what is another name for the outer planets

... Could we communicate with another planet? Outer Planets and Ocean Worlds Program. In our Solar System, astronomers often divide the planets into two groups — the inner planets and the outer planets. It is where everything (all of the planets , stars , galaxies and other objects) is found. The outer planets are also called the Jovian planets … Difference Between Inner and Outer Planets. The actual process of naming new planets, however, is … world. Pluto's mass is 0. The inner, rocky planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. … The name “Epsilon Eridani” stands for the parent star, or their “sun,” and it has two probable planets orbiting it: one confirmed (Epsilon Eridani b) another yet unconfirmed (Epsilon Eridani c), making it the closest planetary system at just over 10 light years from the solar system. The 10 Strange and Mysterious Planets in The Known Universe. 30. 10. Another name for them is the Outer Planets, because of their great distances from each other and the Sun. intergalactic adjective. The discovery of 139 new minor planets in the outer solar system, and especially the new method used to find them, might eventually help astronomers determine whether Planet Nine … In contrast to the inner planets, the outer planets contain warmer atmospheres as they were formed from gases and liquids. The part of the Earth and its atmosphere capable of supporting life. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called "gas giants" because they are mostly made of gases and are very big. Gas giants are large planets that contain more than 10 times the mass of Earth, they are also known as the Jovian or Outer Planets. A new moon only 12 miles in diameter was discovered in 1990 circling the planet Saturn. But rockabilly, not avant-garde or space jazz, was the stylistic choice of the former group. The outer planets are the planets that are the farthest from the sun. The four gas giants in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. This isn't just any cosmic name. The first is about 2.5 times as big around as Earth, the second about 1.7 times. Planets in the Solar System. ... region between the inner and outer planets where thousands of asteroids are found orbitting around the sun. Wolf 1061 and its orbiting planets. all of the below. The Inner planets orbit the Sun quickly, while the Outer orbit slowly. Jupiter is a giant gas planet with an outer atmosphere that is mostly hydrogen and helium with small amounts of water droplets, ice crystals, ammonia crystals, and other elements. The surface of the Inner planets is very different from those of the Outer planets because, Earth compared to Uranus is completely different due to Uranus being mostly made out of gas. Also keep in mind signs in outer planets are not as impactful individually like a social or personal planet but rather affect generationally and are more significant in a house or through aspects to social/personal planets. By size, the four giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. … This is why years are different for the Inner and Outer planets. The density of materials results in a wide size gap, with the less dense outer planets being much larger. Mercury. Planet Osiris. In many… Welcome to Out of This World Tours! Naturally, its temperature is extremely high: about 1832°F. There are four more planets in our solar system called the outer planets. Beyond Neptune, a newer class of smaller worlds called dwarf planets reign, including longtime favorite Pluto. The table below shows the eight planets and the average distance between them. We know that stars and planets outside our solar system exist, and these, too, were created for the glory of God. Wind is the name of the game on Neptune. The Voyager mission was designed to take advantage of a rare geometric arrangement of the outer planets in the late 1970s and the 1980s which allowed for a four-planet tour for a minimum of propellant and trip time. a technical name for the asteroid belt a region of the solar system beginning just beyond the orbit of Neptune that contains many icy comets the most prominent ring of Saturn that is visible in photographs TGIF!!! The Turtles must save the Earth from a massive energy drain and its Apocalyptic result by traveling to another planet where turtles are the dominant species. extraterrestrial adjective. Well, we can’t help you with the space pants but maybe these planets in Chinese and space in Chinese terminology can help you. Here is the story. Need synonyms for inner planet? Planets orbiting these stars would be older and allow time for life to reach the complexity we have on Earth. So there are eight planets in all. Initially, the names given to minor planets followed the same pattern as the other planets: names from Greek or Roman myths, with a preference for female names. Their compositions are mostly gases, such as hydrogen, and small amounts of rocky material (mostly at their cores). The planets are all rotating around their own axis, as they revolve around the Sun. relating to a galaxy. The largest asteroid, next largest are … The Cassini spacecraft recently discovered that Enceladus, one of Saturn's medium-sized moons, is providing new material to Saturn's E-ring. Heavy metals of iron and nickel form the many layers of most inner planets. Every planet, except for Earth, was named for an ancient Roman god or goddess. The four large planets residing in the outer part of the solar system beyond the asteroid belt are called the outer planets. The outer planets are further away, larger and made up mostly of gas. Separated by the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, they’re on the other side of it than the inner planets. relating to the planets, stars, space, and the universe in general. Mars is named after the Roman god of war. Saturn is also a giant gas planet with an outer atmosphere that is mostly hydrogen and helium. The Outer Worlds is a single-player sci-fi role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Private Division. Renaming Pluto. By comparison, Venus takes 243.018 days to complete one rotation. The gas giant planets in our Solar System. Venus. Major planet. Another brain takes over the man’s dog in an attempt to prevent it. With the discovery in 1898 of the first body found to cross the orbit of Mars, a different choice was deemed appropriate, and 433 Eros was chosen. is morning star or evening star. Messages to and from Outer Space. heavenly adjective. If the person on next to me on a long airplane flight ever finds out that I am an astrophysicist, nine times out of ten they ask, with wide eyes, about life in the universe. Between the inner and outer planets is an asteroid belt. The nature of the planets and the fact that the Earth was one of them wasn't fully realized until the Copernican revolution, but the fact that they existed, whatever their nature, was known since antiquity. Dwarf planet is a new class of astronomical objects. The mystery remains as to how Lowell was able to predict the orbit so accurately and the mystery also remains as to why the outer planets … Their thick outer layers are gases and have liquid interiors. Another difference is that Outer planets have rings, and Inner planets do not. The discovery of Kepler-186f confirms that planets the size of Earth exist in the habitable zone of stars other than our sun. Outer planets have atmosphere which largely consist of lighter gases like helium, ammonia and hydrogen. It may take between 10,000 an… Nicknames for the eight planets in the solar system are Swift Planet for Mercury, Morning Star and Evening Star for Venus, Blue Planet for Earth, Red Planet for Mars, Giant Planet for Jupiter, Ringed Planet for Saturn, Ice Giant for Uranus and Big Blue Planet for Neptune. Most planets discovered outside our system have a composition similar to that of the outer planets. QUIZ TIME – At the end of the article we’ve got a little quick-fire quiz you can take to test how well you know the planets… Details: The new planets are called K2-293b and K2-294b. Their names are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Their compositions are mostly gases, such as hydrogen, and small amounts of rocky material (mostly at their cores). 4 Outer Planets. The inner planets are closer to the Sun and are smaller and rockier. Four Giants and a Dwarf. An 1896 newspaper article titled "A Signal from Mars" offered one example of how we might receive communications from the planet. For example, Venus ' average density is 5.24g/cm3 as opposed to Neptune which is 1.33g/cm3. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. (a) What do the vesicular basalts tell us about the evolution of the lunar surface? This page shows the names of all the planets and also the names of the currently known moons. "The possibility of a new planet is certainly an exciting one for me as a planetary scientist and for all of us," said Jim Green, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division. Outer Worlds Locations. This post could also be titled: How blogging and social media help make science happen. Mercury and Venus (the inner planets) have smaller orbits than the Earth, while Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (the outer planets) have larger orbits. The solar system is a system of eight planets, moons, asteroids and other celestial bodies orbiting the sun.Beyond our solar system, thousands of exoplanets orbiting their host stars have been discovered. This subject is covered in Science at school. The outer planets, except for Pluto, are composed of gas. My name is Star. globe. There are approximately 200 billion stars within our galaxy. To qualify as a giant, a planet must be greater than 48,000 km. The zodiac signs give them color and nuance, spelling out how the planets will be expressed in the different sections, or houses, of the chart. As it turns out, both Jupiter and Saturn will be in retrograde motion at the start of the semester, and both will have turned around and gone back to normal motion by the end of the semester. February 01, 2013. galactic adjective. The Discovery of Uranus Prior to the late 1700's, no planet had been "discovered". •. The outer planets are large gas giants. In this artist’s concept, Pluto and its moon Charon are seen from the surface of one of Pluto’s other satellites. It was Saturn's 18th and most distant moon. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. An environment wherein one is immersed with little regard for what is external to it. Mercury and Venus come close, but no cigar. These planets are also called From bottom to top: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Saying the names in order over and over is another way to use repetition to remember the order. The discussion primarily centers around the spectrum of different experiences that accompany aspects between the inner planet Venus and the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in a birth chart, although it can also be used as an access point for understanding the meaning of the outer planets in other contexts as well. Clouds of these elements create shades of white, orange, brown and red. Repetition Listen to an audio recording of yourself saying the planets. Explain to them that some planets are made of rocks, and some are made of gases. Neptune has a thick atmosphere and is covered by constantly changing clouds that whip around the planet. This is a really fun, hands on unit to help kids learn while having fun. Like the inner planets, outer planets vary in size. (What are 2 major differences in the composition of the inner and outer planets) 1 : They have more mass, and have more gravity to hold for their atmospheres. The tremendous pressure from the weight of Earth's outer layers keeps the outer core liquid and the inner core solid. The Brother From Another Planet (1984). Players can also explore space stations. Sick and tired kiddos do not make for a happy class. Jupiter is the fifth closest planet to the Sun and is the first of what are called the outer planets (being outside the asteroid belt). The Romans were not the only society to associate the planet with bloodshed. The term Jovian is derived from Jupiter, the largest of the Outer Planets and the first to be observed using a telescope – by Galileo Galilei in 1610. We are continuing on in our solar system unit . Jupiter, for example, has a the fastest rotation speed of all the planets and takes just 9.92496 Earth hours to complete a full rotation on its axis. It is just another name for the greenhouse effect. There is a huge amount of different in the distances between the planets depending on their position on their orbit path. In terms of size, Saturn, with a diameter of 120,000km is not a world away from Jupiter, with a … Other civilizations have given different names to Saturn, which is the farthest planet from Earth that can be observed by the naked human eye. The outer planets are also referred to as Gas giants or Jovian planets. The outer planets include Many people are auditory … K2-293b orbits a star about 1,300 light years away, K2-294b orbits a star a little over 1,200 light years distant. The probabilities of having life on other planets doesn't change based on the number of exo-planets that are discovered. terrestrial planet. We are continuing on in our solar system unit . The sun rests at the center of our solar system. In addition, ice and gas are also far less dense than the rock and metal that make up the inner planets. A constantly expanding universe is yet another conjecture that has yet to be proven. Many believe that ancient peoples associated Mars with bloodshed and war because of its red color. Similar Asks. The outer planets are gas giants Jupiter and Saturn and ice giants Uranus and Neptune. The inner planets were constantly bombarded by asteroids and meteorites during their first 600 million years in existence. I have recently had the occasion to further consider the Outer Planets, and some of the pseudomythos that has arisen surrounding them. Both have multiple towns in to explore, with numerous named NPCs to talk to and get quests from. The outer solar system, where Pluto resides, is the new frontier for exploration. But they have also raised more questions. As far as life on other planets goes, Venus is one of the most inhospitable planets in the solar system. Some of the planets have naturally occurring satellites, or moons, while others do not. Both Bran and Tuiren are names from … Caltech researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Nine," could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbit about 20 times farther from the Sun on average than Neptune. Planets are large natural objects that orbit, or travel around, stars. Our Sun can be seen in the distance. Any of the four planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, whose orbits lie outside that of Mars. The outer planets are large gas giants. Gas giants are large planets that contain more than 10 times the mass of Earth, they are also known as the Jovian or Outer Planets. Of these, the planets Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have significant … literary relating to the sky, moon, stars etc. The four planets closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. With the discovery in 1898 of the first body found to cross the orbit of Mars, a different choice was deemed appropriate, and 433 Eros was chosen. Uranus and Neptune are the outer ice giants. The biggest planet (Jupiter), Planet with large orbiting rings (Saturn),and planet with least density (Saturn) are in the outer planets. The Inner have small amounts of moons, while the Outer have many moons. The four large planets residing in the outer part of the solar system beyond the asteroid belt are called the outer planets. These planets are also called Jovian planets after Jupiter. They are substantially large and each planet has a somewhat different composition. All the outer planets have thick atmospheres. Live. The Planets In Astrology The planets are the most important part of an astrological chart. The 4 inner planets are the closest to the Sun, and the outer planets are the other four – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. A while back, I wrote an article about a theory that the Outer Planets represented the three poisons of the modern world, atomization, deracination, and deformation. inner planet. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It is just another name for the greenhouse effect. On the other hand the inner planets consists of silicate rocks and metals. The gas giants are Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Coined by the science fiction writer, James Blish, this is another term used to describe the 4 outermost planets in the Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Director: John Sayles. The planet itself is a massive gas giant located in the star system of the same name, which is a binary star system in the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim Territories. An outer planet always has one stationary point before opposition, and another stationary point after opposition. Mars. We are learning new information every year. Without the planets, a birth chart is meaningless. This is why years are different for the Inner and Outer planets. "This is not, however, the detection or discovery of a new planet. Most of its satellites were named for Titans who, according to Greek mythology, were brothers and sisters of … Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. There's No Place Like Space: Outer Space Adventures & Friday Freebie. It is by far the largest planet in the solar system having two and a half times as much mass as all the other planets put together and one thousandth the mass of the Sun. Another difference is that Outer planets have rings, and Inner planets do not. Lastly, All eight planets can be see through the use of an inexpensive amateur telescope or binoculars. The outer planets are also known as giant planets , since their size is much larger than that of the inner planets. The Brother From Another Planet (1984). Jupiter: ... but optimistic scientists even gave it a name: Peggy. Planet of the Turtles is a season 4 episode of the 1987-1996 series. ... (ripples < 1 mm), Nature News announced at about the same time that ripples (< 2 cm) were possibly found on Punga Mare, another … Major planet. Feb 17, 2021. Here are recent examples that discuss the outer planets. Jupiter, for example, is so much larger than Earth that all of the other planets could fit inside of Jupiter. The outer planets are known as Jovian or gas giants. The planets and the solar system were formed from a huge cloud of gases and dust particles left over when a massive star exploded as a supernova. . The habitable zone is shaded green. Plot: A giant brain from outer space takes over a man’s body in an attempt to conquer the world. B & W. 70 minutes. Planet Gravity (m/s2) Earth 9.8 Mercury 3.7 Neptune 11.2 Uranus 8.9 A person would have a different weight on each planet. With the exception of Uranus and Neptune, each of these planets can be seen unaided. It also lists the names and locations of each Planet and Satellite discoverer (if known) and provides the meaning/derivation for each name. Venus. Neptune. The four outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — are all gas giants made mostly of hydrogen and helium. The planets are divided into inner and outer planets. Content from Kopernicus, like the celestial bodies should be named like the official naming ingame. I absolutely adored seeing my kiddos learn about space, but this week was a toughie. Shortly after the announcement of the TRAPPIST-1 system, NASA crowdsourced its Twitter followers for possible planet names. the Earth is considered one of the smaller planets in our solar system. OUTER LAYER 'OUTER LAYER' is a 10 letter phrase starting with O and ending with R Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for OUTER LAYER We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word outer layer will help you to finish your crossword today. Inner and outer planets of the solar system: characteristics and differences. In the Solar System, the inner planets are those that are located closer to the Sun, while the outer planets are those that are further away from it. The inner planets are Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury, and the outer planets are Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus. It seems counter intuitive, but it makes no bearing on how many coins you toss in the air, at every toss there is a 50-50 chance of hitting heads or tails, regardless of whether or not this is your first toss, or millionth toss. In the previous section, we discussed the formation of a star via the collapse of a big cloud of gas.It is worth noticing that the eight planets in our solar system make up two different groups; the four planets closest to the Sun make up the rocky terrestrial planets and the four planets farthest from the Sun make up the gaseous jovian planets. These four planets are known as the 'Gas Giant' planets. Initially, the names given to minor planets followed the same pattern as the other planets: names from Greek or Roman myths, with a preference for female names. But just getting it onto the surface of Mars will take a whole lot of ingenuity.. NASA ’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter will travel with the Perseverance rover through 314 million miles (505 million kilometers) of interplanetary space to get to Mars. All eight planets orbit the Sun in their own unique way. The outer planets are fluid to the core and the inner ones are smaller. A celestial body orbiting a star. The planet, named "Kepler-186f" orbits an M dwarf, or red dwarf, a class of stars that makes up 70 percent of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. These Outer planets for kids are gaseous planets we know as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Three more differences: Earth is denser than all other planets. • The outer planets are much farther away from the Sun—and from one another. All of the outer planets have lots of moons, as well as planetary rings made of dust and other particles. earth. Planet Facts. In order from the closest to the Sun, these planets are Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , and Neptune . 4 Outer Planets. Names of all the Planets of the Solar System. That's why they are called as gas giants. Planet Nine was conjectured … How might we look for signals and messages from other worlds? The reason why the two planets are the same temperature at such different distances from the Sun is still a mystery. A star forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud , perhaps the closest galaxy to Earth's Milky Way The gas giants of our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. relating to things that exist on planets other than Earth. 2 : Their more farther from the Sun. These planets are much larger than the inner planets and are made primarily of gases and liquids, so they are also called gas giants. The AU column is the distance in astronomical units. This is a really fun, hands on unit to help kids learn while having fun. B & W. 70 minutes. Editor's note: This essay first appeared in 2003 in NASA's Astrobiology magazine. If a body of a mod gets renamed, like Polta (previously Hull-mounted Clamp-O-Tron ), the old name redirect to the current name. The outer planet consists of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. A celestial body orbiting a star. They are mostly solid and composed of rock rather than gas. Answers: 1 on a question: PLEASE HELP This table shows the acceleration due to gravity on four planets. From left to right, the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Uranus is the only planet with a name derived from a Greek deity, rather than a Roman one. They are much larger in size than the inner planets and are primarily composed of gases that surround a liquid metal core. 1 AU is the distance from the Sun to Earth, which is 149,600,000 km. They have large systems of satellites (like mini solar systems) and ring systems, that of Saturn being particularly spectacular. The new planet, which is yet to be formally named, is at least as big as Pluto and about three times farther away from the Sun than Pluto. The largest moon of the planet is where most of the latter half of Return of the Jedi is set, and it’s the largest of the planets nine moons. These planets, in order … In the outer solar system, gases dominate the two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, hence their nickname “gas giants.”. Magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), silicon (Si) 0.3. You just clipped your first slide! Does venus have water. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. The eight planets in our Solar System are divided into two groups - the inner planets and the outer planets. What is the difference … Our Sun can be seen in the distance. Earth has a predominantly nitrogen atmosphere. Of the eight official planets, this leaves Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars which are known as small planets. HD 209458 b, located 150 light years away from planet Earth, in the Pegasus constellation, and is the first exoplanet to be discovered in transit of its orbiting star.It is 30% larger than Jupiter, while its orbit is 1/8th of Mercury distance from Sun. It's too early to say with certainty there's a so-called Planet X. How is the planet Mercury different than Earth's moon? From left to right, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Kids Outer Space Bedroom Ideas: An outer space bedroom is the perfect choice for boys who love planets, rockets, galaxies and all things related to outer space.There are many options available to assist in creating an outer space theme room. The largest Planet in the Solar System. Plan 9 from outer space is a 1959 horror movie (trailer here) whose production was the focus of the 1994 movie Ed Wood.Adapted from the theatrical release poster by Tom Jung, photoshopped by Franck Selsis with input from Stephen Kane).. Today's unique tour of the solar system includes breathtaking views of the four outer planets… Arrange the planets in increasing order based on a person's weight on the planet. The Inner planets orbit the Sun quickly, while the Outer orbit slowly. The outer planet consists of gases like hydrogen and helium. There's two main planets in The Outer Worlds; Terra-2 and Monarch. Kopernicus specific content. Chinese characters. Our solar system has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter Jupiter and Saturn are the outer gas giants. “Microbes could potentially move from one planet to another, from Mars to Earth, from Earth to Venus.” (You may recognize Loeb’s name from … Director: John Sayles. Orbiting around the sun are eight planets, which are divided into two categories: the inner planets and the outer planets. Simulated size of newly named exoplanet HAT-P-36b, now named Bran. Say the names in a chant. The outer planets are also called Jovian planets or gas giants. These planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These outer planets are gaseous with no solid surfaces and only liquid cores. Of course, the inner planets have shorter orbits around the Sun, and they all spin more slowly. Take a tour of the four inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Outer Planets. Our solar system is located on one of the outer arms, called the Orion arm, of the Milky Way Galaxy. (a) What do the vesicular basalts tell us about the evolution of the lunar surface? The successful Galileo and Cassini missions to Jupiter and Saturn greatly deepened our understanding of those giant planets and their intriguing moons. The second planet in the solar system, Venus is the brightest of the planets as observed Earth. The Halcyon System is comprised of two main planets and several moons and asteroids. Many of those worlds, such as Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Sedna, have been deemed dwarf planets as well. They include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. This article can be found here. Vocabulary Words Inner Planets Outer Planets Start the Class Review the order of the planets from the Sun with the students. But for some people, this is still an effective memorization method. Noun. What are the inner planets made of? all of the below. The E-ring is the largest planetary ring in the solar system, and seems to be continually replenished by geologic activity on Enceladus. These are the planets in the solar system.Each one of these planets has very different characteristics that make them unique. The gas drifted in space and it's thought that another supernova explosion nearby may have caused a pressure wave to pass through the cloud that caused clumping to occur. Uranus. It’s actually a system of planets, not unlike how we like to call our own solar system. For a long while, relatively little attention was paid in sf to the planets beyond Jupiter.Of them only Saturn was known to the ancients – Uranus was discovered in 1781, Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930 – and it is therefore the only outer planet featured in Athanasius Kircher's and Emanuel Swedenborg's interplanetary tours. The Nintendo Switch version was released on June 5, 2020. The moons of the outer planets are made of a mixture of ice and rock but our moon is made of only rock. In our solar system we have eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the inner rocky planets. The inner planets are all composed of "rock," just like the Earth. These planets are much larger than the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars). Orbit or revolution around the Sun to determine the length of one year. The term superior planet designates planets outside Earth's orbit and thus includes both the outer planets and Mars. Unlike the outer planets, which have many of satellites, Mercury and Venus do not have moons, Earth has one, and Mars has two. Jupiter is the very next planet after Mars. The two outer planets, Uranus and Neptune (I've dropped Pluto), were discovered much later than the five planets known in antiquity and bear names in Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese that are direct translations of the Western ones, namely: English.

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