what causes water to rise near the equator?

Locations of all IODP Expedition 323 Sites are marked. Normally, warmer water is transported westward in the Pacific Ocean by the southeast trade winds until it accumulates near Indonesia. Thus, the first division begins at the animal pole and … Ocean water is usually saltiest near the surface. This heat warms the atmosphere making the air lighter still which then continues to rise into the atmosphere. Without the spin of the earth and the resulting Corioles force, hurricanes would not form. The cool air from the poles now moves and replaces warm air near the equator, to continue the cycle, forming large-scale convection cells on both sides of the equator. Others take colder water from the poles or the deep ocean and move it towards the equator, creating cooler coastal climates. Moisture is needed to form clouds and precipitation. C. Rain near the equator does not help affect the density of surface water there. Similarly, the sun’s relative position to the equator changes over the course of a year as the Earth rotates around it. Correct answers: 2 question: Which sentence best explains why ocean water near the equator is warmer than ocean water far from the equator? The answer is A. Sunlight hits directly so the warmth is more concentrated (Apex) 1. This causes a very slight gradient and water tends to flow down the slope. Solar radiation is often called “shortwave” radiation because the frequencies of the radiation are relatively high and the wavelengths relatively short—close to the … The ITCZ shifts between Northern and Southern hemispheres causing seasonal variations in pressure and hence precipitation. Earth’s temperature depends on how much sunlight the land, oceans, and atmosphere absorb, and how much heat the planet radiates back to space. c. Salinity can also be affected by … The rotational force of the earth causes movement of ocean water near the equator in opposite direction to ‘the west to east rotation of the earth and thus equatorial currents are generated. b. Equatorial upwelling. What causes water to rise near the equator? Evaporation in the southern Atlantic Ocean is 143 cm (per year) at 10 0 S and only 43cm at 5 0 S.. The trade winds (which blow from east to west) push the hurricane toward the west—toward the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, or the southeastern coast of the U.S. As it condensates water droplets get bigger and heavier and are forced to fall. The currents flow because of differences in water density and move between the deep and surface ocean. On the other hand, sinking air creates high pressure at … The city has the third largest skyline in the U.S. with over 300 high-rises, 55 of which … What is the main idea of this text? (a) The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land (i) Water cycle (ii) Tides (iii) Ocean currents. The air that rises at the solar equator descends near 30 degrees N or S. Condensation has already removed much of its water as precipitation in the tropics, and its capaciaty to evaporate and hold water increases further as it sinks and warms. This rule states that in the 1st hour after low tide the water level will rise by 1/12 of the predicted tidal range in any given area. The changes in temperature makes the cold water sink and warm water rise, which moves water. The trade winds of the northern and southern hemispheres come together here, which leads to the development of frequent thunderstorms and heavy rain. An overview of current types, what causes them, how we measure them, and how they affect people's lives. Storms that form north of the equator spin counterclockwise. Lower density causes the air to rise. A. At the top of the troposphere this air spreads toward the poles. This deep water moves south, between the continents, past the equator, and down to the ends of Africa and South America. An accumulation of calcium carbonate at or near the soil surface. As it moves toward the equator, the cold water from the poles pushes up the warmer water. The continual heating and rise of air at the equator create low pressure there, which causes air to move (wind) towards the equator to take the place of the air that rises. 1. 4 Subsurface ocean currents continually circulate from the warm waters near the equator to the colder waters in other parts of the world. What does this example best show? We often get asked how El Niño or La Niña events form and increase in strength. As a result, the fresh water falling into the ocean helps decrease the salinity of the surface water in that region. As air is forced to rise over a piece of land (e.g., a mountain) the temperature decreases and condensation increases. The bottom of the image shows the latitude—the approximate distance from the equator—of each jet stream's average position. This caused the middle spot to rise up and have low pressure. Differences in temperature and salt content of the water cause some areas of water to sink and some areas of water to rise. ... an increase in greenhouse gases causes the temperature to rise, which can result in … Larger climate shifts have catalyzed the rise and fall of whole societies. What effect will the ocean have on the climate of town X? This is known as its declination. Countries to the north of the Equator (at a latitude of approximately 30°) have physical water scarcity. The whole system of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the ocean's heat and water evaporating from the surface. As the warm air continues to rise, the surrounding air swirls in to take its place. Both the atmosphere and the oceans transport heat from low latitudes near the equator to high latitudes near the poles. For this reason, the air around this area is warm. Likewise, the rotation of the earth gives rise to an effect that tends to accelerate draining water in a clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern." The passage of a Kelvin wave along the coast causes sea level to rise by an amount equal to the height of the wave. D It could cause an increase in the freshwater supply. The heat warms the air and causes some ocean water to evaporate, meaning air in the doldrums becomes warm and moist. Surface currents are paths of flowing water found near the surface of the ocean. As warm, moist air converges at lower altitudes near the equator, it rises and cools and therefore can hold less moisture. Describe how surface currents form and how they affect the world’s climate. Town X is in a coastal area near the equator. The two tidal bulges track the changes in lunar declination, also increasing or decreasing their angles to the equator. The daily range of temperature of surface water of the oceans is almost insignificant as it is around 1°C only. B an increase in temperature near the equator C more earthquakes near the equator and fewer at the poles D a larger-than-normal height difference between low tide and high tide ... B It can cause pollution of water in lakes and rivers. The average surface temperature of Earth is maintained by a balance of various forms of solar and terrestrial radiation. On the other hand, sinking air creates high pressure at the surface where it descends. This cold, salty water near the poles (primarily in the North Atlantic and near Antarctica) sinks and spreads along the bottom and eventually rises back towards the surface of the ocean. This can cause heavy snowfalls in the winter. The tidal range of a particular location is dependent less on it position north/south of the equator than on other physical factors in the area; topography, water depth, shoreline configuration, size of the ocean basin, and others. The Hadley cell, named after George Hadley, is a global scale tropical atmospheric circulation that features air rising near the Equator, flowing poleward at a height of 10 to 15 kilometers above the earth's surface, descending in the subtropics, and then returning equatorward near the surface. In the process of condensation, heat is released. D. Rain near the equator helps to remove the density of surface water there. On an average, the maximum and minimum temperatures of sea surface water are re­corded at 2 P.M. and 5 A.M. respectively. The continual heating and rise of air at the equator create low pressure there, which causes air to move (wind) towards the equator to take the place of the air that rises. As latitude increases and the speed of the Earth's rotation decreases, the Coriolis effect increases . ... And as climate change causes temperatures to rise… OCEAN CURRENTS Surface currents can have a big effect on a region’s climate. b. deep-sea vents pump steam into the conveyor belt near the equator. (Warmer water causes the air above the ocean's surface to warm and rise, leaving an area of lower pressure. Thus air at the equator is heated reducing its the density. And so we tend to see the sinking water at the poles, the water rising back up at the equator, and if you connect the two together, what you have is … near the Equator), the only significant atmospheric forces in play are the pressure gradient force (the pressure difference that causes winds to blow from high to low pressure) and a smaller friction force; these two alone would not cause the large-scale rotation required for tropical cyclogenesis. An increase in evaporation near the equator would most likely cause: increased precipitation at the ITCZ The high heat capacity of water causes what effect when combined with ocean circulation? What is the main cause of ... B It could cause a decrease in the water levels. Countries along the Equator have enough water. Warm, moist air rises here, which causes high levels of rainfall. Countries to the north of the Equator (at a latitude of approximately 30°) have physical water scarcity. This is when there isn’t enough rainfall. Cooler, dry air falls here and so it is very arid. The humid air becomes cooler as it descends the leeward slope, causing water vapors to condense as rain. Cold-water currents occur as the cold water at the poles sinks and slowly moves toward the equator. deep water warms as it moves towards the equator, which becomes less dense and rises to the surface 4. This fact sheet describes the net flow of energy through different parts of the Earth system, and explains how the planetary energy budget stays in balance. C. Seasonal winds push warm water away from the coasts. Currents: water masses in motion. So, in general, rainfall amounts increase near the equator, and as you travel westward across the Pacific. But a new study shows that climate change could cause ocean currents to operate in a surprising way and mitigate the warming near a handful of islands right on the equator. As water vapor (water in the gaseous state) rises, it cools. Cold water currents move from the poles to the equator. 5. (b) Generally the warm ocean currents originate near (i) Poles (ii) the Equator (iii) None of these. Currents: water masses in motion. The Hadley cell causes air to rise near the equator, and the Walker cell results in air rising over the western Pacific Ocean. The areas close to the equator, experience high temperatures all year around. On an island near the equator, the sun's energy causes ocean water to evaporate during the day. Some changes in terrestrial water … Miami (/ m aɪ ˈ æ m i /), officially the City of Miami, is a coastal metropolis located in southeastern Florida in the United States.It is the third most populous metropolis on the East coast of the United States, and it is the seventh largest in the country. If the air near ground level is too warm, the snow will melt on its way down, changing to rain or freezing rain. 3. (A) In this plan view of the ocean from 5 degrees S to 5 degrees N, the trade winds of the two hemispheres are shown to converge near the equator. Water returns to the surface as rain. D. Sunlight hits at an angle so the warmth is spread over a wider area. This pumping of surface water into the deep ocean forces the deep water to move horizontally until it can find areas where it can rise back to the surface. The tropical water at the equator is renowned for having the richest diversity of marine life on Earth, with vibrant coral reefs and large aggregations of …

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