medicinal plants in ghana pdf

and drug resistance issues plaguing current drugs. Traditional medicine is an important component of the health care system of most developing countries. The antioxidant activity of E. alba extract presented the best scavenging activity of DPPH radical (IC50 of 3.1 ± 0.07 µg/ mL) and the best activity of ferric ion reduction of (0.99 ± 0.01 mmol AAE/g). Jiri located in the southwestern part of Korea is a treasure trove of wild medicinal plants. Plants. hepatoprotective, and cognitive-enhancing properties [, this plant are also used by TMPs in other African countries for, the treatment of mental disorders [] and ha, nervous system, especially on locomotor behavior, a, numerous alkaloids of this species, has been used in the, disorders []. Species, Medicinal Uses, and Experiment, Asteraceae, and Meliaceae were the most mentioned plant, families, with Apocynaceae having the hig, mentions and Asteraceae having the highest number of plant, previously reported to have neuropharmacological, Half of the identied TAMs had analgesic (. It is expected that the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia will cause an increase in the pre-convulsion time or convulsions will not occur in the guinea pigs who will be pretreated with it, antagonistic effects on the trachea chains and ileum and also anti-inflammatory effect in the rats. in vivo antiplasmodial efficacy. In book: Genetic resources, chromosome engineering, and crop improvement: Medicinal plants (pp.221-246), Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. This study was carried out to identify the medicinal plants traditionally used in human therapy to treat diabetes in the Tizi n’Test region, and contribute to safeguarding knowledge and local expertise in traditional herbal medicine. In particular, this study was aimed at determining the extract's elastase activity and anti-oxidant effect by using DPPH assay in vitro and evaluating the anti-wrinkle efficacy of different types of safflower extracts in improving fine wrinkles on the neck. Effective concentration 50 (EC50) values were determined by nonlinear regression curve-fitting using GraphPad prism 6.0, and used to calculate the Fractional Inhibitory Concentration 50 (FICA=EC50A in combination/EC50A) and combination indices (CI) (CIA/B=FICA+FICB) for each pair. Results: Although limited studies have been conducted to, and Africa, headache is quite common among Africans and, is oen exacerbated by the hot climate in most African, countries [–]. These results showed that in equal concentrations saffron lotion could act as a better antisolar agent compared to homosalate. The herbalists confirmed a decrease in the richness and abundance of some of plant species including threatened ones. Plant Res., 2 (3):372-380. Results . Handbook of African Medicinal Plants @inproceedings{Iwu1993HandbookOA, title={Handbook of African Medicinal Plants… Acknowledgement: Thanks go to Institut Pasteur, Korea for the internship/training course in Biosafety and Drug Discovery. about various pathways, consequences and therapeutic strategies of inflammation with prime focus to expose indigenous anti-inflammatory herbal compounds along with their structures and diverse range of mechanisms of action. Derailed inflammation causes severe damage to the normal tissues resulting in various pathological conditions such as auto-inflammatory disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. An ethnobotanical survey was carried out in some districts namely, Akuapem North and South, Kwahu South and the Afram Plains of the Eastern Region of Ghana. The S. aureus isolates showed a dose-dependent sensitivity to the test extracts with sensitivity reducing at lower concentrations. They grow to be up to 60 ft tall and provide wonderful shade because of the tree’s dense foliage. acid stearoyl glucoside isolated from lantana camara. The most commonly harvested plant parts were leaves (88.1%) and roots (23.9%). -, pp. A, means to rene, extend, and enhance the benecial, hand, it is possible that components of the dierent plant, extracts used in combination may produce positive inter-, actions leading to complementarity in obser, eects that are more eective than single components admin-, istered at equal doses. This study has shown the efficacy of both plants as alternative herbal treatments. This practice, coupled with over harvesting, threatens the continued existence of these plants. The lotions containing saffron were prepared like homosalate lotion reference according to FDA. –, . edulis Sims, its sub-fractions and avonoid consti, in relation to its metabolite ngerprint as revealed via LC-MS, the pericarp of Passiora edulis avicarpa Degener: Putati. activities of this plant. An evaluation of local community participation in forest resources conservation in some selected districts of Ghana, Effects of Variation on Harvest Limits for Nontimber Forest Species in Mexico, Diversity and conservation of medicinal plants in the Bomaa community of the Brong Ahafo region, Ghana, Quality and Harvesting Specifications of Some Medicinal Plant Parts Set Up By Some Herbalists in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Ethnobotanical Study of Some Ghanaian Anti-Malarial Plants. The most commonly harvested plant parts were leaves (40.3 %). Maximum harvest rates of ramets from secondary forest populations were much higher than from primary-forest populations. The study documented 67 medicinal plants distributed among 27 families and 51 genera used to treat fungal and bacterial infections in and around Queen Elizabeth Biosphere Reserve in western Uganda. with the others having anxiolytic (.%), sedative (.%), however, has been previously reported to have antipsycho, F : Plant families comm, administered as monopreparations (prepared using a single, stem barks, whole plant of shrubs, etc. Many, has potent antipsychotic properties. It did not significantly alter the time taken to complete task and the number of foot slips in the beam walking assay. is one of the popular medicinal plants widely distributed in Africa and several research groups have reported on anti-protozoa References: [1] P. Arrey Tarkang et al. Ethnopharmacological Studies of Plants with Anagelsic Properties. Native Americans used black cherry as a medicinal herb to treat coughs. For example, the Ghana, restructure, and regulate the traditional medical industry in, the country []. Only essential oils of C. giganteus, C. citratus, O. basilicum, Z. officinale, L. multiflora and A. conyzoides showed antiproliferative properties. Methods The lack of a regulatory policy and protocol for the integration seemed to have led to the different perception of the integration. C. citratus has presented the best ability to scavenge DPPH . –, . Z. officinale has submitted the best lipoxygenase inhibition (100% inhibition at 8mg/ml and 50.9% at 0.4 mg / ml). Natural radioactivity levels in some selected medicinal plants commonly used in Ghana from the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine were investigated to determine the activity concentration and the annual committed effective dose due to naturally occurring radionuclides of 238 U, 232 Th and 40 K. The activity concentration was determined using gamma-ray spectrometry. & Hohen grown under similar condition International Journal of Biosciences | IJB |, Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used for the Treatment of Diabetes in the Tizi n’ Test Region (Taroudant Province, Morocco), Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the traditional treatment of diabetes in Chtouka Ait Baha and Tiznit (Western Anti-Atlas), Morocco, Extraction of water and alcohol Rashad (Cresson) and study its effectiveness against bacteria and tumors, and as a treatment for various skin diseases. Given the high proportion of patients using herbal medicine in Ghana, some health facilities have initiated implementation of herbal medicine as a component of their healthcare delivery. Rev., 58:621–681. Statistically, citral activity on LNCaP prostate cancer is equal to that of C. citratus and corespond third of that presented by cisplatin, a reference used in cancer chemotherapy. The results showed that the most content of essential oil and the highest mean of the most morphological traits were belonged to Azarbayejangharbi-I, IV and Tehran populations. Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology, BEHAVIOURAL STUDIES ON THE METHANOLIC STEM BARK EXTRACT OF FICUS INGENS (MIQUEL) MIQUEL (MORACEAE) IN MICE, Morpho-physiological variation and essential oil content of Iranian populations in Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. Box LG 55 Legon, Ghana. However, indigenous knowledge about herbal medicines of many Ghanaian cultures has not yet been investigated. To further pinpoint bioactive agents in fractions, ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to high resolution qTOF-MS was used for secondary metabolite profiling. Because of low socio-economic empowerment, traditional beliefs and cultural barriers, the suffering people resort to use of herbal remedies in search of cure especially for rural women who rarely discuss/disclose diseases affecting secretive body parts. This study seeks to look into the anti-asthmatic as well as the anti-inflammatory effects of the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia, a plant used by traditional medicine practitioners in the management of asthma in Ghana. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Others had reported sedative, anti-Alzheimer’s disease, motor coordination, antipsychotic, antidepressant, cognitive enhancement, and neuroprotective properties. The 4% saffron lotion showed an SPF value equivalent to the 8% homosalate lotion reference by an in vitro method. The results revealed that the extract significantly (P<0.0005) prolonged the duration of diazepam-induced sleep without any effect on the latency to sleep at all the doses tested. Indigenous Knowledge on Forest Foods & Medicinal Plants in Ghana. Search form. To enhance their effectiveness, medicinal plants are used in combinations to treat various ailments and the extent of knowledge of medicinal plant mixing determines the success of a traditional healer. Trypanosoma brucei parasites are a group of kinetoplastid protozoa which devastate health and economic well-being of millions of people in Africa 2005; Addo-Fordjour et al. Physiological, biochemical and hematological parameters were analysed to determine its effects on the liver, kidney, lipid profile, nitrogen balance, glycemic levels and the hematological systems. [5] T. Chou (2006) Pharmacol. Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Ghana Patrick Amoateng,1 Emmanuel Quansah,2 Thomas K. Karikari,3,4 Alex Asase,5 Dorcas Osei-Safo,6 Kennedy Kwami Edem Kukuia,1 Isaac Kingsley Amponsah,7 and Alexander K. Nyarko1 The most encountered medicinal plant families were Asteraceae and Lamiaceae. Systemic acute oral toxicity was assessed in Swiss albino mice, while sub-acute toxicity was studied in wistar rats at doses of 250, 500 and 1000 mgkg-1 body weight. The extract had no significant effect on the number of open arm entries nor the time spent in the open arms as compared to the control group in both the plus maze and the zero maze. therefore indirectly also affects plant growth and develop- ment.Inthisstudy,about91%ofthehealersharvestmedicinal plants in areas of flat topography while about 9% … It has deleterious effects on its patients and may result in death if not managed properly. In vitro Antioxidant and Anti-staphylococcal Activity of Bixa orellana Linn. A guided questionnaire interview approach was used: during the interviews conducted in both English and Twi, a, of plant materials used, the methods of preparation, the local, one had to be a (a) TMP practicing in Ghana, potentially, some level of knowledge on products used in treating such, patients or (b) registered member of GHAFTRAM willing to, and all participants duly signed informed consen, using Internet search engines (such as goog, journal databases such as Medline, Embase, Scopus, and, lyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version, were males and .% were females. The sun protection factors (SPFs) of the formulations were determined by an in vitro spectrophotometry method. some medicinal plants were found to affect the survival of some plants species. Ghanaian Medicinal Plants Abstract Objective: Malaria is a major public health problem in Ghana and many indigenes, especially those in rural areas, resort to the use of medicinal plants to treat the disease. –, . Mental and neurological disorders are a serious public health challenge globally, particularly in developing countries where cultural factors and limited access to standard healthcare have led to a reliance on traditional medicines. The Oral and intraperitoneal LD50 were both found to be greater than (>) 5,000 mg/kg. Results Specically, the study was aimed at (a) iden, used TAMs for CNS/PNS disorders and their modes of, preparation and (b) documenting the therapeutic potentials. Our study showed that medicinal plants continue to play an important role in the primary healthcare system for the local population of the Tizi n’Test region and represents a useful documentation, which can contribute to preserving knowledge on the use of medicinal plants for diabetes treatment and to explore the phytochemical and pharmacological potential of medicinal plant. Three parishes of Ajerijeri, Abok A and Omach were taken as stratified sample areas in which both male and female traditional healers of different ages were interviewed. Ethnopharmacological Relevance . Over hundred medicinal plants with scientifically reported anti-inflammatory properties were reviewed. inammatory eects of Mangifera indica L. extract (Vimang). Home. diseases, as they found such patients quite dicult to manage. These results suggest that the extract contains biologically active principles that are sedative in nature and may be responsible for the ethno medicinal use of the plant in mental illnesses. The highest numbers of species were from Families Lamiaceae (13) and Asteraceae (11). The bark from the black cherry tree was often made into a tea or syrup and used to expel worms, heal ulcers and treat burns. sustainable use of medicinal plants in Ghana centred on a broad approach involving development of medicinal plant gardens at the two Botanic Gardens (Aburi and ACcra). Medicinal plants used in the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections in and around Queen Elizabeth Biosphere Reserve, western Uganda, Medicinal plants used by communities of Ngai Subcounty, Apac District, northern Ugand, Medical provision in Africa - Past and present, The fate of lianas following wildfires in a tropical moist semi-deciduous forest, Ghana, Inflammation: A Multidimensional Insight on Natural Anti-Inflammatory Therapeutic Compounds, Anti-wrinkle Effect of Herbal Medicine Plant and Its Applications in Cosmetics, Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. –, . Search by Local Name . Pharmacology, School of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK, Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership, Department of Plant and Environmental Biology. 2Faculty of Agriculture Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. Uses of wild and cultivated Plants Intermediate Technology Publication and the Royal Botanical Garden. We also tested the accuracy of estimating maximum harvest limits using matrix-model projections of unharvested populations. An ethnobotanical survey was carried out in Ngai subcounty in Apac District. isolated and used as medicines, either alone or in combination. Nchanwu is a perennial plant that is common in Asia and Africa. Overall, .% of the, 3.4. The most common growth form harvested were herbs (47.8%) and most of the medicinal plants used were wild species (67.2%). Prod. Cytotoxicity screening was evaluated against Hep G2 hepatoma and U2OS osteosarcoma epithelial cell lines. The study sought to explore these critical issues at the Kumasi South Hospital (KSH) and outline the challenges and motivations of the integration process. Place, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Screening Ghanaian Medicinal Plants for Antipsychotic Properties, Medicinal Plant-based Functional Foods for the Management of Neurological Health, Antinociceptive and antioxidant potential of the crude ethanol extract of the leaves of Ageratum conyzoides grown in Bangladesh, Integrating biomedical and herbal medicine in Ghana - experiences from the Kumasi South Hospital: A qualitative study, In vitro antimycobacterial and cytotoxic data on medicinal plants used to treat tuberculosis, Profile of neurological disorders in an adult neurology clinic in Kumasi, Ghana, Anti-trypanosomal Activities and Mechanisms of Action of Novel Tetracyclic Iridoids from Morinda lucida Benth, Disregard of neurological impairments associated with neglected tropical diseases in Africa, Influence of Rauwolfia vomitoria Root Bark Extract on Cardiac Enzymes of Normal Wistar Albino Rats, Antioxidant, enzyme inhibition activities and polyphenol contents of three Asteraceae species used in Burkina faso traditionally medicine, Mechanistic evidence of Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae) anxiolytic activity in relation to its metabolite fingerprint as revealed via LC-MS and chemometrics, Mechanism underlying the spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia. Successful conservation of nontimber products and their rainforest habitats requires the identification of optimal harvest regimes, the accurate estimation of maximum harvest limits, and the implementation of those limits by local harvesters. (multi-drug resistant) strains of P. falciparum were analyzed using the SYBR Green 1-based fluorescence assay [2, 3], and the interactions between various extract pairs analyzed using a fixed-ratio drug combination approach [4]. Study of anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-migratory properties of essent... Cytotoxicity and in vivo toxicological screening of a polyherbal product, nefang. In such a case, plan, benets are observed when used as combina, traditional healers should be explored further to identify their, discovery and development research should be conducted, on the reported plant products to identify lead, clinical and clinical studies. Although NTDs are generally marginalized, their associated neurological burden has been almost completely disregarded. SUMMARY 1 2.INTRODUCTION 2 2.1. The major constituents are mainly: α-terpineol (59.78%) for O. basilicum ; 1, 8-cineol (31.22%) for O. americanum ; β-caryophyllene (21%) and α-pinene (20.11%) for H. spicigera ; p-cymene (25.27%) for L. multiflora ; precocene (82.10%) for A. conyzoides ; eucalyptol (59,55%) for E. camaldulensis ; arcurcumene (16.67%) and camphene (12.70%) for Z. officinale ; geranial or citral A (48.18%) and neral or citral B (34.37%) for C. citratus ; limonene (19.33%) and mentha-1 (7) ,8-dien-2-ol cis (17.34%) for C. giganteus. Traditional herbal practitioners are readily accessible throughout rural Ghana however; these traditional medical practitioners harvest plants of medicinal value from nearby forests indiscriminately without replacement, which put the existence of many of these plants in jeopardy. (Fabaceae), and Persea Americana Mill (Lauraceae) being the most studied anticonvulsants. Over the past decade there has been growing interest in the use of herbal medicine both in developed and developing countries. Data were collected from 45 healers using ethnobo… Cure of inflammatory diseases is a big challenge. carboline alkaloid) [], antipyretic, anti-inammatory [], analgesic (pain relieving), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), and anti-, used, and this possibly reects the common disorders trea, analgesics, possibly suggesting that the TMPs were most oen, presented with patients suering from headache, migraine, or, to describe pain in the head and could be a sympto, neck []. Whilst biomedical health workers perceived the system to be parallel than integrated, health personnel providing herbal medicine perceived the system as integrated. Repeated dose toxicity produced no observed adverse effects on the organ-system profiles. (Gramineae) , Mangifera indica L., Tetrapleura tetraptera Schum Taub. were all used in the. No observed adverse effects levels (NOAEL) in acute toxicity > 5000 mgkg-1 bwt. Populations concurrently harvested for leaves and ramets had higher maximum sustainable levels of ramet harvest than those harvested for ramets only. Different parts of the plants like roots, stem, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds contain active compounds with potential anti-inflammatory properties. , vol. The results of this work show that essential oils of some aromatic medicinal plants from Burkina Faso have anti-tumor potential on LNCaP and PC-3 cell lines of prostate cancer, and the SF-767 and SF-763 glioblastoma cell lines. Vitro antiplasmodial activities of the tree’s dense foliage, their uses as well as.. In Iran different parts of the sampling site was an important factor in this study was conducted verify. The antioxidant and Anti-staphylococcal activity of Bixa orellana Linn ( 11 ) Ghana only... 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