eri silkworm is reared on

The heavy rainfall & humid atmosphere in these parts are conducive to eri culture. Eri silkworm is a polyphagous insect and castor is the preferred host for its rearing. The silk is not reelable like Bombyx mori, the mulberry silkworm, so it is spun into a … Dr. M.C. A small quantity of eri cultivation is also practiced in Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttranchal, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh Silk worms are native to chine and they feed on mulberry leaves. Jammu & Kashmir Another type of eri silk is "Ailanthus silk moth", refers to the host plant, Borkesseu, Ailanthus excelsa, practiced in China. Eri silkworm is polyphagous species and reared mostly on the leaves of Castor and Kesseru plant. Disinfection should be carried out on bright sunny days. Raising Eri silkworms is referred to as Ericulture. Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini Boisduval was reared using eight castor cultivars viz., DCH-519, 48-1, DCS-9, GCH-4, DCH-177, GAUCH-1, JC-12 They will be a couple of days behind all the way through their life cycle. A document repository where all types of the documents of the organization can be searched and located in the shortest possible time. The rearing is done indoors where certain conditions are maintained. The lengths of the larval and pupal periods of eri-silkworms reared on the artificial diet were extended compared to those reared on cassava leaves. Uttar Pradesh The name "eri" is derived from the Assamese word "era", which means "castor", as the silkworm feeds on castor plants. Sarkar, Shri S. A. Ahmed, Dr. K. Neog, CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh. well, it is part of sericulture in which worms are raised for the production of raw silk. Disinfect the rearing house at least 7 days before and soon after the rearing. What is silkworm rearing? In the present study, eri-silkworms were reared on cassava leaves (its natural host plant) and Silkmate L4M from 1stto 5thinstars. The … The worms require an ambient temperature of around 27°C and relative humidity of around 70%, adequate ventilation with adequate … Fumigate with 5% formaldehyde solution under high humid condition. The cocoon produced by this moth is hard and of hen’s egg size which produces reel-able brown coloured silk. Meghalaya Eri silk (Assamese: এৰি ৰেচম) comes from the caterpillar of Samia ricini, found in northeast India and some parts of China, Japan. Nagaland This is a video clip produced by trainee of 3 days training on "communicating science through video presentations". Pupa: Pupal stages last for 15-37 days during when larvae change to pupae. This silk worm is multivoltine and reared indoors. The eri silkworms (White – plain breed) were reared by following cellular rearing techniques by feeding all the ... variation noticed in larval weight of eri reared on different genotypes might be attributed to the variations in the composition of foliar nutrients of these genotypes. It is also practiced in few district of the neighboring states mainly Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and other non traditional states of India like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujrat, Jharkhand, Orissa, Tamilnadu, … It is also practiced in few district of the neighboring states mainly Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and other non traditional states of India like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujrat, Jharkhand, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Utrakhand, West Bengal. Tamil Nadu The eggs are white and … Sarmah, Shri B.N. After mulberry silkworms it is another type which can be artificially domesticated. Sprinkling. Besides traditional Jali, bamboo chandraki, bamboo stripe type mountage and plastic collapsible. Manipur Orissa The silkworm Bombyx mori is fed … Firstly, the silk filament is not continuous and secondly, the cocoon is made up of two layers. Eri silkis also kno… The larvae of the eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini, has been successfully used as insect model to study the innate immune response and antibacterial activity. Food consumption and conversion efficiency of eri silkworm Samia ricini Donovan were studied during $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ larval instars by feeding castor leaves fortified with 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm concentrations of aqueous extracts of cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis. Bihar A big advantage of rearing eri silkworms is that castor, … Details of the completed and ongoing projects can be obtained. Punjab Mature worms are collected and put to cocooning mountages. 3. Hatchlings of the eri-silkworm (Philosamia cynthia ricini), one of the leaf-feeding insects, may be reared to the adult stage on an artificial diet, named as a semi-synthetic diet, which does not contain any extracts from leaves of food plants such as Ricinus communis, Aylanthus glandulosa 4. Eri silkworms belong to either of two species, namely, S. ricini and P. ricini. In the present study, eri-silkworms were reared on cassava leaves (its natural host plant) and Silkmate L4M from 1st to 5th instars. You can find information on Our Ministers, Key Officials, Our Vision,Mission and Functions and more details about our department here. The results on larval raising, cocoon fibres and eggs of the eri-silkworms reared on artificial food were the same as those in the case of the eri-silkworms reared on fresh leaves of castor-oil plant, natural food for this insect, or rather better. Rear maximum 300 nos. It can rear 4-5 times in a year. Since the immune system of eri silkworm was interfered, this artificial diet may not suitable for rearing system in immunological study aspect. The eri silkworm is easier to keep than the mulberry silkworm (that produces common silk and feeds on mulberry leaves only) because it eats many types of leaves. Keywords: eri-silkworm, hemocytes, castor leave, artificial diet, immunity Introduction The eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini (Saturnidae), is a non-mulberry silkworm, and the larvae feed on Eri culture is mostly confined to the Brahmaputra valley of Assam. In India, eri silkworms are reared in many parts particularly in northeast region. Madhya Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Package of practices of Muga, Eri and Mulberry Sericulture for North Eastern region of India, 2005. West Bengal, Choose state and district Karnataka Eri Silkworms (Philosamia riciniHutt) is a multivoltine, poly- phagous, sericigenous insect, which is largely reared by the silkworm rearers of Northeastern region of India. The silk products are sold by the local weavers in organized government arts and craft … Eri silkworm is multivoltine in nature. When it comes to the definition of the silkworm, it is the larva or caterpillar of the “Bombyx mori” moth. Brush newly hatched worms on tender leaves (preferably castor) during morning hours. “Evaluation of the Volumetric Attributes of the Eri Silkworm Reared on Various Host Plants”, International Journal of Wild Silk moth & Silk, 5: pp 36-38. Rearing of eri silkworm: Disease-free seed cocoons are obtained from grainages or agencies and reared fully indoors. Maharashtra P. ricini (also known as castor silkworm) is a domesticated silkworm reared on castor oil plant leaves to produce a white or brick-red silk popularly known as eri … Muga, Tasar, and Eri silkworms are not fully tamed and the world lovingly calls the silks they produce as 'wild silks'. October are the best seasons for eri rearing. Tapioca is also as known as Cassava is an important starchy root crops and has been grown in India for more than a century. Jharkhand It is grown in Assam and in the eastern parts of India. Sericulture (Eri type): This type of silk is obtained from the worms of Attacus ricini which feeds on castor leaves. Eri silk is a natural fibre harvested from the cocoon of the eri silkworm. Himachal This insect … Farmers rear Eri silkworms in their homes, harvest the silk fiber from the cocoons, spin yarn, and even dye and weave the yarn into stoles or scarves. Sikkim While picking up the matured worms and rubbing in between fingers, a sound of hollowness is. The caterpillar feeds on ber, oak, sal and fig plants. This region has unique distinction in the world being the only producer of all the commercial varieties of silks. of Assam, North Eastern Region Textile Promotion Scheme(NERTPS). Tapioca leaves are also good source of protein and are utilized as secondary source of … But they differ from mulberry in two respects. It is distributed in North … Kerala Eri cocoons are stalkless, flossy, white or brick red in colour [Fig. However, after Eri silkworms were fed with 5 μL of 0.25% DNJ or the mixture of latex and 0.5% DNJ, no larva died (n = 50 in each group). Incubate the dfls at 24-26°C and 75-85% relative humidity. It was imported to Thailand in 1974. The lengths of the larval and pupal periods of eri-silkworms reared on the artificial diet were extended compared to those reared on cassava leaves. It is also unique because it contributes to the production of a highly priced silk. Eri silkworm, Samia ricini (Donovan) is a multivoltine insect and largely reared by the farmers of North Eastern India, particularly in Assam. Eri silkworms are reared indoor. Find information about Projects. Windows and ventilators should be kept open for proper aeration and free circulation of air. Samia cynthia ricini (n= 13) a multivoltine silkworm commonly called as 'eri silkworm' is known for its white or brick-red eri silk. Standardised Website Framework of Govt. Mizoram November 2, 2017 Sushil Humagain Biology, Useful insects, Zoology 1 Silkworm is beneficial to us as we extract silk from its cocoon. of Assam. Hemocytes are an important component of the insect immune system because of their involvement in coagulation, phagocytosis, and encapsulation. Eri Silk Rearing The Eri silkworm, Philosomia ricini is easier to rear than mulberry and muga silkworms. Low cost bamboo platform rearing equipment is the best for rearing late stage worms considering the, Feed 1st instar worms on tender, 3rd and 4th instar on semi-matured and 5th instar on matured. Feed the worms’ minimum 4 times a day with castor or kesseru leaves. Wash hands with 2% formalin solution and then with water. It is also practiced in few district of the neighboring states mainly Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and other non traditional states of India like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujrat, Jharkhand, Orissa, Tamilnadu, … name to view SILKS, Central Silk Board, Minisitry of Textiles, Government of India, Bangalore, Silkworm Food Plants Production Technologies, Improved Varieties of Silkworm Food Plants, The plinth area 10 m x 5 m size rearing house having tin or thatch roofing with 1.5 m varandah all around. After Eri silkworms were fed with 5 μL of latex containing 0.32% DNJ, among 50 larvae, 20 larvae died and the growth of other 30 larvae was significantly retarded with frequent vomiturition. Wash the rearing houses and appliances with 5 % bleaching powder solution before rearing. We have tried to link all Information & Services together to help you locate them faster. Eri silk-is produced by eri silkworms, which are reared on castor oil plant leaves to produce white or brick red silk called eri silk. The plinth area 10 m x 5 m size rearing house having tin or thatch roofing with 1.5 m varandah all around is ideal for accommodating 100 dfls for commercial silkworm rearing per crop. Rearing house should be well ventilated and fly proof. In Nepal, two types of silkworm are reared for the commercial production of raw silk. Disinfection before and after each rearing is considered the key for a successful cocoon harvest. However, March-April and September- ERI SILK WORM The silk produced by Philosamia ricini is called Eri silk. of 5th instar worms per 3 ft x 3 ft diameter tray. Rearing can be done throughout the year. Tripura Eri silkworm rearing Eri culture is mostly confined to the Brahmaputra valley of Assam. Like castor, cassava and tapioca. Oladimeji YU, Abdulsalam Z, Mani JR, Ajao AM, Galadima S, (2017a). Feeding: 4-5 feeding should be given per day at regular intervals. Training was conducted by ICAR-ZPD-III, Barapani, Meghalaya. Though it had been only a wild variety of silk moth since long, now by cross breeding it has been possible to produce such varie4tioes which are reared anyhow and … Ripe worms become yellowish white and start roaming for selection of site for cocoon formation. The food plants for Philosamia ricini is castor. 3.26(h)] 5 cm long in case of female and 4.6 cm long in male. Samia ricini, or the Eri silkworm, is raised in India and parts of the Orient for its silk. India produces four kinds of silk: mulberry, tasar, muga and eri. >Choose State Assam For those who don't make many sell the cocoons and get started with rearing another batch. Rearing house should be well ventilated and fly proof. Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai is a native of Japan with 31 chromosomes. Chhatisgarh Uttrakhand instars of eri silkworm reared on castor leaves as 3.5 days; 4 days; 3.5-4 days 4.5-5.0 days and 7.0 days for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth instars respectively and the total larval duration of eri silkworm was recorded as 22.5 days [6]. Samia ricini, or the Eri silkworm, is raised in India and parts of the Orient for its silk. Use paraffin paper and water soaked foam pad in rearing tray to maintain temperature and. Eri silkworm (Attacus ricini) which feeds on castor leaves. Content Ownership Directorate of Sericulture, Govt. Tasar silk-is produced by tasar silkworm, which are reared on oak leaves and allied species to produce green silk thread called tasar silk. Influence of new host plants on larval duration and total life cycle of Eri silkworm during (Nov–Dec and Jan-Feb ). Designed & Developed byNational Informatics Centre (NIC), Nodal DepartmentSecretariat Administration Department,Govt. 3.1.3 Pupal period The pupal period was recorded to be 15-19 days with an Eri silk is produced by Samiacynthiaricini). The eri silkworms were mass reared up to 4thinstar following recommended package of practices (Anonymous, 2004) on leaves of 8 month old tapioca variety MVD1 cultivated under irrigated condition. of Assam. There are 26 eco-races of eri silkworm like Borduar, Khanapara, Kokrajhar, Titabar, Diphu, Genung, Nongpoh etc. Eri silkworm rearing Eri culture is mostly confined to the Brahmaputra valley of Assam. Mulberry leaves and Silkmate L4M from 1stto 5thinstars 2017a ), oak, sal and plants. 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