked through Richard Sutton’s book, read through David Silver’s course, watched John Schulmann’s lectures, wrote an RL library in Javascript, over the summer interned at DeepMind working in the DeepRL group, and most recently pitched in a little with the design/development of OpenAI Gym, a new RL benchmarking toolkit. Kai Xin emailed Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels to Data News Board Data Science. In other words we will train the parameters involved in the blue arrows with backprop as usual, but the parameters involved with the red arrow will now be updated independently of the backward pass using policy gradients, encouraging samples that led to low loss. i.e. Yes, this game was heavily cherry-picked but at least it works some of the time! Note that it is standard to use a stochastic policy, meaning that we only produce a probability of moving UP. Also, the reward does not even need to be +1 or -1 if we win the game eventually. px -Image Height × Report. One common choice is to use a discounted reward, so the “eventual reward” in the diagram above would become \( R_t = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \gamma^k r_{t+k} \), where \(\gamma\) is a number between 0 and 1 called a discount factor (e.g. That’s a great example. Make learning your daily ritual. Deep Learning Studying Teaching. This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). I’m showing log probabilities (-1.2, -0.36) for UP and DOWN instead of the raw probabilities (30% and 70% in this case) because we always optimize the log probability of the correct label (this makes math nicer, and is equivalent to optimizing the raw probability because log is monotonic). Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement learning. One good idea is to “standardize” these returns (e.g. All that remains now is to label every decision we’ve made as good or bad. RL is hot! Notice that we use the sigmoid non-linearity at the end, which squashes the output probability to the range [0,1]. HW2 due 10/16 11:59pm. Mihir Tale. On the low level the game works as follows: we receive an image frame (a 210x160x3 byte array (integers from 0 to 255 giving pixel values)) and we get to decide if we want to move the paddle UP or DOWN (i.e. import numpy as np: import pickle: import gym # hyperparameters: H = 200 # number of hidden layer neurons: batch_size = 10 # every how many episodes to do a param update? Thank you for your submission. In particular, how does it not work? In particular, it says that look: draw some samples \(x\), evaluate their scores \(f(x)\), and for each \(x\) also evaluate the second term \( \nabla_{\theta} \log p(x;\theta) \). Our policy network gives us samples of actions, and some of them work better than others (as judged by the advantage function). Its impressive that we can learn these behaviors, but if you understood the algorithm intuitively and you know how it works you should be at least a bit disappointed. Since these abstract models are very difficult (if not impossible) to explicitly annotate, this is also why there is so much interest recently in (unsupervised) generative models and program induction. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels . Whenever there is a disconnect between how magical something seems and how simple it is under the hood I get all antsy and really want to write a blog post. Compare that to how a human might learn to play Pong. For instance, in robotic settings one might have a single (or few) robots, interacting with the world in real time. I hope I gave you a sense of where we are with Reinforcement Learning, what the challenges are, and if you’re eager to help advance RL I invite you to do so within our OpenAI Gym :) Until next time! We aren’t going to worry about tuning them but note that you can probably get better performance by doing so. Kai Xin emailed Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels to Data News Board Data Science. But at the core the approach we use is also really quite profoundly dumb (though I understand it’s easy to make such claims in retrospect). Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels ( 189 points by Smerity on May 31, 2016 | hide | past | web | favorite | 13 comments keyle on June 1, 2016 ), and intuitive psychology (the AI opponent “wants” to win, is likely following an obvious strategy of moving towards the ball, etc.). All current deep learning frameworks take care of any derivatives that you would need. Range [ 0,1 ] policy Gradients: Run a policy for a small batch of I and... Parameters ( since we have judged the goodness of every individual action based on Karpathy... Ve developed the intuition for policy Gradients and it works some of image! 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