what is the largest vegetation in ghana

It occupies the steep-sided meteoric crater [9] and has an area of about 47 square kilometers. Although relatively small in area and population, Ghana is one of the leading countries of Africa and is celebrated for its rich history. 50. Some experts prefer to classify this region as a subdivision of the Ashanti Uplands because of the many characteristics they share. Most prominent are its bodies of water, forests, and mineral deposits. Ghana - Ghana - Government and society: The 1992 constitution provides for a multiparty republic with a president as head of state and a vice president. Between December and April is the dry season. This coastal savanna, only about eight kilometers in width at its western end, stretches eastward through the Accra Plains, where it widens to more than eighty kilometers, and terminates at the southeastern corner of the country at the lower end of the Akwapim-Togo Ranges. It has over 26,000 employees in their processing plants which are located in different countries. 6. The plateau also marks the northernmost limit of the forest zone. Almost all the rivers and streams north of this divide form part of the Volta system. Ghana Forest Information and Data According to the U.N. FAO, 21.7% or about 4,940,000 ha of Ghana is forested, according to FAO. Several commercial centers, including Winneba, Saltpond, and Cape Coast are located here. The rate of deforestation in the country is estimated at 3'};, per annum (Appiah et al .. 2(07). A culturally assorted place too, home to major ethnic groups like the Ashanti and the Akans, the breathtaking waterfalls, woodlands and lakes here serve as the setting for many diversified people. Near the Afram River, much of the surrounding countryside is flooded or swampy during the rainy seasons. Ghana's topography consists mainly of low plains but its south-central area does have a small plateau. Lion, leopard and hyena also occur and over 300 bird species have been recorded. The United States, for example, is usually divided into 10 vegetation zones. Taking the central part of Ghana, the Volta Basin covers about 45 percent of the nation's total land surface. Construction of the dam at Akosombo, about 80 kilometers upstream from the coast, created the vast Lake Volta and the associated 1020 megawatt hydroelectric project. Kpone Thermal Power Station. There is a set of "forest vegetation" bionics, which have a dense, closed canopy of trees. Zone 10 is the warmest zone. How is romanticism shown in of mice and men? Culture and tradition of the Ghanaian people of West Africa are mixed especially due to the fact that … Climate change in Ghana will have wide-reaching impacts on the country.Because the sits at the intersection of three hydro-climatic zones, the climate of Ghana is expected to become incredibly variable. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. Ghana is a country that is rich in natural resources. The basin is characterized by poor soil, generally of Voltaian sandstone. The upper section of the Pra River Basin, to the west of the Densu, is relatively flat. Our collection of vegetation maps is a part of our reports for the African Development Bank. The plateau forms one of the important physical divides in Ghana. So, there is a great opportunity for commercial pig farming in Ghana. About three-fifths of the GDP is derived from the services sector, agriculture contributes almost one-fifth, and industry about one-fourth. 5 stereotypes about tourist sites In Ghana that aren't always true . The river with its tributaries cover about 67% of the total land area of Ghana. Where did Beulah and Bertie live in the story backfire by shirly tapping? Elevations of the Konkori Scarp to the west and the Gambaga Scarp to the north reach from 300 to 460 meters. The Greenwich Meridian, which passes through London, also traverses the eastern part of Ghana at Tema. Two automobile companies have requested permission from the government to set up their assembling plants in the country to assemble their brand of … Manganese in Ghana. The main occupation of the delta people is fishing, an industry that supplies dried and salted fish to other parts of the country. Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? Ghana. As observed on the map above, Ghana is dissected by the largest artificial lake on the planet (Lake Volta), nearly 50% of Ghana lies less than 152 meters above sea level. 39.17; University of Aberdeen; W. D. Hawthorne. The average elevation of the plateau is about 450 meters, rising to a maximum of 762 meters. Important bodies of water include a number of rivers, one of the world’s largest artificial lakes in the world (Lake Volta), and the seacoast. Mole National Park is the largest and most prestigious protected area in Ghana, in the north-west of the country, is Ghana’s largest wildlife refuge, measuring 4,849 sq km. The delta's rock formation—consisting of thick layers of sandstone, some limestone, and silt deposits—is flat, featureless, and relatively young. Ghana is a West African country with a coastline on the Gulf of Guinea and occupies a total area of 239,567 sq. Ghana, country of western Africa, situated on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The Southern Ashanti Uplands, extending from the foot of the Kwahu Plateau in the north to the lowlands in the south, slope gently from an elevation of about 300 meters in the north to about 150 meters in the south. Grain and cattle production are the major economic activities in the high plains of the northern region. What are the types of vegetation in Ghana? The Northern Region is the largest of the 10 regions of the country in terms of landmass, occupying 70,384 square kilometres and accounting for 29.5 per cent of the total land area of Ghana. With the creation of Lake Volta (8500 km2 in area) in the mid-1960s, much of the Afram Plains was submerged. The largest … To the south are the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. Dry, dusty, harmattan winds occur from January to March. However, there are no major links between ethnicity and religion in the country. Ghana - Ghana - Economy: The economy is a mixture of private and public enterprise. Ghana is situated on the west coast of Africa with a total area of 238 540 km2. A number of rivers are found to the east of the Pra. Ghana profile. Ghana is a West African country in Africa, along the Gulf of Guinea, just a few degrees north of the equator. It's Ghana's largest wildlife refuge and is home to over 93 mammal species. Sustainable Development of the Bambo Industry in Ghana B.D. This flat, silt-composed delta region with its abundance of water supports shallot, corn, and cassava cultivation in the region. Takoradi Thermal Power Station. To the south and the southwest, the basin is less than 300 meters. Ghana vegetation map. Irrigated land: Rope bridge connecting treetops in … Navigation by steam launch is possible on the southern sector of the Tano for about 70 kilometers. Ghana lies between latitudes 4° and 12°N. what is the large island country that lies east of Mozambique? In contrast with the rest of the region are the Afram Plains, located in the southeastern corner of the basin. Asked by Wiki User. The demand is very high and the market is growing rapidly. The valley of the Birim River, one of the main tributaries of the Pra, is Ghana's most important diamond-producing area. Our eps map can be modify to show any change. Before independence the government’s role was confined mainly to the provision of such basic utilities as water, electricity, railways, roads, and postal services. Unlike the uplands, the height of the Akan Lowlands is generally between sea level and 150 meters. The region contains several hills and ranges as well as several towns of historical and economic importance, including Kumasi, Ghana's second largest city and former capital of the Asante. The company has more than 270 plants and more than 500 procurement facilities in different countries. This means that, together with the 8,500 ha planted in former years, Form Ghana has now established 8,869 ha of teak and in total over 10,000 hectares reforested. Digital map means you can modify any color or any part of the map easily. Some ranges and hills rise to about 300 meters, but few exceed 600 meters. mi. The fourth region, the high plains, occupies the northern and northwestern sector of Ghana. The biggest trees amongst them are more than 6 The highest elevation in Ghana, Mount Afadja in the Akwapim-Togo Ranges, rises 880 meters above sea level. The region is Ghana's chief producer of cocoa, and its tropical forests continue to be a vital source of timber for the lumber industry. This trade is now carried by road and rail transportation. The Akan Lowlands contain the basins of the Densu River, the Pra River, the Ankobra River, and the Tano River, all of which play important roles in the economy of Ghana. When did organ music become associated with baseball? With its coastal climate and tropical savannah, Ghana is a country with a diverse and incredible natural environment. Ghana’s capital is the coastal city of Accra. The largest areas of savanna are found in Savanna, vegetation type that grows under hot, seasonally dry climatic conditions and is characterized by an open tree canopy (i.e., scattered trees) above a continuous tall grass understory (the vegetation layer between the forest canopy and the ground). The top layer of trees consists of a great number of plants that grow higher than 30 meters. Ghana had 260,000 ha of planted forest. Although large areas of the forest cover have been destroyed through farming, enough deciduous forest remains to shade the head waters of the rivers that flow from the plateau. Wetlands constitute about 10 percent of Ghana’s total land area. After South Africa, Ghana is Africa’s second largest and the world’s 7th largest producer of gold. The river winds its way from Burkina Faso down to the White Volta in Ghana, and is home to many river species. In terms of population, however, it is the most populated region with a population of 4,780,380 according to the 2011 census, accounting for 19.4% of Ghana's total population. Renewables. There are two rainy seasons, from March to July and from September to October, separated by a short cool dry season in August and a relatively long dry season in the south from mid-October to March. The virtual absence of tsetse flies in the region has led to increased livestock raising as a major occupation in the north. The most widespread vegetation type is savanna, the woodlands of which, depending on local soil and climatic conditions, may contain such trees as red ironwood and shea. Here the terrain is low, averaging 60 to 150 meters in elevation, and annual rainfall is between 1,140 and about 1,400 millimeters. It is located at the North Western corner of Ghana with latitude 9.8°- 11.0° North and longitude 1.6°- 3.0° West, bounded to Burkina Faso to the North. The major drainage divide runs from the southwest part of the Akwapim-Togo Ranges northwest through the Kwahu Plateau and then irregularly westward to the Ivory Coast border. Primary vegetation is any vegetation that has been in a particular region since that region reached its current climate and that which has not been disturbed by humans. The coastline is mostly a low, sandy shore backed by plains and scrub and intersected by several rivers and streams. Shifting cultivation is the usual agricultural practice because of the swampy nature of the very lowlying areas during the rainy seasons and the periodic blocking of the rivers at the coast by sandbars that form lagoons. Archeological finds indicate that the region was once more heavily populated. The general terrain in the northern and northwestern part of Ghana outside the Volta Basin consists of a dissected plateau, which averages between 150 and 300 meters in elevation and, in some places, is even higher. what is the population density of this country? Lake Volta, artificial lake in Ghana.The lake is formed by the Akosombo Dam (q.v. The major religions in Ghana include; Religious beliefs Christianity. Before their confluence was submerged, the rivers came together in the middle of Ghana to form the main Volta River. The general terrain of the High Plains in northern Ghana is defined by a dissected plateau with rivers draining into Lake Volta (aquastat – Ghana 2005). The trees are usually tall and in the middle layer of this vegetation the tree has branches and has an average height of 30m. Because strong surf pounds the shoreline, two artificial harbors were built at Takoradi and Tema (the latter completed in 1961) to accommodate Ghana's shipping needs. There are four distinct geographical regions. Nearly a third of Ghana’s population lives in urban towns and that number is growing. Should this plan come to reality, much of the area could be opened to large-scale cultivation. It includes trees, shrubs and grasses. In the world, the oil in Ghana is believed to be at number 25 of the largest oil reserves. DYNAMICS OF FOREST AND THICKET VEGETATION ON THE ACCRA PLAINS, GHANA / DIANA DALE LIEBERMAN A thesis presented to The University of Ghana for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1979 (V>/<. Ghana vegetation is about the different farming activities. This article needs additional citations for verification. Wildlife. What is the capital of Ghana? Hydro Generation. The Effects of Fire Exclusion on Savanna Vegetation at Kpong, Ghana. Vegetation refers to all plants or it is plant life of a place taken as a whole. This study was conducted at the metropolitan area of Accra to estimate how the extent of vegetation cover has changed in the period of 1986-2013, using remote sensing satellite data from Landsat TM and ETM+. It shares borders with Côte d’Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, and Togo to the east. In the wetter south and southwest areas of Ghana, the river and stream pattern is denser, but in the area north of the Kwahu Plateau, the pattern is much more open, making access to water more difficult. The three main types of wetlands are: i) marine/coastal wetlands; iii) inland wetlands; iii) human-made wetlands. The rainy season lasts from May to September in the north, from April to October in the center, and from April to November in the south. As of June 2019, it had committed $1,259.5 million of its own account in Ghana. [4][5] The climate is tropical and the eastern coastal belt is warm and comparatively dry, the south-west corner of Ghana is hot and humid, and the north of Ghana is warm and wet. According to the U.N. FAO, 21.7% or about 4,940,000 ha of Ghana is forested, according to FAO. The 537 kilometers (334 mi) coastline is mostly a low, sandy shore backed by plains and scrub and intersected by several rivers and streams, most of which are navigable only by canoe. The Pra is the easternmost and the largest of the three principal rivers that drain the area south of the Volta divide. It has a unique coloration of white and black stripes. The topography east of the city of Accra is marked by a succession of ridges and spoonshaped valleys. The lower basins of the Pra, Birim, Densu, and Ankobra rivers are also sites for palm tree cultivation. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. democratic republic of the congo . June 1992; Biotropica 24(2):166; DOI: 10.2307 /2388670. Its southernmost coast at Cape Three Points is 4° 30' north of the equator. What was the English calendar date in 1959 for Bengali calender date 22Th day of kartik month in same year? The lake generates electricity, provides inland transportation, and is a potentially valuable resource for irrigation and fish farming. A tropical rain forest belt, broken by heavily forested hills and many streams and rivers, extends northward from the shore, near the Ivory Coast frontier. Another one is Kakum National Park located in the coastal plain region. Rope bridge connecting treetops in the rainforest canopy at Kakum National Park, Ghana. You can see undisturbed rainforest from its famous canopy walkway, as well as Mona monkeys and wild birds. The major town that sits on the river in Ghana are Lawra and Bamboi, the latter of which has ferry services to use on the river. 3 4 5. Vegetation map is critical for understanding biodiversity patterns through space of a country. Half of Ghana lies less than 152 meters (499 ft) above sea level, and the highest point is 883 meters (2,897 ft). It is a region or environment predominantly grazed with plants without even a gap on the surface of the earth. It also flows in a southerly direction, and it empties into a lagoon in the southeast corner of Ivory Coast. Based on a 20-year baseline climate observation, it is forecasted that maize and other cereal crop yields will reduce by 7% by 2050. Ghana is IFC’s third largest exposure in Africa in terms of committed investment volume. The basin's population, principally farmers, is low in density, especially in the central and northwestern areas of the basin, where tsetse flies are common. 4. There are over 23 large-scale mining firms in Ghana, producing manganese, bauxite, diamonds, and gold. The Oti River and the Daka River, the principal tributaries of the Volta in the eastern part of Ghana, and the Pru River, the Sene River, and the Afram River, major tributaries to the north of the Kawhu Plateau, also empty into flooded extensions of the lake in their river valleys. The region is Ghana's largest producer of cattle.[8]. The vegetation is pristine Guinea savanna with gallery forests along the rivers and streams. km. From its northeastern slopes, the Afram and Pru Rivers flow into the Volta River, while from the opposite side, the Pra, Birim, Ofin, Tano, and other rivers flow south toward the sea. Ghana - Ghana - Religion: More than one-half of the population is Christian, about one-fifth is Muslim, and a small segment adheres to the traditional indigenous religions. This is the case of Ghana where its capital, Accra is developing at the expense of urban vegetation. Periodic burning occurred over extensive areas for perhaps more than a millennium, exposing the soil to excessive drying and erosion, rendering the area less attractive to cultivators. which country contains the largest total area with a tropical wet climate? This is one of the largest forest blocks in East Africa. Apart from providing an opportunity for fishing for local inhabitants, the lake serves as a tourist attraction. There is primary and secondary vegetation. Ghana encompasses plains, low hills, rivers, Lake Volta, the world's largest artificial lake, Dodi Island and Bobowasi Island on the south Atlantic Ocean coast of Ghana. Christianity is the largest and the most popular religion in Ghana with approximately 72% of the population identifying with it. 53.2 cubic kilometers (13 cu mi) (2011). The most prominent of these is the large hippopotamus population that dwells in the waters. Related products. The Ankobra, which flows to the west of the Pra, has a relatively small drainage basin. North of this belt, the elevation varies from 91 to 396 meters (299 to 1,299 ft) above sea level and is covered by low bushes, park-like savanna, and grassy plains. Form Ghana’s planting target for 2018 has been completed. [3], The Volta Basin takes up most of south-central Ghana and Ghana's highest point is Mount Afadja which is 885 m (2,904 ft) and is found in the Akwapim-Togo ranges. Our Vegetation map series covers all countries of Africa individually. For this reason, Ghana has been producing large quantities of crude oil and natural gas per day. In the early part of the twentieth century, the Pra was used extensively to float timber to the coast for export. International agreements (signed, but not ratified). The Tarkwa goldfield, the diamond operations of the Bonsa Valley, and high-grade manganese deposits are all found in this area. Ghana is a West African country in Africa, along the Gulf of Guinea, just a few degrees north of the equator.. Ghana encompasses plains, low hills, rivers, Lake Volta, the world's largest artificial lake, Dodi Island and Bobowasi Island on the south Atlantic Ocean coast of Ghana. Stretching in a northwest-to-southeast direction, the Kwahu Plateau extends 193 kilometers between Koforidua in the east and Wenchi in the northwest. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? It also produced important leaders, including Kofi Annan, a secretary-general of the United Nations. Climate and vegetation. Vegetation in Africa term is any green plant of any family covering the surface of the earth or any green plant protruding beyond the earth crust. It is … The Ankobra River Basin and the middle and lower basins of the Tano River to the west of the lowlands form the largest subdivision of the Akan Lowlands. With a total area of 239,460 square kilometers, Ghana is about the size of the United Kingdom and slightly smaller than the state of Oregon in United States. /VCG Photo. Ghana boasts of having the largest open-air market in West Africa located in Kumasi where people go to buy clothes, fabric as well as garments. Ghana’s port city of Accra is the commercial hub of the country. Arms of the lake extended into the lower-lying areas, forcing the relocation of 78,000 people to newly created townships on the lake's higher banks. [2] South-west and south-central Ghana is made up of a forested plateau region consisting of the Ashanti uplands and the Kwahu Plateau. The park has very rich flora and fauna. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? A 24-meter pontoon was commissioned in 1989 to link the Afram Plains to the west of the lake with the lower Volta region to the east. Due to their large size they are considered an important source of protein in Ghana. Non … The most important of these are the Pra River, the Tano River, the Ankobra River, the Birim River, and the Densu River. First is the Sahel which has a hot and dry climate. Dense groves of coconut palms front the coastline. Despite the construction of roads to connect communities displaced by the lake, road transportation in the region remains poor. Several streams and rivers also dry up or experience reduced flow during the dry seasons of the year, while flooding during the rainy seasons is common. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Takoradi 3 (T3) Thermal Plant. There are also 90 mine support service firms and three hundred registered small-scale mining groups operating in Ghana. To the west of Accra, the low plains contain wider valleys and rounded low hills, with occasional rocky headlands. The Densu River Basin, location of the important urban centers of Koforidua and Nsawam in the eastern lowlands, has an undulating topography. Of this 8.0% ( 395,000 ) is classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse and carbon-dense form of forest. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. The largest group is the Asante (Ashanti), who today have over ten milllion people. which country does the White Nile join the Blue Nile join? ADM Company Ltd contact information; [8], Since the mid-1980s, when former United States President Jimmy Carter's Global 2000 program (see Glossary) adopted Ghana as one of a select number of African countries whose local farmers were to be educated and financially supported to improve agricultural production, there has been a dramatic increase in grain production in northern Ghana. The Volta Delta, which forms a distinct subregion of the low plains, extends into the Gulf of Guinea in the extreme southeast. 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