q learning for scheduling

Parent et al. At its heart lies the Deep Q-Network (DQN), a modern variant of Q learning, introduced in [13]. over all submitted sub jobs from history. highlight the achievement of the goal of this research work, that of attaining Q-learning is a type of reinforcement learning that can establish a dynamic scheduling policy according to the state of each queue without any prior knowledge on the network status. (2004) improved the application as a framework of multi-agent reinforcement learning for solving communication overhead. Related work: Extensive research has been done in developing scheduling algorithms for load balancing of parallel and distributed systems. Allocating a large number of independent tasks to a heterogeneous computing number of processors, Execution number of episodes and processors. status information at the global scale. is decreasing when the number of episodes increasing. Present proposed technique also handles load distribution overhead which is the major cause of performance degradation in traditional dynamic schedulers. The multidimensional computational matrices and povray is used as a benchmark to observe the optimized performance of our system. In this paper a novel Q-learning scheme is proposed which updates the Q-table and reward table based on the condition of the queues in the gateway and adjusts the reward value according to the time slot. Galstyan et al. (2004) work YC Fonseca-Reyna, Q-Learning Algorithm Performance For M-Machine, N-Jobs Flow Shop Scheduling Problems To Minimize Makespan performance improvements by increasing Learning. An agent-based state is defined, based on which a distributed optimization algorithm can be applied. The Task Manager to get maximum throughput. 8, we consider that a cluster … comparison of QL Scheduling vs. Other Scheduling with increasing number Then, a task scheduling policy is established with … The second level of experiments describes the load and resource effect on Q-Scheduling and Other Scheduling (Adaptive and Non-Adaptive). To improve the performance of such grid like systems, the scheduling and load balancing must be designed in a way to keep processors busy by efficiently distributing the workload, usually in terms of response time, resource availability and maximum throughput of application. The experiment results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach compared with existing … Reinforcement learning signals: The experiments presented here have used the Q-Learning algorithm first proposed by Watkins [38]. There was no information exchange between the agents in exploration phase. The Q-Value Calculator follows the Q-Learning algorithm to calculate Q-value In RL, an agent learns by interacting with its environment and tries to maximize its long term return by performing actions and receiving rewards as shown in Fig. (2005) proposed algorithm. In ordinary Q-learning, Q-table is used to store the Q value of each state–action pair when the state and action spaces are discrete and the dimension is not high. Before scheduling the tasks, the QL Scheduler and Load balancer dynamically gets a list of available resources from the global directory entity. This threshold value will be calculated from its historical performance on the basis of average load. Therefore, a dynamic scheduling system model based on multi-agent technology, including machine, buffer, state, and job agents, was built. where ‘a’ represent the actions and ‘s’ represent the states and ‘Q(s, a)’ is the Q value function of the state-action pair ‘(s, a)’.. Value-iteration methods are often carried out off-policy, meaning that the policy used to generate behavior for training data can be unrelated to the policy being evaluated and improved, called the estimation policy [11, 12].Popular value-iteration methods used in dynamic … First, the Q‐learning framework, including state set, action set, and rewards function is defined in a global view so as to forms the basis of the QFTS‐GV scheme. The same algorithm can be used across a variety of environments. There was less emphasize on exploration phase and heterogeneity was not considered. and load balancing problem and extension of Galstyan et al. Action a must be chosen which maximizes, Q(s,a). Generally, in such systems no processor should remain idle while others are overloaded. The results from Fig. Some existing scheduling middle-wares are not efficient as they assume 10 depict an experiment in which a job, composed of 100 tasks, runs multiple times on a heterogeneous cluster of four nodes, using Q-learning, SARSA and HEFT as scheduling algorithms. It has been shown by the communities of Multi-Agents Systems (MAS) and distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI) that groups of autonomous learning agents can successfully solve the issues regarding different load balancing and resource allocation problems (Weiss and Schen, 1996; Stone and Veloso, 1997; Weiss, 1998; Kaya and Arslan, 2001). The results showed considerable improvements upon a static load balancer. Abstract: Energy saving is a critical and challenging issue for real-time systems in embedded devices because of their limited energy supply. GSS addresses the problem of uneven starting time of the processor and is applicable to constant length and variable length iterates executions (Polychronopoulos and Kuck, 1987). that contribute to positive rewards by increasing the associated Q-values. and dynamically distribute the workload over all available resources in order This could keep track of which moves are the most advantageous. In this quick post I’ll discuss q-learning and provide the basic background to understanding the algorithm. Distributed systems are normally heterogeneous; provide attractive scalability in terms of computation power and memory size. Instead, it redistributes the tasks from heavily loaded processors to lightly loaded ones based on the information collected at run-time. This is due to the different speeds of computation In FAC, iterates are scheduled in batches, where the size of a batch is a fixed ratio of the unscheduled iterates and the batch is divided into P chunks (Hummel et al., 1993). The information exchange medium among the sites is a communication network. The limited energy resources of WSN nodes have determined researchers to focus their attention at energy efficient algorithms which address issues of optimum communication, … However, Q-tables are difficult to solve for high-dimensional continuous state or action spaces. As shown in Fig. 3. This paper proposes a multi-resource cloud job scheduling strategy in cloud environment based on Deep Q-network algorithm to minimize the average job completion time and average job slowdown. comparison of QL Scheduling vs. Other Scheduling with increasing number The queue balancing RBS had the advantage of being able to schedule for a longer period before any queue overflow took place. can be calculated by Eq. Action a must be chosen which maximizes, Q(s,a). selected resources. The system consists of a large number of heterogeneous reinforcement learning agents. It is also responsible for backup in case of system failure. Q-Learning was selected due to the simplicity of its formulation, the ease with which parameters When the processing power varies from one site to another, a distributed system seems to be heterogeneous in nature (Karatza and Hilzer, 2002). (2000) proposed Adaptive Weighted Factoring (AWF) algorithm which was applicable to time stepping applications, it uses equal processor weights in the initial computation and adapts the weight after every time step. Dynamic load balancing is NP complete. Pair Selector. and communication of resources. information in Reward-Table. Consistent cost improvement can be observed for Complex nature of the application causes unrealistic assumptions about A New Deep-Q-Learning-Based Transmission Scheduling Mechanism for the Cognitive Internet of Things Abstract: Cognitive networks (CNs) are one of the key enablers for the Internet of Things (IoT), where CNs will play an important role in the future Internet in several application scenarios, such as healthcare, agriculture, environment monitoring, and smart metering. To solve these core issues like learning, planning and decision making Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the best approach and active area of AI. Modules description: The Resource Collector directly communicates to Zomaya et al. non-adaptive techniques such as GSS and FAC and even against the advanced adaptive Redistribution of tasks from heavily We will try to merge our methodology with Verbeeck et al. The goal of this study is to apply Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning technique Majercik and Littman (1997) evaluated, how the load balancing problem can be formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and described some preliminary attempts to solve this MDP using guided on-line Q-learning and a linear value function approximator tested over small range of value runs. We formulate the scheduling of shared EVs in the framework of Markov decision process. Thus, a Q‐learning based flexible task scheduling with global view (QFTS‐GV) scheme is proposed to improve task scheduling success rate, reduce delay, and extend lifetime for the IoT. Random scheduler was Capable of extremely efficient dynamic scheduling when the processors are relatively fast. 1. outside the boundary will be buffered by the Task Collector. We then extend our system model to a more intelligent microgrid system by adopting multi-agent learning structure where each customer can decide its energy consumption scheduling based on the observed retail price aiming at min- of processors for 5000 Episodes, Cost Q learning is a value based method of supplying information to inform which action an agent should take. comparison of Q Scheduling vs. Other Scheduling with increasing number Q-learning. better optimal scheduling solutions when compared with other adaptive and non-adaptive For second category of experiments Fig. One expects to start with a high learning rate, which allows fast changes and lowers the learning rate as time progresses. are considered by this research. As each agent would learn from the environment’s response, taking into consideration five vectors for reward calculation, the QL-Load Balancer can provide enhanced adaptive performance. A detailed view of QL Scheduler and Load balancer is shown in Fig. Probably because it was the easiest for me to understand and code, but also because it seemed to make sense. Dynamic load balancing assumes no prior knowledge of the tasks at compile-time. Q-Learning is a model-free form of machine learning, in the sense that the AI "agent" does not need to know or have a model of the environment that it will be in. Average distribution of tasks for Resource R. Task Analyzer shows the distribution and run time performance of tasks The most used reinforcement learning algorithm is Q-learning. Most research on scheduling has dealt with the problem when the tasks, inter-processor communication costs and precedence relations are fully known. The Computer systems can optimize their own performance by learning from experience without human assistance. This paper discusses how Reinforcement learning in general and Q-learning in particular can be applied to dynamic load balancing and scheduling in distributed heterogeneous system. number of processors, Cost Scheduling is all about keeping processors busy by efficiently distributing the workload. View of Q-Learning Scheduler and Load Balancer. We consider a grid like environment consisting of multi-nodes. The states are observations and samplings that we pull from the environment, and the actions are the … Based on developments in WorkflowSim, experiments are conducted that comparatively consider the variance of makespan and load balance in task scheduling. The Log Generator saves the collected information of each grid node and executed tasks information. number of processors, Execution d, e are constants determining the weight of each contribution from history Thus, a Q‐learning based flexible task scheduling with global view (QFTS‐GV) scheme is proposed to improve task scheduling success rate, reduce delay, and extend lifetime for the IoT. The cost is used as a performance metric to assess the performance of our Q-Learning based grid application. Co-Scheduling is done by the Task Mapping Engine on the basis of cumulative Q-value of agents. [2] pro-posed an intelligent agent-based scheduling system. to learn better from more experiences. Later Parent et al. In Q-Learning, the states and the possible actions in a given state are discrete and finite in number. γ is discount factor. 4 show the execution time comparison of different (Gyoung Hwan Kim, 1998) proposed genetic reinforcement learning (GRL) which regards scheduling problem as a RL problems to solve it. One of my favorite algorithms that I learned while taking a reinforcement learning course was q-learning. 2. for each node and update these Q-Values in Q-Table. of processors for 500 Episodes, Cost “Flow-shop Scheduling Based on Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.” Journal of Production Systems and Information Engineering, A Publication of the University of Miskolc 1: 83–90. Reinforcement Learning is a type of Machine Learning paradigms in which a learning algorithm is trained not on preset data but rather based on a feedback system. and epsilon greedy policy is used in our proposed approach. the Linux kernel in order to gather the resource information in the grid. These algorithms are touted as the future of Machine Learning as these eliminate the cost of collecting and cleaning the data. parameters using, Detailed The Application of Reinforcement Learning to Optimal Scheduling of Maintenance proposed [37] including Q-Learning [38]. These algorithms are broadly classified as non-adaptive and adaptive algorithms. I guess I introduced some very different terminologies here. The action of Q-learning with the highest expected Q value is selected in each state to update Q value, in which more accumulated … This research has shown the performance of QL Scheduler and Load Balancer on distributed heterogeneous systems. is an estimation of how good is it to take the action at the state. From the learning point of view, performance analysis was conducted for a large number of task sizes, processors and episodes for Q-Learning. Multi-agent technique provides the benefit of scalability and robustness and learning leads the system to learn based on its past experience and generate better results over time using limited information. A further challenge to load balancing lies in the lack of accurate resource The essential idea of our approach uses the popular deep Q -learning (DQL) method in task scheduling, where fundamental model learning is primarily inspired by DQL. Resource Analyzer displays the load statistics. The scheduling problem is known to be NP-complete. Guided Self Scheduling (GSS) (Polychronopoulos and Kuck, 1987) and factoring (FAC) (Hummel et al., 1993) are examples of non-adaptive scheduling algorithms. For a given environment, everything is broken down into "states" and "actions." increasing number of processors. Ò$d«”ˆ,:cb"èÙz-ÔT±ñú"„,A‰¥S}á A distributed system is made up of a set of sites cooperating with each other for resource sharing. For Q-learning, there is a significant drop One expects to start with a high learning rate, which allows fast changes and lowers the learning rate as time progresses. from 12-32. Performance Monitor is responsible for backup of system failure and signals for load imbalance. Tasks that are submitted from Q-learning is a very popular and widely used off-policy TD control algorithm. For this reason, scheduling is usually handled by heuristic methods which provide reasonable solutions for restricted instances of the problem (Yeckle and Rivera, 2003). It analyzes the submission Load balancing attempts to ensure that the workload on each host is within a balance criterion of the workload present on every other host in the system. time and size of input task and forwards this information to State Action 1. quick information collection at run-time in order to use it for rectification In this regard, the use of Reinforcement Learning is more precise and potentially computationally cheaper than other approaches. of processors for 10000 Episodes, Cost in the cost when processors are increased from 2-8. Heterogeneous systems have been shown to produce higher performance for lower cost than a single large machine. The model of the reinforcement learning problem is based on the theory of Markov Decision Processes (MDP) (Stone and Veloso, 1997). Banicescu et al. Present work is the enhancement of this technique. performance. This area of machine learning learns the behavior of dynamic environment through trial and error. A weighted Q-learning algorithm based on clustering and dynamic search was … Scheduling with Reinforcement Learning ... we adopt the Q-learning algorithm with proposing two im-provements: alternative state definition and virtual experience. 5-7 of tasks for 500 Episodes and 8 processors. not need model of its environment. To tackle … The workflowsim simulator is used for the experiment of the real‐world and synthetic workflows. To repeatedly adjust in response to a dynamic environment, they will need the adaptability that only machine learning can offer. This allows the system Peter, S. 2003. In the past, Q‐learning based task scheduling scheme which only focuses on the node angle led to poor performance of the whole network. Equation 9 defines, how many numbers of subtasks will be given to each resource. We use the following (optimal) design strategy: First, we synthesize an optimal controller for each subsystem; next, we design a learning algorithm that adapts to the chosen … given below: Repeat for each step of episode (Learning), Take action a, observe reward r, move next state s', QL History Generator stores state action pairs (s, Task Mapping Engine, Co-allocation is done by the Task Mapping Engine; Out put will be displayed after successful execution. https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=jas.2007.1504.1510. To optimize the overall control performance, we propose the following sequential design of The main contribution of this paper is to develop a deep reinforcement learning-based \emph{control-aware} scheduling (\textsc{DeepCAS}) algorithm to tackle these issues. Task completion signal: After successful execution of task, Performance Monitor signals the Reward Calculator (sub-module of QL Scheduler and Load balancer) in the form of task completion time. Energy consumption of task scheduling is associated with a reward of nodes in the learning process. Sub-module description of QL scheduler and load balancer: Where Tw is the task wait time and Tx is the task execution time. Distributed computing is a viable and cost-effective alternative to the traditional model of computing. Jian Wu discusses an end-to-end engineering project to train and evaluate deep Q-learning models for targeting sequential marketing campaigns using the 10-fold cross-validation method. handles user requests for task execution and communication with the grid. The aspiration of this research was fundamentally a challenge to machine learning. Ultimately, the outcome indicates an appreciable and substantial improvement in performance on an application built using this approach. Now we will converge specifically towards multi-agent RL techniques. The factors of performance degradation during parallel execution are: the frequent communication among processes; the overhead incurred during communication; the synchronizations during computations; the infeasible scheduling decisions and the load imbalance among processors (Dhandayuthapani et al., 2005). ment of a deep reinforcement learning-based control-aware scheduling algorithm, DEEPCAS. The experiments were conducted on a Linux operating system kernel patched with OpenMosix as a fundamental base for resource collector. Even though considerable attention has been given to the issues of load balancing and scheduling in the distributed heterogeneous systems, few researchers have addressed the problem from the view point of learning and adaptation. This threshold value indicates overloading and under utilization of resources. loaded processors to lightly loaded ones in dynamic load balancing needs 1 A Double Deep Q-learning Model for Energy-efficient Edge Scheduling Qingchen Zhang, Member, IEEE, Man Lin, Senior Member, IEEE, Laurence T. Yang, Senior Member, IEEE, Zhikui Chen, Samee U. Khan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Peng Li Abstract—Reducing energy consumption is a vital and challenging problem for the edge computing devices since they are always energy-limited. Q-learning is one of the easiest Reinforcement Learning algorithms. time for 5000 episodes vs. 200 episodes with 60 input task and increasing algorithms. The experimental results show that the scheduling strategy is better than the scheduling strategy based on the standard policy gradient algorithm, and accelerate the convergence speed. This algorithm was receiver initiated and works locally on the slaves. In addition to being readily scalable, DEEPCAS is completely model-free. Q t+1 (s,a) denotes the state-action value of the next possible state at time t+1, r the immediate reinforcement and α is the learning rate of the agent. Starting with the first category, Table 1-2 Execution Q-value Q-Table Generator generates Q-Table and Reward-Table and places reward The closer γ is to 1 the greater the weight is given to future reinforcements. The problem with Q-earning however is, once the number of states in the environment are very high, it becomes difficult to implement them with Q table as the size would become very, very large. The weight of each contribution from history performance Linux kernel in order to gather resource. Network to approximate the Q-value Calculator follows the Q-Learning algorithm to in Deep Q-Learning, the use Reinforcement... ( Deep Reinforcement learning-based control-aware scheduling algorithm, DEEPCAS grid application to observe the optimized performance our! 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