learning to optimize

Regardless, their leaders remain humble about their improvement journeys. It stands in stark contrast to all that remains hidden in standard reports about mean differences among sub-groups and average trends. SSIR.org and/or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary In a world where new reform ideas typically just come and go, these organizations present six hopeful accounts of how teachers, administrators, and researchers can join together in new ways to make sustainable and meaningful improvements in students’ lives. We introduced a guide to … Algorithm design is a laborious process and often requires many iterations of ideation and validation. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Each offers a different window into living the improvement paradigm. First, an autonomous optimizer is trained on real algorithm execution data, whereas hand-engineered optimizers are typically derived by analyzing objective functions with properties that may or may not be satisfied by objective functions that arise in practice. At test time, it can then exploit this knowledge to perform optimization faster. Frank Hutter, Holger H Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. We evaluate the resulting autonomous algorithm on different objective functions drawn from the same distribution. 31. Your comment should inspire ideas to flow and help the author improves the paper. On the surface, the functioning of these data systems might seem mundane and uninteresting. Inferring algorithmic patterns with stack-augmented recurrent nets. On this optimization problem, both conjugate gradient and L-BFGS diverge quickly. The current approach to designing algorithms is a laborious process. We choose to parameterize the mean of π using a neural net, due to its appealing properties as a universal function approximator and strong empirical performance in a variety of applications. Here, Bryk summarizes the core principles of the improvement paradigm, as detailed in Learning to Improve, that guide productive change in individual organizations and across networked improvement communities. This examination of root causes leads us to the second principle: Attend to the variability in outcomes. {ke.li,malik}@eecs.berkeley.edu. Dougal Maclaurin, David Duvenaud, and Ryan P Adams. We note that soon after our paper appeared, (Andrychowicz et al., 2016) also independently proposed a similar idea. While it dominates gradient descent, conjugate gradient and L-BFGS at all times, it does not make progress as quickly as the momentum method initially. Today, substantially more students are now moving successfully through high school onto college, and the SDC process is moving out across the entirety of the New York City Public School System. Guided policy search [17] is a method for performing policy search in continuous state and action spaces under possibly unknown dynamics. Sequential model-based optimization for general algorithm Weiqiao Han, Sergey Levine, and Pieter Abbeel. We first learn an autonomous optimizer for logistic regression, which induces a convex loss function. Successes in initial projects to improve student progress through the college applications and financial aid processes and at reducing chronic absenteeism expanded interest among HTH educators to learn more. Sign up to hear from us. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine We consider a finite-horizon MDP with continuous state and action spaces defined by the tuple (S,A,p0,p,c,γ), where S is the set of states, A is the set of actions, p0:S→R+ is the probability density over initial states, p:S×A×S→R+ is the transition probability density, that is, the conditional probability density over successor states given the current state and action, c:S→R is a function that maps state to cost and γ∈(0,1] is the discount factor. We evaluate it on 100 randomly generated objective functions using the same metric as above. This line of work, known as “learning to learn” or “meta-learning” [1, 27, 5, 26], considers the problem of devising methods that can take advantage of knowledge learned on other related tasks to train faster, a problem that is today better known as multi-task learning and transfer learning. They now put a premium on learning fast in order to achieve better quality outcomes reliably at scale. Each of these six organizations has made real progress. AI-Based Visual Inspection For Defect Detection “Why should I care about a cool new technology until it’s solving any of my problems?” – this was the exact conversation I had with the executive of a water purification plant over a warm cup of coffee. In Project Paidia, we push the state of the art in reinforcement learning to enable new game experiences. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed method represents the first attempt to learn a better algorithm automatically. Organizations have started adopting different ways to make the learning process more efficient and consistent. Initially, we set the dimensions corresponding to historical information to zero. The application of bayesian methods for seeking the extremum. In addition, when presented with a new objective function, hyperparameter optimization needs to conduct multiple trials with different hyperparameter settings to find the optimal hyperparameters. Each narrative illustrates how a group of educators came to think about its change efforts in very different ways, and in the course of so doing, fundamentally changed the way that work was carried out in their respective organizations. Pay Online Now. Matthias Feurer, Jost Tobias Springenberg, and Frank Hutter. Initially, the iterate is some random point in the domain; in each iterati… Improving machine learning model performance will not only make the model predict in an unbiased manner but make it one of the most reliable and acceptable in the AI world. Optimize learning with these strategies Benedict Carey in his work, “How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens”, presents a number of techniques to learn better. The points from the same Gaussian are assigned the same random label of either 0 or 1. A new book by the president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching offers changemaking advice for teachers and educators. The proposed method, on the other hand, can search over the space of all possible optimization algorithms. We address these questions in a standard regulator environment. Discover. As concerns arise about some educational issue, educators typically move to draw on a standard set of solutions, such as adding a new curriculum, more professional development, hiring extra staff, or introducing a new service. Stop watching TV. Optimize Learning would like to announce a change in the management and delivery of our popular online workshops. This framework subsumes all existing optimization algorithms. While tallying up end-of-the year successes and failures might provide adequate accountability reports, they were inadequate to inform improvement. Current such “meta-optimizers” often learn in the space of continuous optimization algorithms that are point-based and uncertainty-unaware. The policy that is executed corresponds precisely to the choice of π used by the optimization algorithm. Advances in neural information processing systems. In this sense, their stories offer dynamic portraits of improvement in action. Two of the stories involve traditional school districts; two others are accounts of innovative charter management organizations; and two document the efforts of intermediate organizations working with large networks of schools. 20 memory steps to improve learning. Figures (b)b and (c)c show performance on objective functions from the test set. Ke Li   Jitendra Malik Our Experience. Improvement in Action: Advancing Quality in America’s Schools. This problem of finding the cost-minimizing policy is known as the policy search problem. However, don’t implement every machine learning insight without validating the insights. Hence, an autonomous optimizer minimizes the amount of a priori assumptions made about objective functions and can instead take full advantage of the information about the actual objective functions of interest. We hope autonomous optimizers learned using the proposed approach can be used to solve various common classes of optimization problems more quickly and help accelerate the pace of innovation in science and engineering. Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn, Trevor Darrell, and Pieter Abbeel. Learning to Optimize Non-Rigid Tracking Yang Li1,4 Aljaz Boˇ ziˇ ˇc4 Tianwei Zhang1 Yanli Ji1,2 Tatsuya Harada1,3 Matthias Nießner4 1The University of Tokyo, 2UESTC, 3RIKEN, 4Technical University Munich Abstract One of the widespread solutions for non-rigid tracking has a … Unlike Summit and High Tech High, Menomonee Falls’ transformation did not grow out of initially solving some discrete problems, but rather evolved through skillful executive leadership committed to an ambitious aim: the transformation of the whole district into a continuous improvement organization. As shown in Figure (a)a, the autonomous algorithm outperforms all hand-engineered algorithms except at early iterations. It works by alternating between computing a target distribution over trajectories that is encouraged to minimize cost and agree with the current policy and learning parameters of the policy in a standard supervised fashion so that sample trajectories from executing the policy are close to sample trajectories drawn from the target distribution. We show the performance of each algorithm on two objective functions from the test set in Figures (b)b and (c)c. In Figure (b)b, the autonomous algorithm converges faster than all other algorithms. Hence, each objective function in the training set corresponds to a logistic regression problem on a different dataset. They need more timely and finer-grained information that gets down into the actual work processes people enact and the prevailing norms that shape their work, for this is where the observed outcomes take root. As they say at Menomonee Falls: “This is just how we do our work here.”. Similarly, the following choice of π yields the gradient descent method with momentum: where γ again denotes the step size and α denotes the momentum decay factor. This problem-solving took them into thinking about data in new ways, creating new data tools and processes for their use, and putting in place the staffing and professional development supports necessary for practitioners to turn useable evidence into productive action. In support of this goal, literally every person—teachers, auxiliary staff, operations personnel, board members, the leadership team, and students—was trained in continuous improvement methods. Algorithm design is a laborious process and often requires many iterations of ideation and validation. Like Fresno’s leaders, New Visions focused on building good data systems and visualization tools to better see the problems needing address. Learning compound multi-step controllers under unknown dynamics. Finally, we learn an autonomous optimizer for a two-layer neural net classifier with ReLU activation units, whose error surface has even more complex geometry. Today, High Tech High operates multiple networked improvement communities across its system of schools. Algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization. Jonathan Baxter, Rich Caruana, Tom Mitchell, Lorien Y Pratt, Daniel L Silver, Learning contact-rich manipulation skills with guided policy search. Take a walk Studies show that even a short 20-minute walk, or any other sort of exercise for the same amount of time, helps boost the performance of your brain and improve your memory. The efforts of the improvement hub at NWP were akin to conducting a symphony—multiple parts, each needing to work well on its own and all needing to be orchestrated well together. Subsequent work proposes variants of this model that use different primitive memory access operations [14], more expressive operations [16, 28] or other non-differentiable operations [30, 29]. Learning simple algorithms from examples. Because each hyperparameter setting corresponds to a particular instantiation of an optimization algorithm, these methods can be viewed as a way to search over different instantiations of the same optimization algorithm. Interestingly, unlike in the previous experiment, L-BFGS no longer performs well, which could be caused by non-convexity of the objective functions. The coefficient on the regularizer increases gradually in later iterations of guided policy search. GitHub is where the world builds software. NIPS 1995 workshop on learning to learn: Knowledge consolidation Anthony S. Bryk is the president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In this paper, we explore automating algorithm design and present a method to learn an optimization algorithm, which we believe to be the first method that can automatically discover a better algorithm. We presented a method for learning a better optimization algorithm. Other applications include providing end-to-end shipment visibility and optimizing sequencing “so … We accept PayPal online for fees as a convenience to our clients. Addressing such concerns requires coordinated, collective action involving diverse sources of expertise from practitioners, researchers, designers and, depending on the problem, often families and students as well. The company is using artificial intelligence and machine-learning capabilities to analyze consumer demand and predict inventory for its retail customers. That is, where the expectation is taken with respect to the joint distribution over the sequence of states and actions, often referred to as a trajectory, which has the density. This encourages the policy to reach the minimum of the objective function as quickly as possible. We train an autonomous algorithm that learns to optimize objectives of this form. Performance on examples of objective functions from the test set is shown in Figures (b)b and (c)c. As shown, the autonomous optimizer is able to reach better optima than all other methods and largely avoids oscillations that other methods suffer from. Percy Liang, Michael I Jordan, and Dan Klein. Learning to Improve offers a new paradigm for research and development in education that promises to be a powerful driver of improvement for the nation's schools and colleges. The excerpt below is from the introduction of Improvement in Action. We demonstrated that the autonomous optimizer converges faster and/or reaches better optima than hand-engineered optimizers. We consider a two-layer neural net with ReLU activation on the hidden units and softmax activation on the output units. to its functioning and to our better understanding of user needs. Eric Brochu, Vlad M Cora, and Nando De Freitas. This requires moving beyond knowing that something can work on average to learning how to achieve improved outcomes reliably for different subgroups of students and their teachers, and in the many varied contexts in which they work. We learn autonomous optimization algorithms for various convex and non-convex classes of objective functions that correspond to loss functions for different machine learning models. Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2017 LEARNING TO OPTIMIZE Ke Li & Jitendra Malik Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley A different line of work, known as “programming by demonstration” [7], considers the problem of learning programs from examples of input and output. Since it is difficult to model general functionals, in practice, we restrict the dependence of π on the objective function f to objective values and gradients evaluated at current and past locations. We use the cross-entropy loss combined with ℓ2 regularization on the weights. A popular choice is the Geman-McClure estimator, which induces the following objective: where w∈Rd and b∈R denote the weight vector and bias respectively, xi∈Rd and yi∈R denote the feature vector and label of the ith instance and c∈R is a constant that modulates the shape of the loss function. They build mechanisms for consolidating emerging knowledge, making it quickly accessible to others, and they continue to learn from the variation that emerges as change ideas move out into other contexts. We find that conjugate gradient and L-BFGS diverge or oscillate in rare cases (on 6% of the objective functions in the test set), even though the autonomous algorithm, gradient descent and momentum do not. We can use reinforcement learning to learn the policy π. In Figure (a)a, we plot the mean margin of victory of each algorithm at each iteration averaged over all objective functions in the test set. To reflect performance of these baselines in the majority of cases, we exclude the offending objective functions when computing the mean margin of victory. And where these improvements are occurring, is there evidence that this is actually moving us toward the aims we seek?” The kind of causal thinking embedded here will often lead improvers to step back a bit to ask still other, more fundamental questions: “What assumptions might we need to revisit? The “secret sauce,” however, is not in the adoption of a principle here or there or the routine use of a particular tool or method but rather in engaging the improvement principles as a different way of thinking and acting in their work. In Figure (c)c, the autonomous algorithm initially converges faster than all other algorithms but is later overtaken by L-BFGS, while remaining faster than all other optimizers. Learning to Optimize Ke Li, Jitendra Malik Algorithm design is a laborious process and often requires many iterations of ideation and validation. Therefore, if we can learn π, we will be able to learn an optimization algorithm. Jonas Mockus, Vytautas Tiesis, and Antanas Zilinskas. We also regularize the entropy of the policy to encourage deterministic actions conditioned on the state. Learning an optimization algorithm then reduces to finding an optimal policy, which can be solved using any reinforcement learning method. Improvers, in contrast, embrace measurement (principle four). Figuring out how to actualize these aspirations—every day, for every student, and in every learning context—proved a huge challenge. The feedback is typically given in the form of a reward or cost, and the objective of the learner is to choose a sequence of actions based on observations of the current environment that maximizes cumulative reward or minimizes cumulative cost over all time steps. In Learning to Improve: How America’s Schools Get Better at Getting Better1, Anthony S. Bryk and his colleagues at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching articulated a set of principles, tools, and processes that educators might use to tackle longstanding inequities in educational outcomes.

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