how to entertain baby in car

I only recommend products I love or would personally use. Download an app, such as KidloLand, which is an all-in-one companion for your preschooler. Make your face entertaining. But did you know he also has a book about the 5 Love Languages for Children? My kids are 9, 7, 6, and 4, and car trips are our specialty. 7. Buy a few minutes of periodic peace and quiet by investing in a toy bar that hooks onto your baby's car-seat carrier, or make your own by using interlocking plastic rings to clip his favorite toys to the seat. Nursery Rhymes List of Songs from Around the World, 4 Ways To Teach Your Child To Be Respectful, 5 Tips For A Healthy & Interesting Lunchbox For Preschoolers. And I PROMISE YOU  it not only helped me understand my boys but also helped my boys to understand themselves. 2. It’s best to make a checklist and pack all the essentials for your road trip beforehand. Does you baby watch videos and if so do you have a DVD player for your car? Nothing can keep your child calm and relaxed if he is hungry. Spring break has arrived and summer is quickly approaching, and while that often equates to more vacations and family time, it also means our little ones may be stuck in the car with … Make sure your infant is not too cold OR too hot. This encourages them to get back in the car and keeps them occupied for the first 30 min or so after we get back in the car. Finger puppets are a great way to keep things interesting on your road trip. Words of Affirmation 2. Many older infants become unhappy in the car seat … Whenever photographing infants it's best to shoot at an angle above their face rather than facing upward up their nose. Make sure you get going when it is naptime, so she can nap in the car. Although healthy snacks are preferred, you can add in a few of your child’s favorite snacks to keep him happy during the ride. This has been highly requested since I put up my other two 'How to entertain a baby' videos. Then after a few hours of that, stop at a rest area and have your picnic. Hi! 7 Ways to Entertain Kids in the Car Coloring Sheets/ Coloring books – This is along the lines of worksheets but just remember the coloring tools. My family spontaneously just moved over 1,000 miles to be near family that needed us. This is a guide from Stephen, a father of one, how to entertain your child in a Rear Facing Child Seat. How long can this list entertain toddlers? Read the stories to him or let him read them all by himself. If you have an iPad or a tablet, bring it along on your road trip. 3. You'll probably need to pay attention to make sure it doesn't just go straight into baby's mouth, but a crayon and paper should be more than enough to get baby's interest. How about giving her a white board with some dry-erase markers? During a long road trip, your child can feel bored of sitting in one place for long hours. Two Simple Hacks That Will Entertain Kids In The Car For Hours #1- The Book Bin. You can bring along some story books with colorful illustrations to keep your little one engrossed. 6. Plan out the snacks that you will carry with you beforehand, and pack them for your journey. Colorful finger puppets are great ‘friends’ for your child to talk to, and it also promotes creative thinking and imaginative play. Make ahead a few different Calm Down Bottle variations for your toddler to shake, watch, and wind down! This video is part of the Rear Facing campaign from This Touch & Teach Word Book has been a lifesaver with keeping my child occupied in the car. When we hit the road, we always have these things in our arsenal. You can also try a baby-safe finger painting option. But while you're clicking keep these tips in mind: 1. Also, make sure nothing is pinching your baby or otherwise making her uncomfortable. Your email address will not be published. I have two book baskets in my van. Remember to bring some soft pillows for your child so that she can comfortably fall asleep. Sometimes we would blast classical music too! How to entertain a baby in the car without resorting to technology? Once your child has fallen asleep, take a power nap yourself because you deserve it! But most importantly stay safe. Happy journey! First and foremost, you want to make sure your little one is comfy. After all, mommy needs some sleep too. The other is a soft basket we got as a shower gift long ago.I’m a big fan of repurposing old stuff! Whenever possible enlist a friend, spouse, grandparent older child to entertain the baby in the backseat. A clear white board is a blank canvas, all it needs is your child’s imagination! When you read a story to him, add voice modifications for different characters and make it fascinating. We have been doing a six hour car trip every month since birth. Sometimes the solution to a big problem can be simpler than you thought. We drove this with a toddler who used to have anxiety attacks as a baby in the car, had never driven over 30 minutes, and had never left her hometown. A family road trip is incomplete without some music! So the big question is…. Over the past few months, books have been our answer to several situations when we’ve needed to occupy our baby. Don’t forget to bring along lots of water and some milk in sippy cups. Loaded with a ton of educational and fun content, your child will surely never get bored of playing and learning. Acts of Service 3. I would like to add not to be so quick to entertain them. Try not to get distracted by your baby while driving. Quality Time 5. 2. Your new baby is soooooo cute! You can play some of the lullabies for babies within the KidloLand app on your iPad/tablet and soon, your little munchkin will be drifting off to sleep. 2. Keep a spot clear next to the carseat in the back, in case one of you needs to sit there to provide entertainment/comfort. Give them a book, or many books! But when he would cry, we would sing and he would stop. The basics for long car trips with kids. We know new Moms don't have perfectly clean houses but still - take 10 seconds to clear the mess around the baby before you shoot. She does very well but she like being in the car and usually falls asleep in the car. Making funny sounds, sticking ... 2. Avoid bringing toys which make noises for your own sanity. By the time she starts to grumble for the next two hours in the car, pop in a dvd and she'll be fine. Required fields are marked *. At age 1, I would try to do as much driving during the baby's sleeping time as possible. Toys and books Flip the carton over and cut small slits into the bottom of each egg section (you can see the full setup here) and watch your little one do the rest. Mak, Gary Chapmans book The 5 Love Languages is one of my all time favorite marriage books. Anything to keep him from crying. 8 Smart Ways To Entertain Your Toddler In The Car. During the long journey, your child will be strapped to a car seat with minimal space for movement. may contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using these links. Some require only your eyes to play, while others may take a little more preparation, but ultimately you’ll have a great collection of games to play in the car that can be … Babies grow quickly, so it’s important that you make sure your child properly fits into the car seat before you start driving. For ideas for older kids, try my post on the best travel games for kids. Your baby will be delighted by your funny faces, and may try to imitate you if she can. Car seat toys are a great way to keep babies busy while they’re strapped safely in a vehicle. As a result, your sweet little baby will start feeling cranky and throw tantrums. You can visit the dollar store to buy a few small toys, or you could even wrap up some of your toddler’s existing toys. Smaller board books, or ones that incorporate finger puppets, lift-the-flap or musical elements are... 3. Don’t forget to bring along lots of water and some milk in sippy cups. Then when we’re done with that stop (sometimes also a gas station for potty and gas) the kids eat in the car. Don't wait for "the perfect shot" 4. But you know he won't stay small forever so you better bust out your camera and capture these precious moments. Read more about keeping your baby warm Cold Weather Tips and cool Warm Weather Tips. Make sure baby is comfortable I love Jesus, adventure and writing about the things I'm learning about while raising five fabulous boys! Your child is guaranteed to love every bit of it! I love the idea of giving your child one wrapped toy at certain intervals. One is a foldable fabric basket that I had lying around. Take pictures and videos of your toddler bobbing his head to the beat or your older kid singing along to the lyrics. Receiving Gifts 4. Declutter the background. Encourage your little one to make up his own story with the finger puppets and keep adding new twists and turns to it. Finding the right... 2. 1. So if that happens, deep breath, turn up the stereo and remind yourself that the trip WILL END and your baby will NOT REMEMBER THIS HORROR LIKE YOU WILL.) Have your camera on a continous shooting mode because their sweet expressions change so fast. Drive overnight if you can so that the baby will just sleep in the car. Check the Angles on Your Car Seat. Most Entertaining Car Seat Toy : VTech Baby On-the-Moove Activity Bar; Best for Babies Under 1 Years Old : Infantino Spiral Activity Toy; Best Budget-Friendly Car Seat Toy : Bright Starts Shake & Glow Monkey; Best Car Seat Toy for White Noise : Lil' Jammerz Baby Music Toys; Best Portable Car Seat Toy : Baby … Colored pencils might be good as crayons can melt in hot cars and markers can get everywhere. Naps are extremely essential during road trips! We have a bin in the backseat with books in it, but the problem is that she grabs a book, looks at it for a minute, and throws it on the floor. were great for filling him up and entertaining him at the same time. A baby can be entertained by his own body, if you help him. Ive done several 10+ hour car rides with my kids under 4. Take a potty break and play catch with her with the ball. Time spent in the car, no matter how long or short, can be made more fun for everyone when you have games to play in the car with each other. Your child might have some favorite toys or soft toys at home that she loves to play with, so why not bring them along too? But mommies, I’m sure you will agree that traveling long distances with little children in tow is not a joke. Plan out the snacks that you will carry with you beforehand, and pack them for your journey. Break the monotony of your car ride up by handing your child some toys wrapped in gift wrap. Shoot in the morning or after naps when baby is the most cheerful and active. I have included some cheap and/or easy to make options too all which will help you entertain a toddler on a plane. Anonymous: We attached one of those soft toys to the handle of the carseat, which he sometimes stared at or swatted at. You can even play some of his favorite nursery rhymes and keep him entertained. Open all the curtains because natural sunlight is important. We don't have a built in DVD player but just a portable one that the kids can watch in the car. She looks at pictures, flips the pages, and also attempts to chew the books. Snacks that take a while for Chase to eat were the absolute best during our road trip. Mini carrot sticks, a small apple, cashews, Cheerios, cucumber slices, orange slices, energy bites, Goldfish, etc. Since your baby's discomfort over a wet diaper or a little gas can be intensified by sitting in the car, timing your trips just right can make all the difference in the world. Make Sure Baby is Comfortable Before Leaving. It can make a huge difference in everyone's happiness to ask them to play peek-a-boo with the baby. Method 1. Every child is unique and has their own special way of communicating and receiving love. Some strategic planning can ensure that your child has a relaxing and exciting journey in the car. My 2-year old is not a very good car sleeper. If you can try to make the trip at night time and the baby can sleep most of the way. Lighting. They entertain your little one, make car rides more enjoyable for your tiny traveler and keep adults from enduring the screams of a bored baby. He is now 2 now. Let the kids choose a few things they want to bring. This one is fantastic too and really helped me to understand the best way to communicate my love for my kids. 9.6.13 I'm Jenni. Babies have trouble regulating their own temperature and can overheat easily, even in winter if they are bundled up and then put in a warm car. The baby travel toys are listed first, followed by toddler travel toys. According to Dr. Chapman their primary way of receiving love falls into 1 out of 5 categories 1. You can order it on Amazon here The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively Friend I want to challenge you to read it over the weekend. A long drive with your loved ones is truly a magical experience. It’s portable enough to bring on trips and provides some educational stimulation which is always a plus. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 75% of car seats... 3. Physical Touch I also took the accompanying online 20 question quiz with my older boys to determine what makes them tick. Sometimes it lasts 10 minutes but have had it last two hours. Sing songs. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Other perks of this ploy: With rattles, plushies, and other toys dangling in front of him, your baby will have … I live most of the year in Tonga with my Hunky Tongan husband and our boys. After each time you stop, just let them look out the window & entertain them selves for as long as possible. Another good option is your old friend the coloring crayon. 2. We let our children run off steam while we EAT! When you decide to frame that perfect photo you'll be happy it wasn't in front of the clean laundry pile! So on longer trips, which we take often, we have to plan on her being awake for most of the drive. On the road again! This is how I entertain my little guy! Little children react to music in an unbelievable way. Your children can cuddle with soft and fuzzy toys, making it much easier for them to fall asleep. This will not only keep him entertained but it will also make him think! Crumbly is fine, sticky stuff I’d rather not mess with. You’ll need an egg carton (one made of styrofoam works best, but a cardboard one is okay, too) and some popsicle sticks to get going. I'm sure that if you apply the principle. She loves clicking the pictures to hear it say the words and it’s also helped increase her vocabulary. Talk to your baby while photographing this will keep her happy and alert. Our mommy blogger Stephanie has some great ideas for ways to entertain your kids on a road trip, sans device. 5 Ways to Entertain Toddlers in a Car or Train Cars and trains offer a little more flexibility in terms of being able to store toys and play with them. 10 Ways to Make Car Rides with Baby Fun 1. So stock up on a few favorites, preferably less messy foods. By Linda Kramer of Travels with Children. 5. Your email address will not be published. She can doodle, scribble, draw, write and keep herself engaged for quite some time. Going on a road trip is one of the best things you can do with your family. It takes a lot of patience and some meticulous planning to make sure that your child’s, as well as your own car journey, goes well. All items have been bought by me and tested on long haul flights … Wiggle the baby’s limbs. Although healthy snacks are preferred, you can add in a few of your child’s favorite snacks to keep him happy during the ride. A favorite blanket or stuffed animal can also help soothe your child while she’s riding in the car… A hungry kid in the car is absolutely no fun at all! However, road trips in India also depend upon the state of the roads, so you need activities that don’t depend upon having a stable surface! 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