water fern aquarium plant

tall, with a similar width. Aquarium Plants: Shop for Aquarium Plants online at best prices in India. Under the right conditions, a planted Water Sprite can grow tall and bushy. The bottom substrate for this aquarium plant should be nutrient-rich. Gently grab the Water Sprite plant at the crown (where the roots meet the stems). Bolbitis heudelotii creeping rhizome brownish, which runs lateral roots. Common in slow flowing rivers and along waterways. It also oxygenates the water. The fern is a robust specimen and useful as a natural plant in fish tanks. Aquatic plants are used to give the freshwater aquarium a natural appearance, oxygenate the water, absorb ammonia, and provide habitat for fish, especially fry (babies) and for invertebrates. They are made up of three main components. As the root system develops the plant will grow thin and fine primary roots. Explore our collection to find the perfect freshwater aquarium fern for your tank. Plant trimming and leaf-mess aside, because Water Sprite is so adaptable and versatile it is a good plant for beginners. Within a couple days, the plant will start growing roots that will hang down from the plant, and the plant will pull its nutrients from the water itself. Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales, Java Fern Narrow Leaf (Microsorium Pteropus), Java Fern Windelov/Lace (Microsorium Pteropus v. "Windelov"), Water Sprite Lace Leaf Fern - Set of 2 Plants, Water Sprite Indian Fern - Set of 2 Plants, Trident Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus Var. If planted or in a plastic container, the stems should be able to support the entire plant in an upright position. Hobbyists may observe little leaves floating throughout a tank and sticking on sponge pre-filters or filter intakes, creating an unsightly mess. It's considered 'semi-aquatic'... like a 'bog' plant. For example, if the water hardness level of your aquarium water is below 160PPM then you can go for the plants that can thrive in water hardness of up to 160 PPM like Anubias and Java fern. If you’re looking for a background plant that will brighten up your aquarium and look amazing, then this is the plant for you. They also provide cover for babies. This plant can work as a very good water purifier for your aquarium as it removes harmful toxins and heavy metals from the water. So it may be a good idea to keep a sponge pre-filter on the water intake. Also, the Java Fern doesn’t require strict water parameters and… Bolbitis heudelotii, the African water fern, normally grows submerged in its native habitat, while Bolbitis heteroclita normally grows on the margin of water bodies, however also will grow submerged. So Water Sprite growth needs to be kept in check with regular trimming. Have questions? The good news is that Water Sprite care is generally easy. Water Sprite goes best as a mid ground or background plant. Water Sprite leaves are delicate, numerous, fine and lattice-like. Reach out to our team now for additional assistance! My preference is to trim the stem as close to the plant base as possible, because sometimes the remaining portion of the stem turns brown and dies after trimming. Because of growth rate issues, some hobbyists may suggest that Water Sprite care is more “easy to moderate”. This delicate looking fern adds a beautiful look to aquariums. They look great individually but you can also plant them in bunches and make them a focal point, even if your tank is very large. When shopping for a Water Sprite plant select healthy looking specimens with plentiful leaf blades, sturdy stems and adequate root structures. Our site uses cookies. Some aquarium fish and invertebrates also eat live plants. It is a slow growing plant but under favorable condition it grows throughout the year. They’re all tropical species that do well in a range of water temperatures. A Water Sprite is a good plant for freshwater community tank fish and freshwater shrimp. Finally, Water Sprite growth rate can be accelerated with doses of plant fertilizer in low tech tanks. The fern-like leaves provide good cover and interesting places inhabitants to explore and hide. Bolbitis heudelotii is a very popular plant among the pet fish keepers as a mid ground specimen in tropical freshwater aquarium. Water Sprite plants may not last very long in tanks with Cichlids and Goldfish, because those fish may eat the plant completely. water but not fully submerged. Plant roots should be long and as numerous as possible. A floating Water Sprite can mature into a floating green network of stems, leaves and roots in the water column. Aquarium ferns are growing in popularity due to their simple care and ability to fill in empty spaces of a planted aquarium with ease. This makes it a good starting plant for new aquariums and beginners. Water Sprite leaves can also break off the main plant. BEST QUALITY | With our experience, every plants from Greenpro will be professionally inspected, packed and organized with suitable boxes for all weather conditions to make sure that will retain the freshness and healthiness to our customer hands. In a few days, the trimmed stems should begin growing roots and survive as a new floating plant. Needle-Leaf Java Fern – The leaves of this plant are thinner in the shape of the needle and smaller than the regular Java Fern. A Water Sprite Plant can thrive either planted in substrate or left floating in the water. Freshwater aquarium plants are a beautiful addition to your home and provide several benefits for your fish. If anything, this plant is an aquarium smash hit thanks to its unique leaf structure, slow growth, and ease of care as well as reproduction. Finally, while Water Sprite can survive planted in either substrate or gravel, its better to keep live aquarium plants in nutrient rich plant substrate as opposed to aquarium gravel. It can grow up to 8 inches tall, with edgy, green rhizomes. Individual plants have dimorphic leaves. Healthy Water Spite leaves are fern-like, thin, light-green in color, and free from tears, cracks, rips and holes. Either way, a Water Sprite can be a great addition to a community tank. Because Anubias Barteri leaves grow slowly, algae buildup can occur when the light is direct and intense. It can grow near water but not fully submerged. When trimming Water Sprite Plants be careful not to tug at the plant. Hobbyists use aquatic plants for aquascaping, of several aesthetic styles. But with cover from floating Water Sprite, Anubias Barteri can still grow and not have much of an algae buildup problem. The delicate fine leaves and stems may get sucked into the filter intake openings. A floating Water Sprite can add beauty to a tank by providing green color near the water surface. These usually grow about eight inches tall and are amphibious — so they can grow fully or partially submerged in water. A floating Water Sprite can develop wider leaves then when planted because the plant will be closer to light. Check out our selection of Java Ferns, Bolbitis and more for your planted tank. Fortunately, Water Sprites are generally inexpensive so losing a plant now and then is not really a big deal in the scheme of things. A floating plant receives much more intense light compared to plants near the bottom of the tank. Birthplace Bolbitis heudelotii are West African tropics from Angola to Guinea. Along these lines, longer hours of light will encourage faster growth compared to less hours of light. A Water Sprite is a very common freshwater aquarium plant, and is almost always available in local pet stores and chain stores. They should take root shortly, and form a small hedge of light green leaves. These plantlets will grow root systems and break off the mother plant when they are ready, and survive in their own right. It can grow as a floating float or your plant plant it. Dig a small indentation in the substrate. Planted Water Sprite leaves are more on the thin side, while floating Water Sprite leaves grow to look a bit hardier, wider and flatter. African Water Fern … Before choosing any aquarium plant from the list you should first check the hardness of the water of your aquarium with a test kit and then you should choose the plant accordingly. But as the stems grow, the plant leaves will take up more lateral space in the tank. Plus, receive free shipping on your order of $50 or more! Scientifically known as Microsorum Pteropus, the Java Fern plant is a classic and popular plant. Avoid Water Sprite plants if its leaves and stems are few in number, damaged or dying. Because floating leaves will be very close to the light source they will prevent some light from making its way to the bottom of the tank. The plant leaves can get damaged or the filter intake can get clogged, or both. It is sold under many names including Water Fern and Indian Fern because its leaves resemble fern leaves. Whether you choose to purchase a potted fern or bare root bundle, planting them in your tank is very easy. Floating Water Sprite also provides hobbyists with a chance to create shady areas in a tank. It is found growing in the wild in Southeast Asia, most often viewed in countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and India. Water Sprite care easy because the plant is adaptable to a wide range of water conditions and light levels. The Water Sprite can be a beautiful and fulfilling addition to an aquarium if it is given proper care. Its not really a big problem, but its worth a mention just for the sake of planning ahead. They are 2 specific members of the genus are typically grown as immersed water plants in aquaria, Bolbitis heudelotii, and Bolbitis heteroclita. A Water Sprite is a very common freshwater aquarium plant, and is almost always available in local pet stores and chain stores. Choose from a wide range of Aquarium Plants at Amazon.in. The Water Sprite, also known as the Indian Fern, is a great plant to use as a mid-ground plant and also as a floating plant. Water temperature can be between 68 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Because Water Sprite can grow quickly its a good idea to keep the plant in a tank with sufficient size to provide room for growth. Known formally by its scientific name, Hydrophila difformis, water wisteria is a freshwater plant that belongs to the Acanthaceae family. Floating plant root systems grow to be web-like and fine, looking something like the fibers of a cloth. Another thing floating Water Sprite plant roots can do is attach themselves to porous surfaces, like Lava Rock. This cover is especially helpful to hobbyists keeping low light plants with slow growing leaves like Anubias Barteri. Available in a variety of shapes and sizes, our aquarium ferns offer you a chance to enhance the midground and background of your tank with everything from broad verdant leaves to spiraling lacy plants. It has bright green leaves lacy leaves. Often, Water Sprite can be sold under different names including: Water Fern, Indian Fern and Indian Water Fern. Planted root systems grow to look more like other types of planted plant roots, with longer primary and secondary roots. When cuttings are planted in a moderately rich medium, they grow dense thickets of white roots It is assumed, therefore, that this plant takes some of its nourishment from the substrate as well as some directly from the water. So the bigger the tank, the better. From the primary roots, the floating plant will also grow thinner and finer secondary roots. Another way these plants can be reproduced is by taking a trimmed stem with a healthy amount of leaves and dropping it the stem back into the water. If you’re planting a java fern in a fish tank, keep in mind that a larger tank is best because the plant can grow to around 14 inches (36 cm.) In addition, the root system of a Water Sprite floating in aquarium water seems to grow more extensively than when planted as well. 3. You have the leaves of the plant which are usually green in color. Most ferns should be attached to hard surfaces such as wood and rock. The plant is easy to care for and will endure most freshwater tank conditions if healthy. These very thin floating roots can trap little bits of edible matter, and can provide a great place for Amano Shrimp and Red Cherry Shrimp to spend hours feeding as they float around the tank. A few weeks ago, I went to petco and got some live aquarium plants. Java fern for aquariums isn’t choosy about its surroundings and even grows in brackish water. Finally, avoid Water Sprite plants with roots that are short, few in number, brown and decomposing. Some hobbyists may even like planting Water Sprite as a foreground plant, creating a low bushy shrub effect near the front of the tank. Make sure the plant crown is visible to the eye and even with the surface of the substrate. It looks very exciting and can be an ornament of any aquarium. The fine leaves also trap bits of food giving Amano Shrimp and Red Cherry Shrimp a place to feast. Some snails may be a threat to Water Sprite, so keep that in mind. Java fern is a durable and elegant-looking aquarium plant. Where Water Sprite care may be challenging is that under decent conditions, the plant can grow like a weed, taking over a tank pretty quickly. Double check that they can be shipped to your region too! At Modern Aquarium, we bring you plant species that originate from all over the world but are grown in Florida. They are made up of three main components. This means that floating water sprite can provide cover to other plants that need less light. It can tolerate temperature as low as 68 degrees Fahrenheit so you can keep it in a cold water aquarium. Hey guys! Once the Water Sprite roots are secure, move the substrate back into the indentation to keep the plant in place. If planting Water Sprite as a background plant, its probably a good idea to position the plant away from power filter water intakes. Before you add any of our live plants to your cart, make sure their needs match the specifications of your tank. It is a tropical shade epiphyte found around bodies of water and boggy regions. A Water Sprite plant is one of the more versatile aquarium plants around. Your fish will thank you for it! If planting Water Sprite as a midground plant, be sure to allow the plant enough room to grow. It will grow on a rock or piece of wood, which helps anchor the plant to the floor of the tank or even the wall. Most of the ferns in our collection originate in Asian regions including China, Malaysia, India, Thailand, and the Philippines. Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) is an ideal choice if you want to though, durable plant for your aquarium. But the issue is worth a mention. Although water ferns sometimes root in mud, more frequently they float on the surface of shallow water in ditches, lakes, and sluggish backwaters of riverine environments. Java Fern has the typical features of most aquarium plants, but its plant parts function differently. Make sure its leaves are not turning brown and curling up on the blade, tip or margin. Bolbitis heudelotii or African Water Fern - aquarium plant belonging to the family of Polypodiaceae. Also, the Java Fern doesn’t require strict water parameters and will do well with a wide variety of fish. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookie Policy. … Other things being equal, Water Sprite plants grow slower under low lighting conditions and faster under moderate or high lighting setups. Buy Now On Amazon Here! The roots of a floating Water Sprite can find stability by wrapping themselves around other strong stemmed plants such as floating or planted Anacharis. The blades grow outward from the plant stems and in web-like patterns resembling a fern plant. It makes a good addition to tanks with energetic fish like cichlids. Place the plant in the indentation, being careful not to damage the roots and stems. The plant stems will grow generally up toward the water surface. The plants are widespread in tropical and warm temperate regions around the world, and several are cultivated as aquarium plants. Water Sprite is one of the most common aquarium plants. The Java Fern, scientifically known as Microsorum pteropus is a classic and very popular aquarium plant. Ceratopteris Thalicroides (commonly known as Water Sprite or Indian Fern) is an aquatic water fern that grows fast and can help supress algae by absorbing lots of nutrients. Bolbitis is … Our most popular aquarium ferns are the Java ferns. Often, Water Sprite can be sold under different names including: Water Fern, Indian Fern and Indian Water Fern. Planted or floating Water Sprite can do well in standard freshwater community tank water parameters, as well as in conditions with a wider range. Aquarium pH can be between 7.0 and 7.5, although some hobbyists would suggest that a wider pH range more on the acidic side is not only acceptable but even preferable. Water Sprite plants reproduce quickly by producing adventitious plantlets shooing off from the parent. Living plants will remove nitrates from the water, improving the quality Hobbyists should almost always be able to keep healthy Water Sprite plants in an established tank with acceptable parameters. They where labeled and in plastic tubes. However, there may be times when a hobbyist just can’t get a particular Water Sprite plant to grow and survive, with replacement plants growing well in the same spot and under the same lighting and water conditions. It is hardy, easy to cultivate, and well-adapted for life in different kinds of habitats (both freshwater and brackish). And the growth rate of Water Sprite floating in aquarium water is faster than the growth rate of the plant rooted in substrate. Windelov Java Fern – The finely-branched leaf tips of this plant grow up to 8” (20 cm), it is a very adjustable aquatic plant with various water species. A planted Water Sprite works well in the midground or background, and can be used as a filler plant in either area to add green to space or fill holes in an aquascape. But growth rate is influenced by lighting intensity and exposure time. Get Free 1 or 2 day delivery with Amazon Prime, EMI offers, Cash on Delivery on eligible Just carefully trim excess growth or dead stems without tearing the plant. Java fern (Microsorum Pteropus) is unarguably one of the best aquatic plants for the aquarium hobby. The Malayan Aqua Fern is an amphibious fern which lives with its rhizome attached to rocks or logs at the edge of mountain streams. If snails are kept with Watersprite, make sure the snails are well fed. Java Fern is native to South East Asia and should not be kept in aquariums with really strong light since this can burn to your cart, make sure their needs match the specifications of your tank. Another interesting thing about floating Water Sprite is its epiphyte-like qualities. It grows to a maximum height of 20 inches (50 cm) at a rapid rate. It’s widely used due to its slow growth, unique How to Grow Freshwater Aquarium Plants. Avoid planting Water Sprite with the crown too high, with its roots exposed. “Trident”), Water Sprite Lace Leaf (Ceratopteris Siliquosa) - Potted, Water Sprite Indian Fern (Ceratopteris Thalictroides) - Potted, Java Fern Mat (Microsorium Pteropus) 3" x 2.5", Java Fern (Microsorium Pteropus) - Potted, Java Fern Windelov/Lace (Microsorium Pteropus v. "Windelov") - Potted, Bolbitis Broad Leaf (Bolbitis Heteroclita) - Potted. Shopping with Us At Modern Aquarium, we bring you plant species that originate from all over the world but are grown in Florida. The delicate, lacy leaves also make great cover for fry to hide among. If anything, this plant is an aquarium smash hit thanks to its unique leaf structure, slow growth, and ease of care as well as reproduction. A Water Sprite plant is one of the more versatile aquarium plants around. A Water Sprite can be kept either planted or as a floating plant. If planting Water Sprite be sure to have at least 2 – 3 inches of gravel or substrate for the roots. A floating Water Sprite is an interesting angle because the plant can grow on the water surface, or simply in the water column growing against other plants or decorations. As stems with leaves break off the mother plant, instead of just letting them float, they can be planted an inch or so apart in the foreground. Stem color may be a bit darker than the leaves, but stems are still on the light-green side. In the aquarium it should not be planted too deeply in the substrate, make sure that the top of the roots are visible above the gravel. Adding water fern not only beneficial for the natural ecosystem but also giving shelter and security place for your aquarium pets. Just drop the stem and leaves into the aquarium water. Floating a Water Sprite is easy. Make offer - 20PCS Mesh Aquarium Plant Pot Potlive aquatic plants potted java fern pot L0C0 Fish tank Fern Oxygenator Plant tropical and cold water.MUCH MORE provided £6.99 Also avoid planting the crown too low so the crown is buried. Ordinary community tank lighting is acceptable. This fern makes a perfect mid or background plant. The bottom substrate should be nutrient-rich. The plant can tolerate most aquarium water and takes cool temperatures quite well. Before you add any of our live plants to your cart, make sure their needs match the specifications of your tank. If there are any questions regarding Water Sprite plants and compatibility, check with the clerk at the store before purchasing. I planted them in my 55 gallon tropical tank. Roots, the stems grow, the floating plant trim excess growth or dead stems without tearing the will... Home and provide several benefits for your tank upright position of 20 inches ( 50 cm ) at rapid. 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