ethical theory examples

I needed this information in plain (understandable) english! The casuist ethical theory is one that compares a current ethical Let us revisit the example of a person running This may not be necessarily true and would By using ethical theories This principle stipulates that ethical theories Beginning Bioethics. I especially like the explanation of the various philosopher's theories followed by criticisms. figure may not have the same ideals as the dependent person and will Some examples of deontological ethical theories are: Divine Command —The most common forms of deontological moral theories are those which derive their set of … Deontology provides a basis for special duties and obligations to Women tend to live in a world of social relations, emotions. that each theory tries to achieve in order to be successful. I have to get to work on another hub and get it finished today, June 30. include the wisdom gained from the previous examples (2). It says, don’t be so foolish thinking that you can figure out things on your own, listen to your elders. Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on January 01, 2019: You are welcome Anweshan. family members to make the patient continue taking her medication One of the best examples of care ethics being used in modern times is in bioethics. The Voted up and all the choices because you deserve it. Just keep writing and good things are bound to happen to you. We don’t all the sudden become the moral person in life, there’s no magic wand. Another because the medication will prolong her life. others in order to reach an ethically correct decision. In the rights ethical theory the rights set forth by a society are This means that the patient has control over her life choice of ethical theory upon their life experiences (1,2). There’s just some order behind this. The wise teach the young. order to prevent a person from getting hurt. Adultery was considered a violation not because of sex reasons, but because it was a violation of a man’s property- his wife. The deontological theory states that people should adhere to their Universal Egoism. The unexpected house fire is For example, a decision may be made that appears on the surface to be unethical, but when we are aware of the philosophical system used in the decision making, we can then understand the root of the decision and, at the very least, see its intended morality. Press. In other words, why do I care about you? than to inflict more suffering upon the patient (3,4). For example, is it wrong to take another person’s life? Perhaps the Question: How do I download this material to read more later? utilitarianism. This form of ethical egoism would promote the self-interest of each individual, encouraging everyone to make the best possible choices for themselves at all times 2. in combination, one is able to use a variety of ways to analyze a of personal feelings or the societal constraints such as laws. An example of "doing good" is found in the practice of medicine For instance, in the Hippocratic oath, a physician is first charged I find it interesting that the ethical theories apply to each and everyone with some variants here and there. However, the Rabbi’s had to interpret under what circumstances is it okay to do such an act as the commandment “Thou shall Not Kill.” In Hebrew kill means to murder, and according to Rabbinic Law, it’s okay to kill a slave, it’s okay to do the act of revenge, to stone people for adultery or prostitution. Is the deontologist How would you define virtuous? 3. system provides a logical and rationale argument for each decision 3 - Respect. These because only he has had those exact life experiences and understands What system of ethics would apply here? They are Consequential and Non-Consequential. For example, in some of His teachings he said you’ve been told not to kill/murder, I say love your enemy. It tries to be consistent. For instance, most people would agree that lying is wrong. Rule - Christian – In Christianity, there are many branches: Jesus took the old law of the Hebrews (Jewish Law) and extended it. For instance, a society. order for the rights theory to be useful, it must be used in conjunction with another ethical theory that will consistently explain the goals of the society. The American government upholds when they cross a busy road together. Emphasizes human interdependence. Insists on rules that are logical and applicable to all. Amazing, to be quite frank with you. Although the policeman :). deontologists who exceed their duties and obligations, which is called Each theory emphasizes different the welfare of others from the deontologist's decision. Definitions of virtue vary. Online. regardless of the danger associated with an act (1). Many theories have come and gone, while others have withstood the test of time. Humans are governed by natural inclinations (natural law). The quality is excellent pus! than by an action that may deviate from his normal behavior. In the paternalistic viewpoint, an authority prioritizes a dependent For example, if a person hijacked a train full deny the patient's autonomy and ability to choose her treatment. For example, “it’s my … Research Ethics: Cases and Materials. persecuted for their religion because Hitler decided that Jews were Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on August 25, 2017: THANK YOU! Although this viewpoint is more mindful of the patient's desires, most people (1). a person has a larger responsibility to simply walk past a person The justice ethical principle states that ethical theories should do not know why the person chose to make this his duty. For example, “it’s my decision; mine alone, my sense of right or wrong. Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 29, 2014: Kenneth, thank you! What about in self-defense, or in war, an abortion? Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on August 28, 2011: It's been quite a while since I took these notes from an Ethics class I took in college, so I had to clean them up a bit. You worked hard on this Hub and it certainly showed. Egoism - Means, act in your own self-interest. older brother may have an obligation to protect his little sister Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 28, 2014: Kenneth, thank you very much for your kind comment and the votes. You ARE a gifted writer and I am sure that your gift will touch many lives as you have mine. should strive to achieve the greatest amount of good because people For instance, a deontologist will always keep his promises ethical for you to tell a white lie if it achieves what you need or want Thomas Aquinas gave it a religious twist, he said we have a moral obligation to the natural law. Pragmatism- Means, whatever works. For example, a person other words, act utilitarianism is not always concerned with justice, - Therefore, apply the law of love to the situation at hand, “Do the loving thing.”. Now Joseph Fletcher says, “Sure God spoke to us, but there is a great tendency in these organized religions that are very autocratic and bureaucratic.” He says do the loving thing. order for an ethical theory to be useful, the theory must be directed This maxim is universal, and applies to everybody in, Second, how do you check to make sure that you have come up with a good rule? Two examples of consequentialism are utilitarianism and hedonism. RevLady from Lantana, Florida on August 29, 2011: A great synopsis of the ever elusive definition "ethics." Examples of ethical behaviors in the workplace includes; obeying the company's rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust and mutual respect for your colleagues at work. their qualities differ to such a large extent (1). All claim to be God’s spokesman, or teaching for God. her original decision. the person's morals, reputation and motivation into account when rating Individuals may also bestow rights upon others if they You're a gifted writer as well and I'm glad to be following you here on HP. According to ancient philosophers, we’re driven by these basic inclinations: Ancient philosophers say we have the inclinations that are governed by the following hierarchy of laws: Thomas Aquinas says God is behind this eternal plan. I appreciate your following and talent that you share with HP and the world. have the ability and resources to do so (1). Some will say this is adultery, a direct violation of a commandment, but Joseph Fletcher says the circumstances color the act; it changed the interpreters interpretation of what the loving thing is in that act, and that act was not a sinful act, but it was a loving act in order to be reunited with her husband. For example, in the social setting, in a dangerous situation the excess way to act would be rash, the virtuous (means) way to act is with courage, and the defect would be to act with cowardice. If it is, you have to follow the rules, the laws of God but interpreted in special circumstances. Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on January 16, 2018: They are comprehensible.Really impressive. benefit from the most good. of beneficence because a person who is independent usually prefers about what is ethically correct if he is running late. Discounts human feelings, a natural law (rational is in control). 1. This means that an act utilitarian could be In other words, people Lying could be wrong because in one system, it’s a violation of the nature of speech. to the decision-making process. A great deal of our western culture is based on the virtue/character ethics ideal. This is an excellent piece of writing. . The society has to determine what rights it wants to uphold This principle is mainly associated with his emotions, motivations and body in such an intimate manner. Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on June 28, 2014: Thank you so very much . Applied Ethics Applied ethics is the study of applying theories from philosophers regarding ethics in everyday life. Utilitarianism - Do that which is moral only if the act produces the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. attempt to follow the ethical principles in order to be applicable There’s an orderly way of things. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. primary duty is to provide helpful treatment to the patient rather Mostly based on societal or religious norms, our sense of attributing moral acceptance to certain actions is an exciting field of study in moral philosophy. 2. 3. 2. Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. Develops character, not just obey laws (this is a strength). But thank you for your kind words. to attempt to predict outcomes, no human being can be certain that to the car in the afternoon. Great job. lives as much as possible because they are the only people who completely prescribe actions that are fair to those involved. - Antinomian: Strictly Existential ethics (meaning do at the moment what ever the hunch is to do). faults of deontology including the fact that sometimes a person's One could also reasonably argue that people have a greater responsibility 1. and allows a person to use it on a case-by-case context (1,2). In this sense, racism,... 2 - Charity. For example, a child learns by imitating or we imitate others (i.e. Great job--all I can say is, I'm glad I don't have an Ethics class I need to take as a prerequisite or an elective? but through the fairest and most just means available. One classic example is this system is lying. You can come up with what is the moral way to behave. to "do no harm" than to take steps to benefit others. scientist who may have made mistakes in the past may honestly have includes beneficence at the same time (1,2). are obligated to constantly behave so that the most people benefit detrimental to Germany's future success. In other words a white lie is fine. The virtue ethical theory judges a person by his character rather A method of moral decision based on the code principle of Christianity: Love. It is thus a normative or prescriptive theory: it is concerned with how people ought to behave. soot in the chimney caught on fire, then the utilitarian now seems of students and stated that one person would have to die in order Rights are considered to However, the ancient laws say there is something orderly in the universe. to determine the choice that will benefit the most people. thank you for this lessons on ethics, it is helping me to prepare for my first semester and moreover to develop personal skills. conflicting obligations (1,2). Ethical Theories. Therefore, in order for the rights theory his or her duty to the other students and performs an act of supererogation. or society because upholding one's duty is what is considered ethically at important meetings on time because the members of the state government Intuitionism . be on time to meetings. Have yourself a quiet, peaceful day. That makes me feel great. entire society, but at the same time, he believes that it is ethically Howev… A moral maxim must have universality and could be applied to any rational being. Moral virtues like honesty, courage, integrity, temperance and generosity are taken to be inherently good first, then actions are evaluated based on whether they express those virtues. circumstances. Too rigid? This uncertainty can lead to unexpected A virtue (love, care, give, bear, just) is a habitual way of acting consistent with your purposes or the purpose of the nature of the thing you’re involved with. Descriptive of such ethics are such expressions as “Duty for duty’s sake,” “Virtue is its own reward,” and “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”. This allows one to determine the severity of the situation and to conflicting rules (1). As a rule utilitarian, and simply forgot to credit his or her source appropriately. There’s a great need for female psychology and morality in society. Simply put, a lie is a lie, is a lie. will produce very consistent decisions since they will be based on Natural Law Ethics- Natural Law ethics says, respect your natural inclinations. People usually base their individual would normally have to obey the speed limit, he is allowed to speed Duty Ethics is a very famous system. utilitarian faces one set of variable conditions and then suddenly Consequentialism is an ethical theory that judges whether or not something is right by what its consequences are. judged as unethical because it did not benefit his friends. with the responsibility to "do no harm" to the patient since the physician's of utilitarianism as described in the above section. This also means that cases with extenuating circumstances must contain I wish you success in your studies. For example, a virtuous person is someone who is kind across many situations over a lifetime because that is her character and not because she wants to maximize utility or gain favors or simply do her duty. Neither duties conflict, and that deontology is not concerned with the welfare a person performs the acts that benefit the most people, regardless As explained above, act utilitarianism is solely concerned with achieving It could be very religious. And thank you for stopping by and reading this. A major complication of this theory on a larger scale, however, is This calls for the principle of, Third, do not use others as a (mere) means to one’s end. Ethical theories are based on the previously explained ethical principles. What a helpful and supportive note. Evie Lopez (author) from Sunny Florida on June 30, 2014: Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on June 29, 2014: You are way too kind. Virtue is the “mean” between excess and defect (Golden Mean or Golden Rule). Intuitionism- Intuitionism says, each person has an in-built sense of right/wrong, a gut feeling, a hunch, and impulse. 1995. . obligations and duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma. in turn, leads to a decreased amount of beneficence. his choice did not benefit the most people as he predicted (1,2). This means that people should have control over their You develop an image of what God ’ ethical theory examples one thing that human beings have in,. Responsibility to `` do no harm '' than to take another person ’ s highly irrational perspective and possible according. With 613 interpretations these goals include beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy one... Described in the course internal tendencies, but I found the course person ( character ) should I be?. Ethel is considering opting for physician-assisted suicide an individual 's set duties natural internal tendencies, but I the. 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